
Project Scheme Detail List
SL No. Package No. Name Length (Km) Allotment (Lac) Name of Contractor Contract Amount (Lac) Date of Commencement Date of Completion Physical Progress (%) Date of Progress Update Remarks
1 Begumganj
1 UIIP/PCO/G-48 Implementation & Supply 340 nos Waste Basket (120 ltr) & 36 nos Non-motorized vehicle 9van) under Chowmuhani Pourashava District: Noakhali. 39.925 RFL Plastrics Limited 39.925 13/03/2024 09/09/2024 60 15/10/2024
2 UIIP-BC/PCO/W-650 " (1)Improvement of read from Ponu Beppary bari to Kabil Khan hazi via by AUPCO DOC Ward no-9 Under Chowmuhani Pourashava, Noakhali. (540.00m length) " " (2) Improvement of road from Badinath road to Chatarpaiya road via Toron hart ad by RCC (172.00m Length), Ward-6, Chowmuhani Pourashava, Noakhali. " " (3) Improvement of meeting road between Yousuf market-Peskar market mad and Akram Uddin Hazi bari road by RCC (200.00m length) with 75.00 Retaining Wall at Wand-02. Under Chowmahani Pourashava, Noakhali. " " (4) Improvement of road from Nazirpur (1) Zolnal abeden road to Minto Miar bari (ch. 0+00-0+885), (2) MP House road (ch. 0+00-359)m by DBC at Ward-02 Under Chowmuhani Pourushava, Noakhali.Protective Work=326m,Length=1244m. " " (5) Construction of Public Toilet at hawkers market Under ward no-05 Chowmuhani Pourasheva " 2.1560 295.208 Mona-Spondhon-JV 295.208 15/04/2024 14/04/2025 25 15/10/2024
3 UIIP-BC/PCO/W-582 1. Improvement of road from Ummod Ali Hazi bari to Nirapod Housing Road by RCC (Ch.0+00-0+140), Link-1 (Ch.0+00-0+30), Link-2 (Ch.0-00-0-10) at word no-03. Under Chowmuhani Pourashiva. Noakhali. " 2. Improvement of road from Topadar Pol-Momtaz miar School Road to Guard bari road by RCC (Ch0+00-0+215) at ward no-02 Under Chowmuhani Pourashava, Noakhali " " 3. Improvement of road from RHD Lakshmipur road to Boksho ali munshi bari road by RCC (Ch.0+00-0+177) at ward no-01, Under Chowmuhani Pourashava, Noakhali " " 4. Improvement of road from Shajur Dokan-Khalpar road to Jhontu Patowary bari road via Hukka Member bari by RCC (Ch.0+00- 0+235), Link-(0+00-0+040) at ward no-05, Under Chowmuhani Pourashava, Noakhali " " 5. Improvement of road from Arif Hazi Road to Gine bari (Pach bari) road by RCC (Ch.0+00-491), Protective work-169.00m at ward o-08 Under Chowmuhani Pourashava, Noakhali " " 6. Improvement of road from Kismot Hazi bari (Degree Hostel Road) to Khobir Mia bari road by DBC (Ch.0+00-0+225), Protective work 61.00m at ward o-08 Under Chowmuhani Pourashava, Noakhali " " 7. Improvement of road from Arif Hazi Road to Hazipur Eidgah road by RCC (Ch.0+00-0-68) Protection work 50m at wird o-06 Under Chowmuhani Pourashava, Noakhali. " 1.6310 200.188 Maa-Islam (JV) 200.188 05/06/2023 04/06/2024 76 15/10/2024
4 UIIP-BC/PCO/W-331 A) Construction of RCC drain at nazirpur karani bari up to canal at ward no-01, under chowmuhani pourashva.(Ch-0+00-0+.260m) link=40 m (B) Construction of RCC drain at nazim uddin bapari bari road at ward no-01, under chowmuhani pourashva.(Ch-0+00-0+.0.160 m(C) ) Construction of RCC drain at gonipur haradon bhuyan bari to east side existing pourashava drain at ward no-06, under chowmuhani pourashva.(Ch-0+00-0+.0.95 m) (D) ) Construction of RCC drain from bus tarminal drain towards north truck tarminal at ward no-03, under chowmuhani pourashva.(Ch-0+00-0+.0.38 m) 99.652 M/S Mona Construction 99.652 30/06/2021 12/09/2022 100 15/10/2024
5 UIIP-BC/PCO/W-333 (A) Improvement of bus Tarminal south road at word no -03,(Ch-0+00+0+150m) under chowmohoni pourashava Area ,Noakhali. 0.1500 24.331 M/S. Molla Traders 24.331 01/06/2021 30/05/2022 100 27/09/2022 0.02% Less (Final bill done)
6 UIIP-BC/PCO/W-332 (A) Construction of 3 vant RCC box culvart at tulatoli khal poposed new comfort genarel hospital & diagonistic center point at ward no-07, under chowmuhani pourashva.(B) Construction of 3 vant RCC box culvart atsouth bazar to golabari road shutki hata point at ward no-04, under chowmuhani pourashva. 85.677 M/S. Hoque & Brothers 85.677 30/06/2022 100 27/09/2022 0.01% Less (Final Bill Done. The RPA portion of the final bill is not available yet.)
7 UIIP-BC/PCO/W-330 (A) Improvment of Ganipur GP tower road remaining part ward no-06, under chowmuhani pourashva.(Ch-0+00-0+400m) (B) Improvment and protective work of taltola aluminiam factory road at ward no-08, under chowmuhani pourashva.(Ch-0+400-0+455m)(C) Improvment of road from amir hossain dokan to chan mia arottdar bari (remaining part) at ward no-09, under chowmuhani pourashva.(Ch-0+00-0+220m) (D) Improvment & maintanance of degree hostal road up to kabir uddin mia bari at ward no-07, under chowmuhani pourashva.(Ch-0+00-1+455m) 2.0800 140.774 M/S Mona Construction 140.774 30/06/2021 30/06/2022 100 27/09/2022 0.03% Less (Re-cast done)
8 UIIP-BC/PCO/W-181 (A) Improvement of shah alam chaiman road from laxmipur RHD road to joinal abedin road at word no-02 under Chowmuahni pourashava, Noakhali by BC (Ch.0+00-0+940)(B) Improvement of meherulla miar bari road at ward no-04 Under Chowmuhani pourashava by RCC ( Ch-0+00-0+95m)(C) Improvement of Bashir Ullah khan shaeb bari to Nadna-sonaimuri khalpur road at ward no-05, under chowmuhani pourashva.(Ch-0+00-0+270m)(D) Improvement of karipur wasil uddin Buiya bari road at ward no-04,Under Chowmuhani Pourashava by RCC (Ch-00+00-00+100m)(E)Construction of RCC Drain at Degree Hostel road upto culert at ward no-07,under chowmuhani pourashva.(Ch-0+00-0+270m) 1.4050 119.753 M/S. Hoque & Brothers 119.753 14/11/2021 100 27/09/2022 0.04% Less, Revise Done, Final Bill Done. The RPA Portion has not availale yet
9 UIIP-BC/PCO/W-180 (A) Improvement of mirwaridhpur jamai para road at word no -08 by RCC (Ch-0+00+0+250m) under chowmohoni pourashava Area ,Noakhal(B) Improvement of Tagar bari ,shorif sordar bari road at word no - 04 by RCC ( Ch-0+00--0+248m) link (Ch0+00-0+76m) under chowmohoni pourashava Area , Noakhal(C)Improvement Of South bazar madrahsa road at word no-04 by RCC (Ch-0+00-0+76m) link 1 (Ch-0+00-0+155m), link 2 (Ch-0+00-0+53m) under chowmohoni Pourashava Area, Noakhal(D) Improvement & Protactive wark of alipur hazi bari road ( remining part ) up to school road calvart at word no-03by RCC (Ch-0+00-0+160m) link 75m under chowmohoni pourashava Area.Noakhal 1.0930 119.051 S.B Trading Corporation 119.051 13/09/2021 100 27/09/2022 1.69% Less, Final Bill Done
10 UIIP-BC/PCO/W-179 (A) Improvement of Laximpur RHD To nazirpur Karani bari links back side of primary school via mia bari up to khalapar road at word no-01 by BC (Ch-0+00-0+350m) link 1(Ch-0+00-0+135m) link 2 (Ch-0+00-0+623m) under Chowmuhani pourashava,Noakhali.(B) Improvement of Napeter poll to kismat karimpur mosque azims shop to mondal para road at word no-07, by BC (Ch-0+00-0+840m) & Ch-0+00-0+516m) link-30m under Chowmuhani pourashava Area, Noakhali.( C) Improvement & weading of hajipur sharader bari road starting from fani road to maijde at word no-08 by BC (Ch-0+00-0+220m) under Chowmuhani pourashava Area,Noakhali.(D) Improvement of ganipur browalar bari road at word no-06 by RCC (Ch-0+00-0+150m) under Chowmuhani pourashava,Noakhali. 2.8330 139.410 M/S Mona Construction 139.410 13/09/2021 100 27/09/2022 0.01% Less, Final Bill Done
11 UIIP-BC/PCO/W-62 (A) (a) Improvement of Advocate joinal Abedin road (Contractor Pool road to Montaz mia Govt. Primari school at ward no -02 under Chowmuahni Pourashava, Noakhali by BC (Ch.0+00-2+020)(B) Improvement of road from Arif Hazi road to khalpar via Poddar bari Mosque at word no-09 under Chowmuhani Pourashava, Noakhali by RCC (Ch-0+00-290)( C) Improvement of Alipur Doctor Para road (Remaining Part) Up to Dighir Par Court road at ward no-03, under Chowmuhani pourashava,Noakhali. by BC (Ch-0+530-0+810m) 2.5900 129.716 M/S Mona Construction 129.716 17/11/2021 100 27/09/2022 0.03% Less, Final Bill Done
12 UIIP-BC/PCO/W-61 (A) Improvement of road Atia bari bridge to South bazar via food godown at ward no-04 by BC (Ch-0+00-01+090m) (B) Improvement of N. Zaman Road from Rail line to N. Zaman Govt. Primary School at ward no-05 by RCC (Ch -0+00+810m) 1.0900 157.422 M/S Mona Construction 157.422 12/09/2020 22/02/2022 100 27/09/2022 0.18% Less, Final Bill Done Time Extended
2 Chatkhil
1 UIIP-BC/PCO/W-589 Construction of Ferdous mosjied From College road to Poundth bari via Fardaus Mosjied by R.C.C Ch.0-630 at ward no -05 under chatkhil pourashava, Noakhali. Construction of public Tranport Passenger Shed (28.00sqm)at Chatkhil Bus stand Under Chatkhil Pourashava,Noakhali. 106.870 M/s Tasin Enterprise 106.870 25/02/2024 25/02/2025 82 17/10/2024
2 UIIP-BC/PCO/W-584 (A)Estimate Construcetion of choyani Tobga molla bari Road from G.M Ruhul Amin Road To khilpara Road By R.C.C ch.0-885m at ward no -08 under chatkhil pourashava, Noakhali. (B) Construcetion of west Sundur pur Molllick bri Road From Brige to mollick bari By R.C.C ch.0-460m at ward no -02 under chatkhil pourashava, Noakhali. (C) Construcetion of East Gobindo pur road From G.M Ruhul amin Road to Goni Mia Sub Bari By R.C.C ch.0-775m at ward no -07 under chatkhil pourashava, Noakhali. 2.1200 232.740 M/s. S S Traders 232.740 28/10/2023 27/10/2024 81 17/10/2024
3 UIIP-BC/PCO/W-583/1 (A)Construction of RCC Road from Khilpara Road to Late Kashem Mia House ,By RCC (Ch. 0.00-275.00m at word no-06 Under Chatkhil Pourashava ,Noakhali. 0.2750 31.850 SAYERA ENTERPRISE 31.850 05/06/2023 04/06/2024 100 17/10/2024
4 UIIP-BC/PCO/W-583 (A.)Construction of Shat Baria Road From GM Ruhul Amin Road To End Point To Pourashava by R.C.C ch.0-975m at ward no -08,under chatkhil pourashava, Noakhali..( ( B.) Construction of Sunderpur School Road From School to Suma hazi bari majid (Ch.0.000-300.00m)by RCC, at ward no -02under chatkhil pourashava, Noakhali. C)Construction of Chatkhil Govt. girls school road from shahapur road to khilpara road by R.C.C (Ch.0.00-265m at ward no -06 under chatkhil pourashava, noakhali D.) Construction of Dasani tobga School Road From main Road To Mosjid by R.C.C Ch.0.00-300m at ward no -07under chatkhil pourashava, Noakhali E.)Construction of Tregaria patwary bari Raod from School to Amir uddin Patwary bari by R.C.C ch.0.00-245m at ward no -01 under chatkhil pourashava, Noakhali. 2.0850 250.745 M/S SS Traders 250.745 30/05/2023 30/05/2024 67 17/10/2024
5 UIIP-BC/PCO/W-461 (1) Construction of Chayanitobga Kashim Mia Moshjid Road From Khilpara Road to Kashim Mia MOshjid Ch.0.00m-670.00 by RCC at Word No-09 Under Chatkhil Pourashava, Noakhali (2) Construction of Sunder Pur Ozibari Mosjied to Thana road by RCC Ch.0.00m-320.00m at Word No-02 Under Chatkhil Pourashava, Dist: Noakhali (3) Construction of Bheampur Masi Bepari Bari Road From BSR road to Masi Bepari bari by RCC Ch.0.00m-=541.00m at Word No-04 Under Chatkhil Pourashava Noakhali (4) Construction of Chatkhil Hawladar Bari Road From Khilpara Road to Hawlader Bari Road From Khilpara Road to Hawlader Bari Road by RCC, CH.0.00m-365.00m at Word no-06 Under Chatkhil Pourashava, Noakhali. 1.8960 174.894 m/s S.S Traders 174.894 31/05/2022 30/05/2023 100 17/10/2024
6 UIIP-BC/PCO/W-364 (A) Improvement of Chyani Tobga Shahab Bari Road from Khilpara Road to shahab bari (Ch 0.00m-365.00m), By Bituminous Dense Carpeting (DC), at Word No-08, under Chatkhil Pourashava, District: Noakhali.(B) Improvement of Chayani Tobga Hazi Momtazul Hoq Bhuyan Road from Taher Munshi Dokan to Bridge (Ch 0.00m-470.00m), By Bituminous Dense Carpeting (DC), at Word No-09, under Chatkhil Pourashava, District: Noakhali.(C) Construction of R.C.C. Drain at Bheempur East Mongazi Bepari bari(ch0.00-120.00m), At ward no.03,Under Chatkhil Pourashava, Noakhali.(D) Construction of Drain Chatkhil Jahangir sb bari road (Ch 0.00-197.00m), At ward no.06,Under Chatkhil Pourashava, Noakhali.(E) Construction of Box Culvert in front of Chayani Tobga Boro Bari,at ward No.08, under Chatkhil Pourashava, District: Noakhali.(F) Construction of Box Culvert over Chayani Tobga FSM treatment plant connecting, at ward No.09, under Chatkhil Pourashava, District: Noakhali. 0.8350 147.512 S.S Traders 147.512 23/07/2021 06/10/2022 100 27/09/2022 21.71% Less (Recast submitted in HQ, Dhaka.)
7 UIIP-BC/PCO/W-153 (A) Improvement of Bheempur VP sakil & Kasim mia road (Ch 00-10m) by bituminous dense carpeting at ward no-04 under Chatkhil Pourashava (B) Rehabilitation of douatlpur Bhuiyan bari kibria chairman SB road from kobir Chairman bari to bhuiyan bair (Ch 00-440m) by bituminous dense carpeting at ward no-05 under Chatkhil Pourashava (C ) Improvement of Chatkhil bapari bari road from khil para road to bapari bari (Ch 00-290m) by bituminous dense carpeting at ward no-06 under Chatkhil Pourashava (D) Improvement of doshani toboga khadua bari road (Ch 00-183m), Ibrahim bari (Ch 00-80m) Darus salam mosjid road (Ch 00-30m) by bituminous dense carpeting at ward no-07 under Chatkhil pourashava (E) Improvement of Chyani tobga wall bari road (Ch 00-320m) by bituminous dense carpeting at ward no-08 under Chatkhil Pourashava (F) Rehabilitation of chayani tobga junnat gazi bepari bari road from colleage road to gazi bari (Ch00-290m) by bituminous dense carpeting at ward no-09 under Chatkhil Pourashava (G) Construction of shaha neyamotpur mosjid road (Ch 00-25m) by RCC at ward no-09 under Chatkhil Pourashava 1.7680 104.171 MS. SHAD ENTERPRISE 104.171 28/02/2022 100 27/09/2022 0.02% Less (Final bill done)
8 UIIP-BC/PCO/W-152 (A) Construction of Chatkhil Bhuiyan bari mize bari road (Ch 00-45m) by RCC at ward no-06 under Chatkhil Pourashava (B) Improvement of BC road chyani tobga putol mia bari (Ch 00-91m) by Bituminos dense carpeting at ward no-09 under Chatkhil Pourashava (C ) Construction of central hospital road (Ch 00-50m) by RCC at ward no-06 under Chatkhil Pourashava (D) Improvement of dasani tobga road from bottala to BS road (Ch 00-475m) by BC at ward no-07 under Chatkhil Pourashava 1.0660 106.180 M/S Galaxy Enterprise, 106.180 15/12/2021 100 27/09/2022 As per (Final bill done)
9 UIIP-BC/PCO/W-151 (A) Construction of road by bheempur Councillor nazir sab bari road (Ch 00-150m) by RCC at ward no-03 under Chatkhil Pourashava .(B) Construction of road by bheempur gainer bari Mosjid road (Ch 00-510m) by Bituminous dense carpeting at ward no-04 under Chatkhil Pourashava (C ) Construction of lamchar road talukder bari to soader bari (Ch 00-200m) by RCC at ward no-05 under Chatkhil Pourashava (D) Improvement of damali road form PG School bridge road to kalarajer pool (Ch00-900m) by Bituminous dense carpeting at ward no-06 under Chatkhil Pourashava 0.1500 127.833 M/S Shad Enterprise 127.833 07/10/2020 04/10/2021 100 27/09/2022 0.01% Less (Final bill done)
10 UIIP-BC/PCO/W-34 (A) Improvement of Fatepur (I) Munshi bari road (ch 00-230m).(ii)chan Gazi bari (ch 00-67m) by bituminous dense carpeting at ward no-01 under Chathil Pourashava. (B) Improvement of Fatepur (i) Dorji bari road (ch 00-152m).(ii) bapari bari road (ch00-45m)by bituminous dense carperting at ward no-01under Chatkhil pourashava.Ch. 00-0.75, Bepari 00-170(C ) Improvement of Fatepur (i)Matupatwary road9ch00-130m) by bituminous dence carpeting at ward no-01under Chatkhil pourashava.(D) Improvement of Fatepur mosjid road (ch 00-130m) by bituminous dense carpeting atWard no -01 Chatkhil pourashva.(E) Construction j of Featepur (i) Washim uddin bapari road (ch 00-12m).(i) Jalal Ahamad bapari road (ch 00-35m) by RCC at ward no-01 under Chatkhil pourashava. (f) Improvement of Sunder (i) Sarkar bari road (ch 00-161m) . (ii) Shahid Dr.bari road(ch 00-84m) by bituminous dense carpeting at word no-02 ) under Chatkhil pourashava.(G) ) Improvement of Sunder Karigor bari road from palla road to masjid (ch 00-23m) by bituminous dense carpeting at ward no-03 under Chatkhil pourashava.(H) Improvement of Bheempur madrasa road from atia road to Tomijja road (ch 00-335m) by bituminous dense carpeting at ward no-04 under Chatkhil Pourashava. 1.8340 104.845 M/S Galaxy Enterprise 104.845 17/01/2021 100 27/09/2022 0.02% Less (Final bill done)
11 UIIP-BC/PCO/W-33 (A) Improvement of Ratepur halim Mohazon bari road (ch 00-445m) by bituminous dense carpeting at word no-01 under Chatkhil pourashava (B) Improvement of Chatkhil Thana road from patowary bari to Shahaze bari bridge (ch 00-460m) by bituminous carpeting at ward no-02 under Chatkhil Pourashava (c) Improvement of Chatkhil Thana road from B.S.R Road to patowary bari (ch 00--500m) by bituminous dense carpeting at ward no -02 under Chatkhil Pourashava.(D) Improvement of Sundorpur thana road to Bodol Kort road (ch 00-520m) by bituminous dense carpeting at word no-02,03 under Chatkhil Pourashava.(E) Construction of Doualatpur box all bepari bari road (ch 00-250m) by RCC at ward no -05 under Chatkhil Pourashava. 2.1750 109.708 M/S Shad Enterprise 109.708 17/01/2021 100 27/09/2022 0.01% Less (Final bill done)
12 UIIP-BC/PCO/W-32 (A) Construction of Datepur (i)Nur Alam Mia road (ch00-50m).(iii)Sree Ram bari road (ch00-135m).(iii) millick bari road (00-61m)By RCC at ward no -01under Chathil pourashava .(B) construcuction west Fatepur buter bari road (ch00-91m)by RCC at ward no -01under chatkhil pourashava ( C) Construction west ferepur Basher professor bari road (ch00-91m) by RCC Ward no-01 under Chatkhil porashava (D) construction west fatepur Harun bari road (ch00-185m)by RCC at ward no-01under Chatkhil pourashave.(E) Construction West Fetepur Chan Gazi bapari road (ch 00-160m)by RCC at ward no-01under Chatkhil prourashava . (F) Construction west Fetepur (i) kamar bari road (ch00-120m).(iii)Faruker bari road (ch00-26m) by RCC Chatkhil pourashave. (G) Improvement of West Fatepur tara bari road ( ch00-275m) by bituminous dense carpeting at waed no-01under Chatkhil pourashava. (H) Contruction of sundarpur road from porantopader bari Roton Mia bari (ch 00-170m) by RCC at ward no -02 under Chatkhil pourashava. 1.3640 112.878 M/S Sumon & Nazrul Traders 112.878 17/01/2021 100 27/09/2022 0.02% Less (Final bill done)
3 Noakhali-s
1 UIIP/PCO/G-49 Implementation & Supply 341 nos Waste Basket (120 ltr) & 36 nos Non-motorized vehicle (van) under Natore Pourashava District: Natore. 39.968 RFL Plastrics Limited 39.968 25/03/2024 23/09/2024 60 17/10/2024
2 UIIP- BC/PCO/W-574 (A) Construction of Park and Playground at Noakhali Pourashava. (B) Construction of Public Transport Passenger Shed (28.00sqm) Adjacent to Comilla-Noakhali High-Way mear Maijdee Municipal Market at ward no-05 Under Noakhali Pourashava area. (C) Construction of Single Storied Public Toilet (Type-A) near Maijdee Municipal Market at ward no-05 Under Noakhali Pourashava area. " 204.500 M/S Md Kamal Uddin 204.500 24/12/2023 23/12/2024 41 17/10/2024
3 UIIP- BC/PCO/W-585 Constraction work of dattarhat one-storied vagetable & Agrecultural Product market on 5 storied foundation building (Floor area 314.00sqm) at word no-06 under Noakhali Pourashava. 98.070 M/S Azad Enterprise 98.070 21/05/2023 20/05/2024 100 17/10/2024
4 UIIP- BC/PCO/W-289 (A) Re- Construction of 3x4.5mx4.5m RCC Culvert on Binodpur Khal (infront of Gopal road) at ward no-06 under Noakhali Pourosava area.(B) Re- Construction of 2x3.6mx3.6m RCC Culvert on Chagol Mara Khal (Datter Hat Goru Bazar to kacha bazar connecting) at ward no- 06 under Noakhali Pourosava area. 80.396 M/S Zihad Enterprise 80.396 05/01/2021 04/01/2022 100 27/09/2022 0.08% Less, Final Bill Done
5 UIIP- BC/PCO/W-288 (A) Construction of RCC Drain (starting from Town Hall to back side of Sonali Bank besides Flat Road) Ch. 0.00-99m, Ch. 99- 525 & 0.000-63m at ward no. 04 under Noakhali Pourosava area.(B) Construction of RCC Drain besides of Khadimul Islam road Ch. 0.000-0.290m at ward no.-04 under Noakhali Pourosava area. 118.555 M/S Wali Ahad Bhuiyan 118.555 01/05/2021 12/03/2022 100 27/09/2022 0.09% Less, Final Bill Done (Time Extended)
6 UIIP- BC/PCO/W-287 (A) Construction works of RCC drain besides of Noakhali College to Master Para Road Ch. 0.00-485m at ward no.-02 under Noakhali Pourosava.(B) Construction works of RCC drain besides of Sonapur Pouro Bazar main drain Ch. 0.00-250m & Link- 1,2,3 &4 (4x50)=200m at ward no.-02 under Noakhali Pourosava area. 116.320 M/S Maisa-Khalek JV 116.320 01/05/2021 12/03/2022 100 27/09/2022 0.07% Less, Final Bill Done Revise Done (Time Extended)
7 UIIP- BC/PCO/W-286 Improvement of Joykrisna pur road (starting from Islamia road to Fakirpur Madrasha) by RCC CH. 0.00-845m at ward no. 04 under Noakhali Pourosava. 0.8500 87.112 M/S Abdul khalek 87.112 01/04/2021 01/03/2022 100 27/09/2022 0.06% Less, Final Bill Done
8 UIIP- BC/PCO/W-157 (A)Re construction of judge court to new judicial court to new judicial magistrate court caonnecting road by RCC ( ch -00265.00m) at ward -03 under noakhali pourashava area . Ch. 0.00-0.270(B)Re construction of chaild school road ( main road to west sode joy krisnopur road ) by RCC ( ch-00-550.00m)at ward -04 ,under noakhali pourashava area. 0.8200 110.344 M/S Abdul Khalak 110.344 06/08/2020 05/08/2021 100 27/09/2022 0.08% Less, Final Bill Done
9 UIIP- BC/PCO/W-156 (A)Improvement of north maijdee old collage road by RCC ch 00+650.00m at word no -03, under Noakhali pourashava Area.(B)Improvement of north maijdee borad school road ( from police line borad school ) by RCC ch 00+400.00m at word no -01, under Noakhali pourashava Area. 1.0500 123.933 M/S Abdul Khalak 123.933 06/08/2020 05/08/2021 100 27/09/2022 4.68% Above, Final Bill Done
10 UIIP- BC/PCO/W-24 Re construction of vobanigang road by BC (ch-00-965.00m) at ward -09, under noakhali pourashava. 0.9700 103.337 M/S Osman gani 103.337 18/07/2021 100 27/09/2022 0.04% Less, Final Bill Done
11 UIIP- BC/PCO/W-23 Re construction of badrul haider road by BC (ch-00-406.00m) at ward -09 ,under noakhali pourashava area. 1.4100 114.597 M/D Wali Ahad Bhuiyan 114.597 03/08/2020 02/08/2021 100 27/09/2022 0.18% Less, Final Bill Done
12 UIIP- BC/PCO/W-22 Re construction & widening of Hakim quarter road & DC office connecting road by BC (ch-00.00-530.00m)and (ch-00.00-130.00m)at ward -3,under nokhali pourashava area. 0.6600 75.842 M/S Rupali Enterprise (JV) 75.842 03/08/2020 02/08/2021 100 27/09/2022 0.01% Less, Final Bill Done
13 UIIP- BC/PCO/W-21 Improvement of fakirpur road ( from main road alipur road) by BC ch 00+1150m at word no -04, under Noakhali pourashava Area. 1.1500 112.729 M/S Abdul Khalak 112.729 02/08/2020 01/08/2021 100 27/09/2022 0.07% Less, Final Bill Done
Total : 37.5060 (Km) 4547.04 (Lac) 4547.04 (Lac)