
City Governance Project (CGP)

CGP: Background : Bangladesh has experienced increased urbanization since its independence. However, urban infrastructure especially road, drain, water supply, solid waste and sewage facilities are not sufficiently developed and causing serious traffic congestion, water logging,   more...
Project Information Table
Implementing Agency : LGED
Project Code : 2240477800
Project Name : City Governance Project (CGP)
Name of PD : Md. Golam Mostafa
Date of Approval : 15/07/2014
Starting Date : Jul-2014
Completion Date : Jun-2022
Project Cost : Total GOB PA
2,904.55 Crore 543.88 crore 2360.67 crore
Cumulative Expenditure : 229770.500 (In Lac Taka)
Physical Progress (%) : 87
Progress Reporting Date : 30/11/2021
Comments :

At a Glance
Short Title: CGP
Ministry: LGRD
Executing Agency: LGED
Approval Ref: 20.00.0000.411.14. 041.14-614 date: 26-10-2014
Project Code: 2240477800
Sector: Urban
Status: Ongoing Investment Project
Funded By: JICA.
Budget: 2,904.55 Crore
Start Date: Jul-2014
Completion Date: Jun-2022
Name of PD: Md. Golam Mostafa