


LGED-Jhalokathi Achievement

Implemented some remarkable roads & bridges atJhalokathi district under various Rural Development Projects under LGED.

1. Construction of 90.00 M Long RCC Bridge on Basanda River.

2.  Construction of48.00 m Long on Kirtipasha khal

3. Construction of Gabkhan Dhansiri UP Copmplex.

4. Construction of Gaba Ramchandra UP Copmplex.

5. Construction of Galua UP Copmplex.

6. Construction of Ranapasha UP Copmplex.

7. Nalchity-Barisal-Patuakhali RHD Jurkati upto Kaya hat Upazila Road (13.70 Km)

8. Kathalia-Koikhali Upazila Road (7.30Km)

9. Rajapur R&H - Pingri Balarjor Hat road (5.50Km)

10.Jhalokati Bus Station-Manpasha GC upto Balakdia R&Hroad (10.05km)

Jhalokathi At a Glance
Area: 735km2
Upazila Road: 224.8 km
Union Road: 298.85Km
Village Road: 1703.58Km VA
2252.05Km VB
Population: 694090
Density: 1005.75Km2
Literacy: 65.74% (2001)
No. of Upazila: 4
No. of Union: 32
No. of Pourashava: 2
No. of Primary School: 526
No. of High School: 157
No. of College: 18
Procurment, Jhalokathi