
Project Scheme Detail List
SL No. Package No. Name Length (Km) Allotment (Lac) Name of Contractor Contract Amount (Lac) Date of Commencement Date of Completion Physical Progress (%) Date of Progress Update Remarks
1 Basail
1 W.389 Construction of Fulki UP Complex 85.910 85.910 30/06/2014 100 26/08/2020 Final
2 Bhuapur
1 156/246 Construction of NIKRAIL UP Complex 85.910 85.910 15/03/2013 100 09/08/2020 REVISED & FINAL
3 Dhanbari
1 W.396 Construction of Mushuddi UP Complex 88.640 88.640 28/10/2015 100 26/08/2020 Final
2 W.252 Construction of Bolibhadra UP Complex 92.170 92.170 21/01/2016 100 26/08/2020 Final
3 W.046 Construction of Baniajan UP Complex 85.490 85.490 27/11/2014 100 26/08/2020 Final
4 155/246 Construction of JADUNATPUR UP Complex 59.000 59.000 30/06/2011 100 09/08/2020 REVISED & FINAL
4 Ghatail
1 153/246 Construction of Sandanpur UP Complex 59.000 59.000 30/03/2013 100 09/08/2020 final
2 154/246 Construction of ANEHOLA UP Complex 59.000 59.000 30/03/2013 100 09/08/2020 REVISED & FINAL
5 Gopalpur
1 W.056 Construction of Mirzapur UP Complex 86.390 86.390 03/12/2015 100 26/08/2020 Final
2 152/246 Construction of jhawail UP Complex 49.430 49.430 28/11/2010 100 09/08/2020 final
6 Kalihati
1 W.587 Construction of Doskiya UP Complex 131.140 131.140 25/12/2018 100 26/08/2020 Final
7 Madhupur
1 W.637 Construction of Fulbag Chala UP Complex 125.000 125.000 06/11/2019 100 26/08/2020 On going
8 Mirzapur
1 W.310 Construction of Latifpur UP Complex 86.940 86.940 12/12/2015 100 26/08/2020 Final
2 151/246 Construction of warshi UP Complex 59.000 59.000 11/06/2015 100 09/08/2020 final
9 Nagarpur
1 W.263 Construction of Bharra UP Complex 90.990 90.990 30/06/2015 100 26/08/2020 Final
2 W.171 Construction of Mamudnagar UP Complex 92.240 92.240 19/01/2016 100 26/08/2020 Final
10 Shakhipur
1 W.064 Construction of Bohoria (Old Kalomegha) UP Complex 99.150 99.150 30/10/2018 100 26/08/2020 Final
2 W.381 Construction of Dariapur UP Complex 90.790 90.790 14/02/2016 100 26/08/2020 Final
3 W.009 Construction of 3 no Gajaria UP Complex 87.000 87.000 30/11/2016 100 26/08/2020 Final
11 Tangail-s
1 W.326 Construction of Mamud nagar UP Complex 92.240 92.240 19/01/2016 100 26/08/2020 Final
2 W.422 Construction of Kakua UP Complex 87.290 87.290 21/12/2013 100 26/08/2020 Final
3 W.068 Construction of Hugra UP Complex 88.890 88.890 31/12/2016 100 26/08/2020 Final
Total : 0.0000 (Km) 1881.61 (Lac) 1881.61 (Lac)