
Construction of Upazila Muktijoddha Complex (1st Revised)

Project Office LGED
Construction of Upazila Muktijoddha Complex (1st Revised)
জনাব মোঃ আব্দুল হাকিম
৬২/পশ্চিম আগারগাঁও, ঢাকা।
CUMCP: Our Beloved independent motherland Bangladesh was Established through a great war of the independence in the year of 1971 which is a remarkable achievement in the world history. Millions of Bangladeshi men, women, freedom fighters, cultivators, intellectuals, professionals, teaches, students, journalists, youth and all classes of people united tog   more...
Project Information Table
Implementing Agency : LGED
Project Code : 224104100
Project Name : Construction of Upazila Muktijoddha Complex (1st Revised)
Name of PD : Md. Abdul Hakim
Date of Approval :
Starting Date : Jul-2012
Completion Date : Jun-2023
Project Cost : Total GOB PA
122353.56 122353.56 122353.56
Cumulative Expenditure :
Physical Progress (%) :
Progress Reporting Date :
Comments :

At a Glance
Short Title: CUMCP
Ministry: Other Ministry
Executing Agency: LGED
Approval Ref:
Project Code: 224104100
Sector: Urban
Status: Ongoing Investment Project
Funded By:
Budget: 122353.56
Start Date: Jul-2012
Completion Date: Jun-2023
Name of PD: Md. Abdul Hakim