
Quality Control Unit

About Us

'Quality control' is a small coinage of words, but the extent of its related works is gigantic. All construction materials should pass the standard of quality control as far as possible for ensuring any construction works as per its design life. It is now bare truth that no construction work is scientific without the provisions of quality control. In civil engineering works, a laboratory with modern equipment is essential, and to run it well, skilled engineers and technicians are essential. LGED has taken the lead to make an all-out effort regarding quality control.

LGED's Quality Control Unit started functioning in 1984 under Institutional Support Project (ISP) of Rural Development Project-4 (RDP-4). It runs a total of 65 full-fledged material testing laboratories including the Central Laboratory located at LGED headquarters at Agargaon, Dhaka. 64 District Laboratories are located at the respective Executive Engineer's offices.

The District laboratories are responsible for quality control for all the civil works under the concerned offices.  They are responsible for routine tests of the materials and ongoing works. Central Laboratory is responsible for monitoring and providing all sorts of support to the District Laboratories to perform some of the special tests in addition to those performed at the District Laboratories.

In late 2003, JICA extended their hands of cooperation through RDEC (Rural Development Engineering Centre) Project to strengthen the capability of Central Quality Control Unit (CQCU) which brought a radical change in the approaches and performances of the unit. All the laboratories are manned by skilled manpower and equipped with modern testing equipment. To make all the infrastructures technically sound, safe, durable and cost effective, LGED has also adopted standard quality control procedure of its own for material testing measures at different phases of the construction.

Periodic training and refreshers courses are organized for the QC personnel to enhance their knowledge and skill.

LGED, qcu
Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Level-2, RDEC Bhaban; Agargaon, Sher-E-Bangla Nagar Dhaka-1207. +88-02-55006766