

Current Activities

Growth Center Markets, Union Parishad Complex Bhaban, Server Station for Electoral Database, Roads, Bridge, Maintenance of Primary Shool, Primary training institute (PTI), Hydraulic structure for irrigation etc are implementing by different project under LGED at Gazipur district.

 List of Project :

1. Primary Education Development Programme-III (PEDP-III)

2. Construction of Large Bridges on Upazila and Union Roads Project. (LBC)

3. Second Rural Transport Improvement Project (RTIP-II)

4. Union Road & Other Infrastructure Development Project(UNR/GDP)

5. Project for Improvement of Rural Road and Hat Bazar Infrastructure on Priority Basis (PRP)

6. Rural Infrastructure Development (Public Priority Rural Communication & Rural Market Development and Rehabilitation) Project Part-II (PMP-ll).

7. Rural Road and Culvert Maintenance Programme (GOB Maint.)

8. Important Rural Infrastructure Development on priority Basis (IRIDP)

9. Urban Primary Health Care Services Delivery Project (UPHCSDP)

10. Construction of Upazila Mukthijoddha Complex (CUMCP)

11. Construction of Houses for Land less and Unprivileged Muktijoddha Project.

12. Participatory Small Scale water resource sector project (PSSWRSP).

13. Important Rural Infrastructure Development Project on Priority Basis-2 (IRIDP-ll)

14. Conservation of Historical Sites of LiberationWar & Construction of Muktijuddho Memorial Museum Project

15. Small Scale Water Resource Development Project (SSWRDP-2)

16. Rural Infrastructure Development Project : Greater Dhaka, Tangail &Kishoreganj districts. (GDP-II)

17. (PTI) - Primary Education Development Program

18. (NATA)-National Agricultural Training Academy.

19. (BSA) - Bangladesh Shilpakola Academy. 

20. (CRDP) - City RegionDevelopment Project.

21.  (TULO) - Town Union Land Office.

22. Greater Dhaka Rural Infrastructure Improvement Project (GDP-III )

23. Safari Park.

24. (GSIDP)-General Social Infrastructure Development Project.

25. (PRMMP)-Preservation & Reconstruction of MuktijuddhoMemorial Project

26. Exceptional Business Initative at Joyeeta

27. (FDDRIRP)-Flood & Disaster Damaged Rural Road Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project.

28. সারাদেশে পুকুর, খাল উন্নয়ন প্রকল্প

29. Construction of Important Bridges on Rural Roads.

List of few Important ongoing schemes’s name :


1. Improvement of Goshinga-Rajabari Road Ch.0+000-7+738=7.738km under Sreepur Upazila, Gazipur

2. Construction of 6 Storied CRHCC building at Dhirasrom Dakhinkhan to Kolar bazar road in Gazipur City Corporation, District: Gazipur.

3. Rehabilitation and Periodic Maintenance of Sreepur - Barmi Bazar Ch. 2000 - 7000 m Upazila Sreepur under Gazipur District.

4. Improvement of Boardghar (R&H)- Chandabaha GC (Ch. 5+050-15+830km) under kaliakoir Upazila, District: Gazipur.

5. Improvement of Mediasolay(Chapair UP)  -Bangla Bazar Via Boraibari  Paikpara Via Kotbari Chowrasta Bazar Road Chainage: 0-950-2+641km & 5+937-12+838km =8.592km.

6. Construction of 75.06m Long RCC Girder Bridge on Boardghar (R&H)-Chandabaha GC Road over Bongshal River at Ch.1511m under Kaliakoir Upazila, Gazipur.

7.Construction of Multipurpose Auditorium Bhaban of Gazipur PTI.

8. Construction of Sukundir bag GPS & Udur GPS.

9. Construction of Sreepur Upazila Muktijoddah Complex Bhaban under Khaligong Upazila, Dist: Gazipur.

10. Construction of Kaliakoir   Upazila Muktijoddah Complex Bhaban under Kaliakoir Upazila, Dist: Gazipur.

11. Construction of 99.10m long PC Girder Bridge on Masterbari- Khalisha Borta Road over turag river at Ch. 5200m under sadar Upazila ( Road ID No. 333304004) Dist: Gazipur.

12.Construction of two storied DG Bangalow at National Agriculture Training Academy (NATA) under Gazipur.sadar Upazila, Dist: Gazipur.

13. Civil works in Mouchak and Mirzapur Urban Center under Gazipur District. i) Road in Mouchak Urban Center, ii) Drain in Mouchak Urban Center, iii) RCC Box Culvert in Mouchak Urban Center, iv) Road in Mirzapur Urban Center , vii) Drain in Mirzapur Urban Center.

Gazipur At a Glance
Area: 0km2
Upazila Road: 627.02 km
Union Road: 576.29Km
Village Road: 2322.22Km VA
3163.99Km VB
Density: Km2
No. of Upazila: 5
No. of Union: 44
No. of Pourashava: 3
No. of Primary School:
No. of High School:
No. of College:
Procurment, Gazipur