
Audit Unit


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Sl. Title Type Publish Date
1 helooo sdfsdf 17/07/2024
2 ertt fghfg 17/07/2024
3 Resolution of audit progress of different dists on 31-08-2020 Resolution 29/01/2021
4 Resolution of Audit Progress of diffierent Projects on 13 August 2020 Resolution 29/01/2021
5 Settled adv Para 72(2) & 73 Fy 2016-17 & adv para 2 & 4 Fy 2015-2016 of LBC Pro Settle Para 29/01/2021
6 Tripartite Meeting of Jhalokathi Jan 10 2021 Meeting 29/01/2021
7 Settle AP87 GP 832 17-18 of Kh AP89(4)16-17 of Nilmari AP 1 2 10 - 11 of Pncgr AP55 1 16 - 17 of Sylht AP 1 14 - 15 of Nachol pjct AP 8 17 - 18 of HFMLIP Settle Para 15/01/2021
8 Resolution of 34th PAC Meeting on 20 December 2020 Resolution 13/01/2021
9 Settled AP 09(2015-16) Chattorog,AP02(2008-09) AP02(2009-10) Sylhet AP 55(2017-18) Noakhi,AP39(7)2017-18 of Serajganj Settle Para 05/11/2020
10 Settled AP 1 SCHTRDP (20 17-18), AP 10 IRIP (Nachol)2014-15,AP 5 (2006-07),AP3 (2012-13)AP 2(2013-14) of Pirojpur, AP 01( 2009-10) Barguna & AP5 (2006-07) Rajbari dist Settle Para 05/11/2020
11 Decision of 26th meeting of PAC of the 11th National Assembly 20 Oct 2020 Decision 30/10/2020
12 Settled Gaibandha AP4 2010-11 Rngmati AP 1 2 3 2009-10 Prjpur AP 1(2) 3(1) 11(5) 1997-98 Nganj AP 1 2012-13 Cmlla AP4 2008-09 Nkhali AP55 2017-18 Sylet AP2 2015-16 Rajbari AP5 2006-07 Tngail AP8 2014-15 Mmnsng AP19(2) 2017-18 Settle Para 17/10/2020
13 As per the decision 22nd meeting 11th PAC, the Investigation report on sec. 5.4 art.12 fy 2011-12 Meeting 30/09/2020
14 Resolution of 6(six) PA Committee's Meetong of Elevan Parliament on June 20, 2019 Resulation 24/09/2020
15 Resolution of 22 PA Committee's Meeting of Elevan Parliament on january 15, 2020 Resulation 24/09/2020
16 Setteled of 3 (three) audit objections of RTIP 2 ( 2017-2018) by FAPAD Settle Para 24/09/2020
17 Setteled of audit para of MDSP 2017-18,Chottragarm A.P4, 2013-14,Barishal A.p 1(6) 2011-12 Hobigang AP 2 2207-08 Settle Para 20/09/2020
18 Audit setteled by CAG para 7,8 & 9 office fy 2009-10 মন্তব্য 08/09/2020
19 ৬৪ জেলার অডিট আপত্তি নিষ্পত্তির অগ্রগতি পর্যালোচনা সভার কার্য বিবরণী, তারিখ: ৩১/০৮/২০২০ কার্য বিবরণী 31/08/2020
20 Settelement of audit para of Bandarban dist. fy 2008-09 Letter 27/08/2020
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LGED, Audit
Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Level: 8, LGED Bhaban, Agargoan, Sher-E-Bangla Nagar Dhaka-1207.+88-02-58153951