
Urban Management Unit

Photo Gallary

Training course on ‘Municipal Master plan Implementation’ held on 03-07 April 22
Training course on ‘Web Based Municipal Water Billing Software Operation’ held on 17 May 22 to 19 May 22
Training course on ‘Web Based Municipal Water Billing Software Operation’ held on 17 May 22 to 19 May 22
পৌরসভার সহকারী প্রকৌশলীদের (সিভিল) জন্য পৌরসভা পরিচালন ও পৌরসভার প্রকৌশল বিভাগের কার্যাবলি সম্পাদন সম্পর্কিত সংক্ষিপ্ত বুনিয়াদি প্রশিক্ষণ কোর্স।
পৌরসভার সহকারী প্রকৌশলীদের (সিভিল) জন্য পৌরসভা পরিচালন ও পৌরসভার প্রকৌশল বিভাগের কার্যাবলি সম্পাদন সম্পর্কিত সংক্ষিপ্ত বুনিয়াদি প্রশিক্ষণ কোর্স।
পৌরসভার সহকারী প্রকৌশলীদের (সিভিল) জন্য পৌরসভা পরিচালন ও পৌরসভার প্রকৌশল বিভাগের কার্যাবলি সম্পাদন সম্পর্কিত সংক্ষিপ্ত বুনিয়াদি প্রশিক্ষণ কোর্স।
পৌরসভার সহকারী প্রকৌশলীদের (সিভিল) জন্য পৌরসভা পরিচালন ও পৌরসভার প্রকৌশল বিভাগের কার্যাবলি সম্পাদন সম্পর্কিত সংক্ষিপ্ত বুনিয়াদি প্রশিক্ষণ কোর্স।
পৌরসভার সহকারী প্রকৌশলীদের (সিভিল) জন্য পৌরসভা পরিচালন ও পৌরসভার প্রকৌশল বিভাগের কার্যাবলি সম্পাদন সম্পর্কিত সংক্ষিপ্ত বুনিয়াদি প্রশিক্ষণ কোর্স।
Training course on ‘Municipal Water Billing Software Operation’ held on 26 Dec. 21 to 13 Jan. 22 at DPHE, Mohakhali, Dhaka
Training course on ‘Municipal Water Billing Software Operation’ held on 26 Dec. 21 to 13 Jan. 22 at DPHE, Mohakhali, Dhaka
Training course on ‘Municipal Water Billing Software Operation’ held on 26 Dec. 21 to 13 Jan. 22 at DPHE, Mohakhali, Dhaka
Training course on ‘Municipal Water Billing Software Operation’ held on 26 Dec. 21 to 13 Jan. 22 at DPHE, Mohakhali, Dhaka
3 days training course on ‘Web Based Municipal Water Billing & Collection Software (Dia & Meter) Operation’, held on 23-25 February 2021 at RDEC Bhaban, Level-3, LGED-HQ, was inaugurated by Additional Chief Engineer (Monitoring, Audit, Procurement & ICT Unit), LGED-HQ, Mr. Md. Ahsan Habib along with ACE(UMU), Mr. Md. Rafiqul Islam, SE, LGED HQ & PD (MGSP), Mr Shaikh Muzakka Zaher and SE(UP & UIDS) & Director, MSU, Mr. Mollah Mohammad Shahnawaz.
Training course on Holding Tax Assessment held at RTC, LGED, Bogura (RMSU-Rajshahi) on 23-24 November, 2020. At the end of thetraining certificates for attending the course are being distributed among the participants by Mr. Md. Abdul Malek Sarkar, Additional Chief Engineer, Rajshahi Division, LGED, Rajshahi.
At the end of the Training of Trainer (ToT) course (Online) on Newly Developed Web based MSU Software for Pourashava held at Zoom on 2,3,4 & 6,10,11 November 2020,Superintending Engineer(SE) & PD (MGSP), Mr.Shaikh Muzakka Zaher delivering his observation and motivational speech among the ToT participants and resource person from Technovista.
Training course on Holding Tax Assessment held on 28-29 October 2020 at RTC, LGED, Cumilla was inaugurated by Superintending Engineer (SE) Mr. Sushanto Kumar Pal of Cumilla region. Deputy Director, RMSU, LGED, Cumilla, Mr. Md, Emdadul Haque chaired the inaugural session.
At the end of the training course on Holding Tax Assessment held at RTC, LGED, Cumilla on 28-29 October 2020, certificates for attending the course are being distributed among the participants by Superintending Engineer (SE) Mr. Sushanto Kumar Pal of Cumilla region.
Mr. Md. Shafiqul Islam Akand, Additional Chief Engineer (Urban Management Unit) is seen to deliver his speech in the inaugural session of training course on Contract Management, held at LGED, HQ on 22-23December, 2019 as chief guest.
At the end of the closing session of trainingcourse on Pourashava Master plan Implementation, held on 25-27February, 2020 at LGED HQ, Director, MSU and Superintending Engineer (UP & UID), LGED, Mr. M.M Shahnawaz is seen to distribute certificates among the participants.
One of the participants is seen to express his overall feedback about orientation course on Pourashava Master plan Implementation, held at LGED, HQ on 25-27February, 2020.
MSU Consultant Team Leader Mr. Md. Abdul Guffar is Seen to facilitate the training course on Pourashava Master plan Implementation, held at LGED, HQ on 25-27February, 2020.
Director, MSU and Superintending Engineer (UP & UID), LGED HQ Mr. M.M Shahnawaz is seen to deliver his motivational speech on importance of Development Plan Preparation and Implementation in the orientation course on Development Plan Preparation and Implementation, held at LGED, HQ on 24-26February, 2020.
Mr. Md. Shafiqul Islam Akand, Additional Chief Engineer (Urban Management Unit) is seen to deliver his speech in the inaugural session of training course on Pourashava Road Development, held at LGED, HQ on 24-26February, 2020 as chief guest.
Director, MSU and Superintending Engineer (UP & UID), LGEDHQMr. M.M Shahnawaz is seen to deliver his motivational speech on importance of Development Plan Preparation and Implementation in the orientation course on Development Plan Preparation and Implementation, held at LGED, HQ on 17-19February, 2020.
Deputy Project Director, MGSP, LGED, Mr. Md. Monjur Ali is seen to deliver his motivational speech on the importance of contract management and quality control in the training course on Contract Management & Quality Control (Refresher), held at e-GP Lab, LGED, HQ on 26September, 2019.
Mr. Md. Shafiqul Islam Akand, Additional Chief Engineer (Urban Management Unit) is seen to deliver his speech in the inaugural session of training course on Contract Management& Quality Control (Refresher), held at e-GP Lab, LGED, HQ on 26September, 2019 as chief guest.
A Group Photograph of the participantsof the training course on e-GP, held at e-GP Lab, LGED, HQ on 01-04April, 2019 with Mr. Md. Shafiqul Islam Akand, Additional Chief Engineer (Urban Management Unit), LGED.
Mr. Md. Shafiqul Islam Akand, Additional Chief Engineer (Urban Management Unit) is seen to deliver his speech in the inaugural session of training course on e-GP, held at e-GP Lab, LGED, HQ on 01-04April, 2019 as chief guest and declared four days training course open.
At the end of the closing session of trainingcourse on e-GP, held on 18-21 November, 2019 at e-GP Lab, LGED, HQ, Director, MSU and Superintending Engineer (UP & UID), LGED, Mr. M.M Shahnawaz is seen to deliver his closing speech to the participants.
At the end of the closing session of trainingcourse on e-GP, held on 18-21 November, 2019 at e-GP Lab, LGED, HQ, Director, MSU and Superintending Engineer (UP & UID), LGED, Mr. M.M Shahnawaz is seen to distribute certificates among the participants.
Additional Chief Engineer, (UM) Mr. Md. Shafiqul Islam Akand is seen to deliver speech as the special guest in the inaugural session of orientation course for Pourashava officials and assistant engineer on ‘e-gp’, held at LGED-HQ on 11 to 14 March, 2019.
Closing & Certificate distribution of Pourashava Master Plan Preparation, Implementation and Relevent Acts training for ULB's(Mayou, XEN/AE, Secretary, TP/AE/SAE, Chairman and Menbers of Standing Committee ) 3-5/10/2019.(Batch 1)
Additional Chief Engineer, (UM) Mr. Md. Shafiqul Islam Akand is seen to deliver speech as the special guest in the inaugural session of orientation course for Mayou, XEN/AE, Secretary, TP/AE/SAE, Chairman and Menbers of Standing Committee on ‘Pourashava Master Plan Preparation, Implementation and Relevent Acts’, held at LGED-HQ on 11 to 13 November, 2019.
Superintending Engineer, (UM) & Director, MSU Mr. Mollah Mohammad Shahnawaz is seen to deliver speech as the special guest in the inaugural session of orientation course for Pourashava officials and assistant engineer on ‘e-gp’, held at LGED-HQ on 28 to 31 October, 2019.
Superintending Engineer, (UM) & Director, MSU Mr. Md. Shafiqul Islam Akand is seen to deliver speech as the special guest in the inaugural session of orientation course for Pourashava officials and assistant engineer on ‘e-gp’, held at LGED-HQ on 08 to 11 October, 2018.
Superintending Engineer, (UM) & Director, MSU Mr. Md. Shafiqul Islam Akand is seen to deliver speech as the special guest in the inaugural session of orientation course for elected officials (Mayor) on ‘Fundamental Issues of Paurashava Governance’, held at RDA, Bogura on 28 to 31 January, 2018.
Md. Nurullah, Additional chief Engineer (Urban Management), Mr. Adinath Ghosh, Superintending Engineer, Sylhet Region, Md Taufique Kibria, DD, Mr. Swapan Kanti Paul, XEN, Sylhet, Md. Shafiqul Alam, Programmer, LGD, Haque Sultana, Urban Planner present in Closing Session of Training on “MIS Software & Web Portal Operation Training” for ULB's Personnel organized by LGED & Funded by LGD, dated: 25-27/04/2015
Md. Nurullah, Additional chief Engineer (Urban Management), Mr. Adinath Ghosh, Superintending Engineer, Sylhet Region, Md Taufique Kibria, DD, Mr. Swapan Kanti Paul, XEN, Sylhet, Md. Shafiqul Alam, Programmer, LGD, Haque Sultana, Urban Planner present in Closing Session of Training on “MIS Software & Web Portal Operation Training” for ULB's Personnel organized by LGED & Funded by LGD, dated: 25-27/04/2015
Abdul Malek, Secretary LGD, Shyama Prosad Adhikari, Chief Engineer, LGED , Md. Nurullah, Additional chief Engineer (Urban Management) and Md. Khalilur Rahman, Superintending Engineer (Urban Management) LGED present in Closing & Certificate distribution of Training on “MIS Software & Web Portal Operation Training” for ULB's Personnel organized by LGED & Funded by LGD, dated: 11-13/04/2015
Meeting at NCC with Dr. Salina Hayat Ivy, Mayor; Shyama Prosad Adhikari, Chief Engineer, LGED, Md. Nurullah, Additional chief Engineer, Urban Management Unit, LGED; Md. Shajahan mollah, PD-CGP along with other officials of CGP & NCC regarding CGP activities on 20/12/2014
Meeting at NCC with Dr. Salina Hayat Ivy, Mayor; Shyama Prosad Adhikari,Chief Engineer, LGED, Md. Nurullah, Additional chief Engineer, Urban Management Unit, LGED; Md. Shajahan mollah, PD-CGP along with other officials of CGP & NCC regarding CGP activities on 20/12/2014
Closing & Certificate distribution of ULB's(XEN,AE & SAE) 24-27/11/2014
Opening of e-GP training for ULB's(XEN,AE & SAE) 24-27/11/2014
Opening of e-GP training for e-GP TOT for Officials of Regional Urban Management Unit 20-23/11/2014
A programme of 'Jonotar Mukhomukhi Poura Parishad' in Kalihati Pourashava on 15/11/2014. Additional Chief Engineer of LGED Mr. Md. Nurullah along with chairman upazila parishad, Mayor paurashava and other oficial from lged hq, Regional office pourashava were present.
Closing & Certificate distribution of e-GP training for ULB's(XEN,AE & SAE) 27-30/10/2014.(Batch 4)
Closing & Certificate distribution of e-GP training for ULB's(XEN,AE & SAE) 27-30/10/2014.(Batch 4)
Inauguration of e-GP training for ULB's,XEN,AE & SAE of Paurashava 27-30/10/2014.(Batch 4)
Inauguration of e-GP training for ULB's,XEN,AE & SAE of Paurashava 27-30/10/2014.(Batch 4)
Closing & Certificate distribution of e-GP training for ULB's(XEN,AE & SAE) 20-23/10/2014
Closing & Certificate distribution of e-GP training for ULB's(XEN,AE & SAE) 20-23/10/2014
Inauguration of e-GP training for ULB's,XEN,AE & SAE of Paurashava 20-23/10/2014.(Batch 3)
Inauguration of e-GP training for ULB's,XEN,AE & SAE of Paurashava 20-23/10/2014.(Batch 3)
SE Urban Md. Nurullah visit the site Khilgaon Fly over Loop (Saidabad side) Project along with PD, and Other Official on 15/10/2014
Inauguration of e-GP training for ULB's(SE,XEN,AE of 6 CC's) 13-16/10/2014
Inauguration of e-GP training for ULB's(SE,XEN,AE of 6 CC's) 13-16/10/2014
Orientation Program on NOBIDEP Project in Rangpur Region. Ten Pourashava Mayor and Officials attend in the Orientation. SE (UM) Mr. Md. Nurullah & PD NOBIDEP Mr Anayet Hossain attend in the Orientation.
Meeting on Master Plan at Rangpur. Honorable Mayor Rangpur City Corporation Sorfuddin Ahmed attend as Chief Guest
Closing & Certificate distribution of e-GP training for ULB's(XEN,AE & SAE) 23-25/09/2014
Closing & Certificate distribution of e-GP training for ULB's(XEN,AE & SAE) 23-25/09/2014
Closing & Certificate distribution of e-GP training for ULB's(XEN,AE & SAE) 23-25/09/2014
Closing & Certificate distribution of e-GP training for ULB's(XEN,AE & SAE) 23-25/09/2014
e-GP training for ULB's(XEN,AE & SAE) 23-25/09/2014
e-GP training for ULB's(XEN,AE & SAE) 23-25/09/2014
e-GP training for ULB's(XEN,AE & SAE) 23-25/09/2014
e-GP training for ULB's(XEN,AE & SAE) 23-25/09/2014
CE, Addl.CE, SE's, PD's, DPD's & DD's were present at the meeting
Review Meeting held on 16/09/2014, of Urban Management Unit,LGED
Review Meeting held on 16/09/2014, of Urban Management Unit,LGED
Review Meeting held on 16/09/2014, of Urban Management Unit,LGED
Training on Municipal Insfrastructure Design and Maintianance for Municipalities Assistant Engineers held on may/2014Joint Secretary David Paul Khandaker Swapan as chief Guest and Md.Mohsin, Additional Chief Engineer (Urban), LGED,was present at the inaugural session
Participants of the Training on Municipal Infrastructure Design and Maintenance for Municipalities assistant Engineers
Participants of the Training on Municipal Infrastructure Design and Maintenance for Municipalities assistant Engineers
Training on Municipal Insfrastructure Design and Maintianance for Municipalities Sub- Assistant Engineers held on April/2014.Md.MohsinMD. Mohsin, Additional Chief Engineer (Urban), LGED, MD. Nurullah,superintend Engineer(UM), LGED was present at the inaugural session
Participants of the Training on Municipal Infrastructure Design and Maintenance for Municipalities assistant Engineers
Training on Municipal Insfrastructure Design and Maintianance for Municipalities Sub- Assistant Engineers held on April/2014.Md.MohsinAdditional Chief Engineer (Urban), LGED, MD. Nurullah,superintendEngineer(UM),Md Khalillur Rahman superintendEngineer(Design) LGED was present at the inaugural session
Participants of the Training on Municipal Infrastructure Design and Maintenance for Municipalities assistant Engineers
Training on Municipal Insfrastructure Design and Maintianance for Municipalities Sub- Assistant Engineers held on April/2014.Md.MohsinMD. Mohsin, Additional Chief Engineer (Urban), LGED, MD. Nurullah,superintend Engineer(UM), LGED was present at the inaugural session
Participants of the Training on Municipal Infrastructure Design and Maintenance for Municipalities assistant Engineers
Training on Municipal Insfrastructure Design and Maintianance for Municipalities Sub- Assistant Engineers held on April/2014.Md.MohsinMD. Mohsin, Additional Chief Engineer (Urban), LGED, MD. Nurullah,superintend Engineer(UM), LGED was present at the inaugural session
Training on Municipal Insfrastructure Design and Maintianance for Municipalities Sub- Assistant Engineers held on April/2014.Joint Secretary David Paul Khandaker Swapan as chief Guest and also MD. Nurullah,superintend Engineer(UM), LGED was present at the inaugural session
Participants of the Training on Municipal Infrastructure Design and Maintenance for Municipalities Sub-Assistant Engineers
Training on Municipal Insfrastructure Design and Maintianance for Municipalities Executive Engineers held on April/2014.Joint Secretary David Paul Khandaker Swapan as chief Guest and also MD. Nurullah,superintend Engineer(UM), LGED was present at the inaugural session
Participants of the Training on Municipal Infrastructure Design and Maintenance for Municipalities Executive Engineers held on 23-24 April 2014
Participants of the Training on Municipal Infrastructure Design and Maintenance for Municipalities Executive Engineers held on 21-22 April 2014
Training on Municipal Insfrastructure Design and Maintianance for Municipalities Executive Engineers held on 21-22 April/2014.Joint Secretary David Paul Khandaker Swapan as chief Guest and also MD. Mohsin, Additional Chief Engineer (Urban), LGED was present at the inaugural session
Training on Municipal Insfrastructure Design and Maintianance for Municipalities Assistant Engineers held on 15-16 April/2014. MD. Mohsin, Additional Chief Engineer (Urban), LGED was present as the Chief Guest at the inaugural session
Training on Municipal Infrastructure Design and Maintenance for Municipalities Sub-assistant Engineers held on 07-09 April/2014. Mst. Rehana Yasmin, Deputy Secretary, LGD was present as the Special Guest at the inaugural session
Training on Municipal Infrastructure Design and Maintenance for Municipalities assistant Engineers held on 09-10 April/2014. Mr. Ashoke Madhob Roy, Additional Secretary (Urban Development), LGD was present as the Chief Guest at the inaugural session
Participants of the Training on Municipal Infrastructure Design and Maintenance for Municipalities assistant Engineers held on 09-10 April 2014
Participants of Orientation Program
Orientation Program
Auto Cad Training for Paurashava Engineering Section
Auto Cad Training for Paurashava Engineering Section
Auto Cad Training for Paurashava Engineering Section
Auto Cad Training for Paurashava Engineering Section
Progress Review Meeting
Progress Review Meeting
Progress Review Meeting
Progress Review Meeting
Officials of LGED
Participants in UMU meeting
Chief Engineer & SE(Urban)
Urban Management Unit Meeting.
Estimating course for Work Assistant of Ps
Estimating course for Work Assistant of Ps
Estimating course for Sub Asstt Engineer of Ps
Estimating course for Work Assistant of Ps
CBO Meeting of RUMU Comilla
Auto CAD of Comilla
UMU Conferences
Workshop of LGED HQ
Training on PPR-2008
Closing Session
Training on Estimating
Certificate Ceremony
Group Photo of TOT
TOT Training
Training on TOT Course
Training on MIS, Web Portal & PISC
LGED, umu
Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Level-07, RDEC Bhaban, Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207.+88.02.8121169, +88.02.8159379, +88.02.9120476
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