
Human Resources, Environment & Gender Unit

About Us

Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) is a public sector organization created out of Rural Works Programme (RW) and was gradually upgraded as Local Government Engineering Bureau (LGEB) in 1984 and finally transformed to Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) in 1992. Over time it expanded a lot and become the largest engineering department in Bangladesh. At present more than 13,394 employee are working in addition to project personnel. LGED is responsible for infrastructure development of the country for both rural, urban areas and water sector (upto1000 hec.). It considers development of its human resources as one of the top priority and has given due importance to training from the very beginning.

The training activities in this organization started in the former Works Programme Wing (WPW) under the ministry of LGRD&C and gained a momentum in 1984 with the establishment of the then Local Government Engineering Bureau (LGEB). A“Long Term Strategy and Plan for Training” was formulated in 1984 and accordingly a Central Training Unit (CTU) was established with its HQ at Dhaka and decentralized Regional Training Centres (RTC) at districts. From July 1998, all the training activities were coordinated and implemented through the HQ CTU and 10 RTCs under the Rural Development Project-21 (RTP-21/TRIDP) which were gradually absorbed into revenue budget in 2003. The numbers of RTC were increased to 14 from May 2013. Recently the numbers of RTC have been increased to 20 (twenty) to match with LGED regions. The regional offices are headed by Superintending Engineer (Region) and are located at Barishal, Bogura, Chatragram,Comilla, Dhaka, Dinajpur, Faridpur, Jeshore, Khulna, Khustia, Madaripur, Mymensingh,Narayanganj, Noakhali, Pabna, Patuakhali, Rajshahi, Rangamati, Rangpur and Sylhet.

The Central Training Unit located at RDEC Building at the LGED headquarter is equipped with 4 lecture rooms, 3 ICT training rooms, seminar rooms, library and residential accommodations for 50 individuals.  Dining facilities are also available for more than 140 participants. Similarly Regional Training Cenres (RTCs) comprise of lecture room, ICT room and dining facilities.  Training rooms both at CTU and RTCs are well furnished with air-conditions, white board, flip chart, laptop and multimedia projector etc,. The training courses are implemented not only at CTU but also at the regions (RTCs).  Training courses are also implemented at district, upazila and union levels depending on the target groups and the types of training.

The main objectives of the capacity building and training activities are to create, enhance and develop human resource for achieving socio-economic development through execution of various activities under rural, urban and small scale water resources sectors.  All the courses have been brought under ten thematic groups such as: a.  Administration and Management b. Gender and Development c. Social & Environmental Safeguard (d.  Engineering and Technical e. Computer based Training/ICT f.  Finance, Accounts and Audit Management g. PPR/e-GP h. Urban Management i. Climate Change j. Others (as required).

In  addition, LGED collaborates in training and capacity building activities organized by other institutions such as Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC), Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD), Rural Development Academy (RDA) and other specialized training institutes/centres.

Training activities include assessment of training need, development of training curriculum and training modules followed by implementation of training courses. Each course is evaluated before and after course implementation. Feed back is evaluated by using formats and knowledge level is tested by using pre- and post-test questionnaire. Employees of LGED including Executive Engineers, Upazila Engineers, Sub Assistant Engineer, Surveyors, Draftsmen cum SAE, Accountant, Accounts Assistant, Office Assistant, Computer Operator/CCT, Work Assistant and Community Organizers are covered under training program.  In addition, Local Government Institution (LGI) representatives, contractors, members of the Labour Contracting Societies (LCS) and project beneficiaries are also imparted training. Training Unit develops in-house trainers through extending Training of Trainers (TOT) courses who in turn conduct courses at regions, districts or upazila.

The training courses are funded from the revenue budget as well as development project funds. The courses under revenue budget are mainly covered by LGED officers and staff where as project funds cover LGED officers, staffs, LGI representatives, contractors, project personnel etc.

For smooth conduct of training activities, a Training Calendar is being prepared by the CTU at the beginning of each fiscal year. Besides, LGED Engineers also participate in overseas courses, both academic and professional.

LGED, ctu
Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Level-11, RDEC Bhaban, Agargaon, Sher-E-Bangla Nagar Dhaka-1207. +88-02-9144599