

LGED SIRAJGANJ , District Scheme Details

Project Name

District Scheme Details

SL No. Package No. Package Name Project Name Upazila Name Road ID Length of Road (Km) Length of Bridge (M) Building Qauntity (No) Estimated Amount (Lac) Name of Contractor Contract Amount (Lac) Date of Contract Date of Commencement Date of Completion Physical Progress (%) Financial Progress (Amt) Financial Progress (%) Date of Progress Update Remarks
1 CIB-Sir-W-114 "Const. of 96m long PSC Girder Main Bridge and 88m Viaduct over Jamuna Branch river on Natuapara UP-Chargirish UP Roghunathpur Bazaar road at Ch.4000m under Kazipur Upazila, District: Sirajganj [Road ID: 188503017]. CIBRR kazipur Road ID: 188503017 96.00 75 0.00 MAE & MMT JV 1260.53 17/11/2020 01/12/2020 28/11/2024 90 1085.50 75 05/01/2025 WORKS ON GOING
2 CIB-Sir-W-31 Const. of 294m long PSC Girder Bridge over the river Fulzory at Ch. 250m on Barahar Up office-Tatulia Hat road under Ullahpara Upazilla District: Sirajganj CIBRR ullapara 188943012 294.00 100 3676.39 M.M. builders & Engineers Ltd. 4041.49 14/08/2018 21/08/2018 02/06/2022 100 3778.73 100 05/01/2025 Final bill paid
3 CRMIDP/SRG/W-119 Chandidasgiti Hat CRMIDP sirajganj-s 5 284.00 M/S Mirza construction 234.70 05/04/2021 09/04/2022 25 11.78 5 25/07/2022
4 CRMIDP/SRG/W-127 Gulta Hat CRMIDP tarash 75 216.00 M/S Plash Construction Bhabi Complex 58, S.S Road, Sirajganj 183.38 19/02/2020 30/08/2021 30/03/2022 80 136.75 75 25/07/2022
5 CRMIDP/SRG/W-128 Protap Hat CRMIDP ullapara 47 213.00 MNB & Mtmat-JV Patagram Road, Kazipur, Sirajganj 176.32 18/02/2020 30/08/2021 16/06/2022 50 82.99 47 25/07/2022
6 GPBRIDP/Rd-12 Improvement of Doulatpur GC-Balarampur GC via Dkukuriabara Bazar-Khamar Ullapara Bazar-Saguna Chowrasta bazar (Belkuchi part) (Ch. 2900-3900m) under Belkuchi Upazila (Road ID.188112009). GPBRIDP belkuchi 188112009 1.00 0.00 0 61.59 M/S. Zehad Enterprise, Gopalpur, Pabna. 58.51 01/01/1900 13/05/2018 19/10/2018 100 58.32 0 30/06/2020 F.B
7 GPBRIDP/Rd-14 Improvement of Deluakandi GCCR near Bridge to Uttar Chandangati mosque near pacca road via Hazi Qudratullah house-Deluakandi GPS road (Ch. 550-1250m) under Belkuchi Upazila (Road ID.188115260). GPBRIDP belkuchi 188115260 0.75 0.00 0 38.77 M/S. Akhi & BIthi Enterprise 34.90 01/01/1900 12/10/2017 31/03/2019 100 34.89 0 30/06/2020 F.B
8 GPBRIDP/Rd-16 Improvement of Dhulgagrakhali house of Mosharaf to house Hazi Razzak road (Ch. 00-600m) under Belkuchi Upazila (Road ID.188115140). GPBRIDP belkuchi 188115140 0.60 0.00 0 36.18 M/S. Farzana Enterprise 33.65 01/01/1900 01/11/2017 09/04/2018 100 33.60 0 30/06/2020 F.B
9 GPBRIDP/Rd-17 Improvement of daulatpur hat-Kalagachi Bridge road (Ch. 550-1250m) under Belkuchi Upazila (Road ID.188114008). GPBRIDP belkuchi 188114008 0.70 0.00 0 45.26 M/S. Mir Enterprise 40.81 01/01/1900 30/10/2017 14/05/2018 100 40.52 0 30/06/2020 F.B
10 GPBRIDP/WR-11 ( Part - A ) : Widening of Kuralia GPS - Shahid Monsur Ali Jame Mosque road at ( Ch. 00 - 300 m ) ( Road ID No.: 188784119 ) under sadar Upazila, Sirajganj. ( Part - B ) : Improvement of RCC road on Shamkishor High School - Mukul House Road at ( Ch. 00 GPBRIDP belkuchi   0.47 0.00 0 44.30 M/S. Bhuyan Enterprise, Barakandi,Rosulpur, Kamarkhand, Sirajganj 43.44 01/01/1900 18/10/2018 24/04/2019 100 43.09 0 30/06/2020 complete
11 GPBRIDP/MW-126 Maintenance work of Doulatpur GC-Balarampur GC via Dhukuriabera Bazar-Khamar Ullapara Bazar-Saguna Chowrasta (Belkuchi part) road at (Ch.6115-8300m) under Belkuchi Upazila, District: Sirajgonj (Road ID. 188112009). (Protective Work L=376.00m) GPBRIDP belkuchi 188112009 2.19 0.00 0 104.73 M/S. Ocean Enterprise, Station Road, Sirajganj 103.76 01/01/1900 09/06/2019 30/05/2020 50 74.92 0 30/06/2020  
12 GPBRIDP/BRG-2 Construction of 52m RCC Girder bridge on Baghutia UP office-Nagorpur Goyhatta GC road ch. 1785m under Chowhali Upazila, District: Sirajgonj.[ID No. 188273011] GPBRIDP chowhali 188273011 52.00 0 248.69 RAB-RC (PVT) LIMITED, 30A Naya Paltan, 9th Floor, Sattar Center, Dhaka-1000 223.82 01/01/1900 26/11/2017 04/12/2018 60 125.00 0 30/06/2020  
13 GPBRIDP/Rd-127 Improvement of Jotpara GC-Upazila road (Ch. 00 - 550m) under Chowhali Upazila Road ID: 188274020 GPBRIDP chowhali 188274020 0.55 0.00 0 34.79 S.M Rofiqul Islam, Char Raipur, Sirajgonj 36.17 01/01/1900 14/06/2018 19/12/2018 100 36.17 0 30/06/2020 F.B
14 GPBRIDP/Rd-491 Improvement of Kurki Zarman-Kurki East Border Road (Ch. 00 - 700m) under Chowhali Upazila Road ID: 188274023 GPBRIDP chowhali 188274023 0.70 0.00 0 49.95 M/S. Khan Traders, Tangail 51.32 01/01/1900 11/07/2018 30/03/2019 100 49.16 0 30/06/2020 F.B
15 GPBRIDP/Rd-126 Improvement of Kashkawlia UP office – Kodalia Hat via Azimuddin’s Mour Road (Ch. 3600 - 4420m) under Chowhali Upazila (Road ID.188273007). GPBRIDP chowhali 188273007 0.82 0.00 0 80.78 M/S. Fatema Enterprise 80.78 01/01/1900 25/02/2019 30/09/2019 100 80.78 0 30/06/2020 F.B
16 GPBRIDP/Rd-122 Improvement of Sayed Ganti – Dhogachi Road (Ch. 00 - 500m) under Kamarkhand Upazila (Road ID.188445004). GPBRIDP kamarkhand 188445004 0.50 0.00 0 32.16 Md.Abdul Alim 32.80 01/01/1900 12/04/2016 16/01/2017 100 32.79 0 30/06/2020 F.B
17 GPBRIDP/Rd-121 Improvement of Raydoulatpur UP Office (Rasulpur UZR) – Jatibari Hat Road (Ch. 1350 - 1908m) under Kamarkhand Upazila (Road ID.188444004). GPBRIDP kamarkhand 188444004 0.56 0.00 0 35.84 M/S. Masud Traders 32.16 01/01/1900 10/05/2016 14/01/2017 100 32.16 0 30/06/2020 F.B
18 GPBRIDP/Rd-120 Improvement of Bhadraghat UP (Dhogachi) – Kalibari Hat Road (Ch. 00 - 1000m) under Kamarkhand Upazila (Road ID.1884483008). GPBRIDP kamarkhand 188443008 1.00 0.00 0 61.68 M/S. Sadik Builders 59.83 01/01/1900 17/04/2016 15/06/2017 100 59.73 0 30/06/2020 F.B
19 GPBRIDP/Rd-119 Improvement of Jamtoil GC (Upazila H/Q)- Bhadraghat GC via Nandina Kamalia and Choigati Village road (Ch. 6759 - 7759m) under Kamarkhand Upazila (Road ID.18842008). GPBRIDP kamarkhand 188442008 1.00 0.00 0 57.68 M/S. Ocean Enterprise 56.13 01/01/1900 12/04/2016 19/04/2017 100 56.13 0 30/06/2020 F.B
20 GPBRIDP/Rd-123 Improvement of Jamtoil Konaibari – Jamtoil Ullapara UZR Road (Ch. 672 - 1172m) under Kamarkhnad Upazila (Road ID.188444015) GPBRIDP kamarkhand 188444015 0.50 0.00 0 30.06 M/S. NICE Construction 28.55 01/01/1900 17/04/2016 15/05/2017 100 28.55 0 30/06/2020 F.B
21 GPBRIDP/Rd-118 Jamtoil GC - Balorampur GC via Karnasuti Road (Ch.2793 - 4565m) under Kamarkhand Upazila (Road ID.1884482004) GPBRIDP kamarkhand 188442004 1.77 0.00 100 132.57 M/S. Zaidul Islam 121.27 01/01/1900 16/08/2016 30/08/2017 100 121.27 100 30/06/2020 F.B
22 GPBRIDP/Rd-125 Improvement of JB approach road (near NDP office) to Paikasha hat Road (Ch.1000 - 1500m) under Kamarkhand Upazila (Road ID.188444018) GPBRIDP kamarkhand 188444018 0.50 0.00 0 32.79 M/S. Him Shitol Construction 29.13 01/01/1900 14/08/2016 15/06/2017 100 29.12 0 30/06/2020 F.B
23 GPBRIDP/Rd-124 Improvement of Azom Pramanic House to Chala South Para new Jame Mosque Road (Chala village pucca road from Razzak’s Shop – Maddapara Abdul Mannan house road (Ch. 00 - 300m) under Kamarkhand Upazila (Road ID.188444015) GPBRIDP kamarkhand 188444015 0.30 0.00 0 23.94 M/S. Surge Trading 24.27 01/01/1900 05/12/2016 15/06/2017 100 24.25 0 30/06/2020 F.B
24 GPBRIDP/BRG-11 Construction of 96m long bridge on Char Tengrail Graveyard (at UZR) – Alokdiar Road over Hura Sagor river at Ch.1500m under Kamarkhand Upazila (Road ID.188444017). GPBRIDP kamarkhand 188444017 96.00 0 502.60 Mohammad Younus & Brothers(Prv) LTD 399.16 01/01/1900 09/01/2016 30/06/2019 100 389.29 0 30/06/2020 F.B
25 GPBRIDP/Rd-516 Improvement of Jayen Badrul GPS-Nayeb Ali Bridge Road Ch.00-620m under Kamarkhand Upazila District Sirajgonj. ID. No.188445046. GPBRIDP kamarkhand 188445046 0.62 0.00 0 44.47 M/S. Surge Trading 43.21 01/01/1900 08/03/2018 14/09/2018 100 42.47 0 30/06/2020 F.B
26 GPBRIDP/Rd-517 Improvement of Kamarkhand-Kadda RHD-Nandina Modhu Graveyeard-Bhahir char (Shahid Bir Muktizoddha Suruzzamman) road (Ch. 00-1225m) under Kamarkhand Upazila, District: Sirajgonj, ID. No.188444032. GPBRIDP kamarkhand 188444032 1.23 0.00 0 122.58 M/S. Rana & Co. 113.38 01/01/1900 08/03/2018 14/03/2019 100 108.11 0 30/06/2020 F.B
27 GPBRIDP/Rd-497 Improvement of Charkura CARE Road Char Bardul CARE Road via Pestok kura road (Ch. 00 - 1260m) under Kamarkhand Upazila GPBRIDP kamarkhand 18844 1.26 0.00 0 119.27 M/S. Sagor Construction 118.91 01/01/1900 01/04/2018 09/04/2019 100 116.79 0 30/06/2020 F.B
28 GPBRIDP/Rd-498 Improvement of Nandina Kamalia Hat (Majar) -Mugbeli NHW road (Ch. 2680 - 2970m) under Kamarkhand Upazila GPBRIDP kamarkhand 18844 0.29 0.00 0 34.87 M/S. Zaidul Islam 31.38 01/01/1900 29/03/2018 09/10/2018 60 13.81 0 30/06/2020  
29 GPBRIDP/Rd-499 Improvement of Nandina Kutipara via Bagbati road (Ch. 000 - 1552m) under Kamarkhand Upazila GPBRIDP kamarkhand 18844 1.55 0.00 0 101.93 M/S. Mim Construction 101.92 01/01/1900 02/04/2018 09/04/2019 100 101.51 0 30/06/2020 F.B
30 GPBRIDP/Rd-48 Improvement of Sonamukhi GC – Horinathpur GC via Charkadaho Road (Ch. 1500-2410m) under Kazipur Upazila (Road ID.188503005). GPBRIDP kazipur 188503005 0.91 0.00 100 53.40 M/S. Jarin Builders 52.18 01/01/1900 06/06/2016 14/06/2017 100 52.18 100 30/06/2020 F.B
31 GPBRIDP/Rd-56 Improvement of Pangachi – Dakhin-Paikpara - RHD Road (Ch. 1100 - 1600m) under Kazipur Upazila (Road ID.188504009). GPBRIDP kazipur 188504009 0.50 0.00 0 30.67 M/S. Talukder Brothers 29.42 01/01/1900 01/06/2016 20/06/2017 100 29.40 0 30/06/2020 F.B
32 GPBRIDP/Rd-72 Improvement of Maizbari UP Office – Paranpur hat to H/O Shawket Hossain at village Beltoli (Ch. 00 - 525m) under Kazipur Upazila (Road ID.188505076). GPBRIDP kazipur 188505076 0.53 0.00 0 76.96 M/S. Md. Showkat Hossain 76.00 01/01/1900 19/04/2016 25/04/2017 100 75.73 0 30/06/2020 F.B
33 GPBRIDP/Rd-44 Improvement of Kunkunia RHD – Kaliakapur GC via Mathail Chapor Road (Ch.2055 – 3270m) under Kazipur Upazila (Road ID.188502007). GPBRIDP kazipur 188502007 1.22 0.00 0 109.03 M/S,. Sumi Enterprise 97.44 01/01/1900 30/11/2016 07/12/2017 100 97.15 0 30/06/2020 F.B
34 GPBRIDP/Rd-45 Improvement of Vanudanga GC – Chalitadanga RHD via Hazrahati Road (Ch. 00 - 2400m) under Kazipur Upazila (Road ID.188502010). GPBRIDP kazipur 188502010 2.41 0.00 100 179.95 M/S Mim Enterprise 168.11 01/01/1900 06/12/2016 07/12/2017 100 168.11 100 30/06/2020 F.B
35 GPBRIDP/Rd-46 Improvement of Sonamukhi GC – Bhanudanga GC Road (Ch.2644 – 3361m) under Kazipur Upazila (Road ID.188502008). GPBRIDP kazipur 188502008 0.72 0.00 0 53.73 M/S. Zinna Enterprise 52.66 01/01/1900 06/05/2016 10/05/2017 100 52.61 0 30/06/2020 F.B
36 GPBRIDP/Rd-47 Improvement of Chargrish UP – Chinna via Maznabari Hat Road (Ch. 10230 - 11545m) under Kazipur Upazila (Road ID.188503004). GPBRIDP kazipur 188503004 1.32 0.00 0 70.32 M/S. Liton Enterprise 61.18 01/01/1900 24/04/2016 09/05/2017 100 50.38 0 30/06/2020 F.B
37 GPBRIDP/Rd-54 Improvement of Natunpara UP– Chargirish UP via Raghunathpur Bazar Road (Ch.1000 – 1500m) under Kazipur Upazila (Road ID.188503017). GPBRIDP kazipur 188503017 0.50 0.00 0 50.04 M/S. Mollah Enterprise 49.81 01/01/1900 08/05/2016 09/05/2017 100 49.80 0 30/06/2020 F.B
38 GPBRIDP/Rd-55 Improvement of Char Dorata Clinic More - Nischintopur High School Road (Ch. 00 - 500m) under Kazipur Upazila (Road ID.188504040) GPBRIDP kazipur 188504040 0.50 0.00 100 54.42 M/S. Ocean Enterprise 57.00 01/01/1900 20/04/2016 05/05/2017 100 57.00 100 30/06/2020 F.B
39 GPBRIDP/BRG-6 Construction of 2 vent of 2 X 4m X 4m RCC Box culvert on Shalgram Bridge - Adra Road at Ch. - 40.754 m under Kazipur Upazila District Sirajganj. ID No. - 188504339 GPBRIDP kazipur 188504339 8.00 0 33.11 Md. Rafiqul Islam Khan, 29.80 01/01/1900 18/06/2017 30/05/2018 100 29.80 0 30/06/2020 F.B
40 GPBRIDP/BRG-5 A) Construction of 60.00 m RCC bridge on Shalgram Bazar - Ghoramara Bazar road at Ch. 1000 m under Kazipur Upazila District : Sirajganj [ ID No. - 188505082] GPBRIDP kazipur 188505082 60.00 0 364.43 Mir Habibul Alam, Uttar Borgacha, Natore. 326.35 01/01/1900 03/07/2017 27/03/2019 100 321.31 0 30/06/2020 F.B
41 GPBRIDP/BRG-4 Construction of 69.00m Long RCC Girder Bridge on Beripotol RHD – Charpara Road under Kazipur Upazila. GPBRIDP kazipur 18850 69.00 0 341.70 Mohammed Eunus & Brothers (Pvt.) Ltd, 307.53 01/01/1900 09/07/2017 19/01/2019 90 268.53 0 30/06/2020  
42 GPBRIDP/Rd-50 Improvement of Natuapara UP-Nistintapur UP Road (Ch.700 – 1200m) under Kazipur Upazila (Road ID.188503010). GPBRIDP kazipur 188503010 0.50 0.00 0 68.16 M/S. M.A. Enterprise, Pabna 61.35 01/01/1900 03/12/2017 30/04/2019 100 51.07 0 30/06/2020 Complete
43 GPBRIDP/Rd-57 Improvement of Dhuhat Gosaibari Road-Parulkandi road (Ch.1200 – 1700m) under Kazipur Upazila (Road ID.188504004). GPBRIDP kazipur 188504004 0.50 0.00 0 42.60 M/S. Ocean Enterprise, 39.63 01/01/1900 30/11/2017 04/05/2018 100 39.45 0 30/06/2020 F.B
44 GPBRIDP/Rd-68 Improvement of Paikartali RHD-Pikortali Purbapara road (Ch.00 – 500m) under Kazipur Upazila (Road ID.188504013). GPBRIDP kazipur 188504013 0.50 0.00 0 31.29 M/S, Him Shitol Construction, 28.16 01/01/1900 20/11/2017 30/05/2018 100 28.12 0 30/06/2020 F.B
45 GPBRIDP/Rd-71 Improvement of Gandhail maddhayapara UZR-(H/O Nowser Sheikh) H/O Shajahan Pr road (Ch.00 – 140m) under Kazipur Upazila (Road ID.188504088). GPBRIDP kazipur 188504088 0.14 0.00 0 16.84 Md. Alamgir Zahan 15.16 01/01/1900 30/11/2017 04/05/2018 100 15.15 0 30/06/2020 F.B
46 GPBRIDP/Rd-512 Improvement of Dekuria GC-Ratankandi GC via Khudbandi Ghat road at (Ch.3060-6340m) under Kazipur Upazila District: Sirajgonj. ID. No.188502014 GPBRIDP kazipur 188502014 3.28 0.00 0 268.97 Md. Rafiqul Islam Khan, 263.68 01/01/1900 19/03/2018 04/04/2019 100 260.99 0 30/06/2020 F.B
47 GPBRIDP/Rd-52 Improvement of Patgram RHD – Gandhail Maddapara Road (Ch. 00-450m) under Kazipur Upazila (Road ID.188504001). GPBRIDP kazipur 188504001 0.45 0.00 0 25.21 M/S. Happy & Sons 23.57 01/01/1900 10/04/2016 14/06/2017 100 22.00 0 30/06/2020 Complete
48 GPBRIDP/Rd-493 Improvement of Dekuria GC-Ratnkandi GC vi Kudbandi Ghat road at (Ch. 00-3060m) under Kazipur Upazila, District: Sirajgonj.[ID. No. 188502014] GPBRIDP kazipur 188502014 3.06 0.00 0 215.69 M/S. Masud Traders 206.85 01/01/1900 17/12/2017 24/12/2017 100 206.84 0 30/06/2020 F.B
49 GPBRIDP/SP-14 Protective work of Nischintapur UP - Tekani UP Road at Ch. 1820 m - 3620 m under Kazipur Upazila Road ID No. 188503009 GPBRIDP kazipur 188503009 1.80 0.00 0 157.74 M/S. Bhuyan Enterprise 149.85 01/01/1900 14/06/2018 17/06/2019 60 69.81 0 30/06/2020  
50 GBPRIDPRd-69 Improvement of Sonamukhi Govt. Primary School - H/O Samad Sheikh Road (Ch. 00 - 633m) under Kazipur Upazila District Sirajganj ID 188505105 GPBRIDP kazipur 188505105 0.63 0.00 0 57.75 M/S. Sumi Enterprise, Kazipur, 54.86 01/01/1900 23/05/2018 30/11/2018 100 54.85 0 30/06/2020 F.B
51 GBPRIDPRd-528 Improvement of Shuvagacha UP office - Digar Kheya ghat via Shuvagacha hat Ch 00 - 1375 m under Kazipur Upazila District Sirajganj ID 188503001 GPBRIDP kazipur 188503001 1.38 0.00 0 92.64 M/S. Aparupa Jewellers,Tati Samobay Market, Sonapaty, Pabna. 88.01 01/01/1900 30/04/2019 100 88.01 0 30/06/2020 F.B
52 GBPRIDPRCC-06 Construction of RCC Road from Nischintopur UP - tekani UP Ch. 1820 - 3620 m under Kazipur Upazila District Sirajganj Road ID 188503009 GPBRIDP kazipur 188503009 1.80 0.00 0 255.98 M/S. Dhrob trade agency, Madhya sherry,Sherpur twoen,Sherpur. 260.43 01/01/1900 12/07/2018 30/09/2019 53 162.85 0 30/06/2020  
53 GBPRIDPSP-16 Protective work of Shubgacha UP office-Diger Khyaghat via Shubgacha hat Road at Ch. 0 m - 1375 m under Kazipur Upazila Road ID No. 188503001 GPBRIDP kazipur 188503001 1.38 0.00 0 39.03 M/S. Al Fatiha Construction, Miraj-Adnan Mension,EB Road, Sirajganj 37.08 01/01/1900 24/10/2018 30/04/2019 100 37.07 0 30/06/2020 F.B
54 GBPRIDPBRG-37 Construction of 54.06m long RCC girder bridge on Shatkaya Maszid-Kabihar Alampur road at ch.1420m (ID No: 188505007) GPBRIDP kazipur 188505007 54.06 0 279.28 M/S. SWANDHI TRADERS & M/S. AFRA SADEKA-JV, S.S Road, Sirajganj 249.40 01/01/1900 04/11/2018 15/12/2019 40 92.85 0 30/06/2020  
55 GBPRIDP/WR-08 Widening by BC of Simanta Bazar RHD - Sonamukhi GC road Ch. 00 - 8213 m under Kazipur upazila District Sirajganj ID No. 188502001 GPBRIDP kazipur 188502001 8.21 10 609.99 M/S. Dolly Construction 591.50 01/01/1900 16/07/2018 22/06/2019 70 325.10 10 30/06/2020
56 GBPRIDPRd-64 Improvement of Gandhail GC-Nayaparahat (Ch.00-1000m) under Kazipur Upazila, District: Sirajgonj. [ID. No. 188504083]. GPBRIDP kazipur 188504083 1.00 0.00 0 81.22 M/S. Surge Trading 79.13 01/01/1900 15/03/2018 14/09/2018 100 78.59 0 30/06/2020 F.B
57 GBPRIDPRd-51 Improvement of Ghandail UP-Khosha Hat road at Ch. 00-900m under Kazipur Upazila, District: Sirajgonj. ID. No. [188503008] GPBRIDP kazipur 188503008 0.90 0.00 0 60.24 Md. Rafiqul Islam Khan, 58.23 01/01/1900 18/03/2018 30/06/2019 95 48.58 0 30/06/2020 Re-cast
58 GBPRIDPRd-70 Improvement of Garaber CARE Rd-H\Q Elahi Akand road at Ch. 00-400m under Kazipur Upazila, District: Sirajgonj. ID. No. [188504087] GPBRIDP kazipur 188504087 0.40 0.00 0 29.27 M/S.Jarin Builders 28.12 01/01/1900 15/01/2018 24/07/2018 100 28.12 0 30/06/2020 F.B
59 GBPRIDPRd-65 Improvement of By BC of Garaber CARE Rd- Chalitadanga UP road at Ch. 1100-1525m under Kazipur Upazila, District: Sirajgonj. ID. No. GPBRIDP kazipur 18850 0.43 0.00 0 47.67 M/S.Jarin Builders 44.73 01/01/1900 15/04/2018 24/10/2018 100 44.61 0 30/06/2020 F.B
60 GPBRIDP/SP-13 Slope Protection work Simanta Bazar RHD - Sonamukhi GC road ( Ch. 00 - 8213 m ) under Kazipur upazila District : Sirajganj [ID No. : 188502001] GPBRIDP kazipur 188502001 8.21 0.00 0 134.53 M/S. T.M. Alamin Traders 127.81 01/01/1900 20/05/2018 24/05/2019 85 124.33 0 30/06/2020 F.B
61 GPBRIDP/Rd-529 Improvement of Dekuria GC Ratankandi GC via Khudbandi Ghat Road at Ch.12800-15300m under Kazipur Upazila, District: Sirajgonj. [ID. No. 188502014] GPBRIDP kazipur 188502014 2.50 0.00 100 203.55 M/S. Masud Traders 204.19 01/01/1900 17/12/2017 24/12/2018 100 204.19 100 30/06/2020 F.B
62 GPBRIDP/Rd-53 Improvement of Boraitoli RHD Muslimpara BWDB Road (Ch. 00-530m) GPBRIDP kazipur 188504030 0.53 0.00 100 47.21 M/S. Talukder Brothers 43.27 01/01/1900 09/05/2017 100 43.20 100 01/01/1900 Final Bill
63 GPBRIDP/Rd-76 Improvement of Bramoghacha UP – Pangashi GC Road (Ch.878 – 1878m) under Raigonj Upazila (Road ID.188612015). GPBRIDP raiganj 188612015 1.00 0.00 100 55.67 M/S. Islam Construction 52.51 01/01/1900 24/04/2016 17/06/2017 100 52.51 100 30/06/2020 F.B
64 GPBRIDP/Rd-77 Improvement of Nalka UP Office – Shahebonj Hat Road (Ch. 1340 - 2340m) under Raigonj Upazila (Road ID.188613008) GPBRIDP raiganj 188613008 1.00 0.00 100 53.47 M/S. Shohan Enterprise 52.29 01/01/1900 25/04/2016 28/11/2016 100 52.29 100 30/06/2020 F.B
65 GPBRIDP/Rd-78 Improvement of Chandaikona UP – Daubhog Hat Road (Ch. 4675 - 5675m) under Raigonj Upazila (Road ID.188613011) GPBRIDP raiganj 188613011 1.00 0.00 100 53.47 M/S. Zia Uddin Enterprise 52.94 01/01/1900 28/04/2016 26/12/2016 100 52.94 100 30/06/2020 F.B
66 GPBRIDP/Rd-79 Improvement of Chandaikona UP Office – Dhamainagar Hat via Debrajpur Road (Ch. 1875 - 2875m) under Raigonj Upazila (Road ID.188613009) GPBRIDP raiganj 188613009 1.00 0.00 0 57.37 M/S. Zia Uddin Enterprise 49.18 01/01/1900 23/11/2016 15/06/2017 100 49.17 0 30/06/2020 F.B
67 GPBRIDP/Rd-81 Improvement of Patnipara – Muragacha Road via Sanutia with a link Road to H/Q Rashid Military (Ch. 00 - 1000m) under Raigonj Upazila (Road ID.188614102) GPBRIDP raiganj 188614102 1.00 0.00 100 56.65 M/S. Islam Construction 56.12 01/01/1900 24/04/2016 08/05/2017 100 56.12 100 30/06/2020 F.B
68 GPBRIDP/Rd-74 Improvement of Pangashi GC-Nalka NHW, (Fuljore Collage road (Ch.3206-3688m) under Raigonj Upazila District: Sirajganj ID No:188612010 GPBRIDP raiganj 188612010 0.48 0.00 0 33.25 Md. Shahjahan Ali 29.92 01/01/1900 24/10/2017 30/04/2018 100 29.84 0 30/06/2020 F.B
69 GPBRIDP/Rd-75 Improvement of Nalka UP Office-Krishnadia Hat road (Ch.2500-3500m) under Raigonj Upazila District: Sirajganj ID No:188613003 GPBRIDP raiganj 188613003 1.00 0.00 0 56.43 M/S. Tanmay Enterprise 52.00 01/01/1900 24/10/2017 30/04/2018 100 52.00 0 30/06/2020 F.B
70 GPBRIDP/Rd-82 Improvement of Nimgachi-Bhabanipur via Nawpa road (Ch.00-500m) under Raigonj Upazila District: Sirajganj ID No:188614045 GPBRIDP raiganj 188614045 0.50 0.00 0 20.30 Md. Shahjahan Ali 18.27 01/01/1900 24/10/2017 30/04/2018 100 18.27 0 30/06/2020 F.B
71 GPBRIDP/MW-20 Maintenance of Shimla R&H-Chandaikona Hat road (Ch.00-1730m) under Raigonj Upazila District: Sirajganj GPBRIDP raiganj 18861 1.73 0.00 0 43.80 M/S. Islam Construction 40.29 01/01/1900 21/03/2018 15/06/2018 100 40.17 0 30/06/2020 F.B
72 GPBRIDP/MW-21 Maintenance of Dhangora-BM College-Berabajuya via H/O. Rakib Biswas road (Ch.00-850m) under Raigonj Upazila District: Sirajganj ID: 188615023 GPBRIDP raiganj 188615023 0.85 0.00 0 20.82 M/S. Islam Construction 19.33 01/01/1900 21/03/2018 15/06/2018 100 19.33 0 30/06/2020 F.B
73 GPBRIDP/MW-22 Maintenance of Chandpur Bridge-Bhatariya Bazar road (Ch.00-2215m) under Raigonj Upazila District: Sirajganj GPBRIDP raiganj 18861 2.22 0.00 0 75.00 M/S. Sukra Enterprise 70.55 01/01/1900 02/04/2018 09/10/2018 100 70.54 0 30/06/2020 F.B
74 GPBRIDP/Rd-547 (a) Improvement of Raigonj Upazila Batua GPS-Tarash Pacca road (Ch.00-1000m) under Raigonj Upazila District: Sirajganj ID No:188614085 (b) Improvement of Saraichandi Bazar-Dumor Golami via Padampal road (Ch.00-500m) under Sadar Upazila, ID No:188784257,( GPBRIDP raiganj   2.00 0.00 0 179.63 M/S. Sagar Construction,Belkuchi, Sirajganj 186.81 01/01/1900 23/04/2019 30/05/2020 70 118.34 0 30/06/2020 WBM is going on
75 GPBRIDP/Rd-80 Widening by BC of Simanta Bazar RHD - Sonamukhi GC road Ch. 00 - 8213 m under Kazipur upazila District Sirajganj ID No. 188502001 GPBRIDP raiganj 188502001 0.50 33.87 Md. Shahjahan Ali 30.50 30/11/2017 30/03/2019 80 7.74 30/06/2020
76 GPBRIDP/Rd-9 Improvement of Jamirta GC – JGB Sonatani High School (Ch. 00 - 1100m) under Shahzadpur Upazila (Road ID.188674101) GPBRIDP shahzadpur 188674101 1.10 0.00 0 91.69 Md. Ishaque Ali 86.86 01/01/1900 02/10/2016 14/10/2017 100 86.50 0 30/06/2020 F.B
77 GPBRIDP/Rd-1 Improvement of Jamirta GC - Bera GC via Gala UP Road (Ch. 1000 - 3200m) under Shahzadpur Upazila (Road ID.188672005) GPBRIDP shahzadpur 188672005 2.20 0.00 0 182.42 Most. Selina Begum 143.29 01/01/1900 18/08/2016 31/12/2018 100 142.83 0 30/06/2020 F.B
78 GPBRIDP/SR-1 Improvement of Khukni UP - Rupshi Bazar Road (Ch. 1890 - 2790m) under Shahzadpur Upazila (Road ID.188673014) GPBRIDP shahzadpur 188673014 0.90 0.00 100 124.24 M/S. Poddar Construction 105.42 23/08/2016 30/08/2017 100 105.06 100 30/06/2020 F. B.
79 GPBRIDP/ (Rd-7 & SP-7) Improvement of Jalalpur UP-Kadaibadla Hat via Beltail Hat road (Ch.00-1000m) under Shahzadpur Upazila (Road ID No: 188673012). (b) Improvement of Jalalpur UP-Kadaibadla Hat via Beltail Hat road (Ch.00-1000m) under Shahzadpur Upazila (Road ID No: 188673012 GPBRIDP shahzadpur 188673012 2.00 0.00 0 164.74 Md. Alamgir Zahan 172.46 01/01/1900 11/09/2017 11/06/2019 100 166.37 0 30/06/2020 complete.
80 GPBRIDP/Rd-04 Improvement of Porjana UP-Ultadab Hat road (Ch.2460-3552m) under Shahzadpur Upazila District: Sirajganj ID No:188673006) GPBRIDP shahzadpur 188673006 1.09 0.00 0 113.46 M/S. Progoti Enterprise 137.77 01/01/1900 29/11/2017 09/12/2018 40 47.51 0 30/06/2020 Work is going on
81 GPBRIDP/Rd-02 Improvement of Talgachi GC-Khukni GC via Narina Hat road (Ch.5320-6638m) under Shahzadpur Upazila, District: Sirajgonj. ID. No.188672006 GPBRIDP shahzadpur 188672006 1.32 0.00 0 119.73 Md.Alamgir Zahan, Potazia, Sirajgonj. 117.52 01/01/1900 12/03/2018 10/03/2019 70 94.90 0 30/06/2020 Work is going on
82 GPBRIDP/SP-08 Slope protection of Brojobala-Marutia road (Ch.0-1000m) under Shahzadpur Upazila, District: Sirajgonj. ID. No.188674056. GPBRIDP shahzadpur 188674056 1.00 0.00 0 48.32 Md.Alamgir Zahan, Potazia, Sirajgonj. 44.94 01/01/1900 12/03/2018 14/09/2018 70 15.13 0 30/06/2020 Work is going on
83 GPBRIDP/SP-05 Slope protection of Char Betankandi-Malitadanga road (ch.00-1000m) under Shahzadpur Upazila. District: Sirajgonj. ID. No.188674001. GPBRIDP shahzadpur 188674001 1.00 0.00 0 66.32 Md.Alamgir Zahan, Potazia, Sirajgonj. 65.00 01/01/1900 12/03/2018 14/09/2018 100 64.90 0 30/06/2020 F.B
84 GPBRIDP/SP-06 Slope protection of Boromorajpur UZR-Nandalalpur road (ch.00-1000m) under Shahzadpur Upazila. District: Sirajgonj. ID. No.188674038. GPBRIDP shahzadpur 188674038 1.00 0.00 0 68.42 Md.Alamgir Zahan, Potazia, Sirajgonj. 66.74 01/01/1900 12/03/2018 28/02/2019 100 66.61 0 30/06/2020 F.B
85 GPBRIDP/SP-2 Slope protection of Talgachi GC-Khukni GC via Narina Hat road (ch.5320-6638m) under Shahzadpur Upazila. District: Sirajgonj. ID. No.188672006. GPBRIDP shahzadpur 188672006 1.32 0.00 0 97.74 Md.Alamgir Zahan, Potazia, Sirajgonj. 95.00 01/01/1900 12/03/2018 14/12/2018 100 94.96 0 30/06/2020 F.B
86 GPBRIDP/SP-02 Slope Protection of Jamirta GC-Bera UPZ/H/Q.via Dugali Hat Korshalika Hat road (ch.1000-1650m) under Shahzadpur Upazila. District: Sirajgonj. ID 188674051 GPBRIDP shahzadpur 188674051 0.65 0.00 0 31.41 Abdullah Al Pathan, Raigonj, Sirajgonj. 29.84 01/01/1900 29/03/2018 09/10/2018 100 29.83 0 30/06/2020 F.B
87 GPBRIDP/Rd-08 Improvement of Jamirta GC-Bera GC via Dugali Hat Korshalika Hat Karshalika hat Ander Manik Ghat road (ch.00-1100m) under Shahzadpur Upazila. District: Sirajgonj. ID 188674101 GPBRIDP shahzadpur 188674101 0.65 0.00 0 45.71 Abdullah Al Pathan, Raigonj, Sirajgonj.