
Project Scheme Detail List
SL No. Package No. Name Length (Km) Allotment (Lac) Name of Contractor Contract Amount (Lac) Date of Commencement Date of Completion Physical Progress (%) Date of Progress Update Remarks
1 Gopalpur
1 GSIDP/TNG/DW-107 Improvement of Alamnagor Dokhin Moddahpara Central Jame Mosque under Amamnagor union .[Latitude : 24.5498, Longitude : 89.8995]. 3.000 M/S. Chakder Enterprise 3.000 07/02/2019 100 20/03/2019
2 GSIDP/TNG/DW-106 Improvement of Alamnagor Moddahpara Central Nur Jame Mosque under Amamnagor union .[Latitude : 24.5522, Longitude : 89.8991]. 3.000 M/S. Chakder Enterpris 3.000 100 20/03/2019
3 GSIDP/TNG/DW-104 Improvement of Gravyerd near the Fulbari Jame Mosque under Hemnagor union .[Latitude : 24.5412, Longitude : 89.8674]. 5.000 M/S. Chakder Enterprise 5.000 100 20/03/2019
4 GSIDP/TNG/DW-101 Improvement of Naruchi Eidgha Filed under Hemnagor union.[Latitude : 24.5377, Longitude : 89.8490]. 5.000 M/S. Palash enterprise 5.000 06/02/2019 100 20/03/2019
5 GSIDP/TNG/DW-110 Improvement of Suti Cental Graveyard under Gopalpur Pourashava .[Latitude : 24.5478, Longitude : 89.9244]. 4.000 M/S. Akanda Enterprise 4.000 100 20/03/2019
Total : 0.0000 (Km) 20.00 (Lac) 20.00 (Lac)