

Current Activities

Roads & Bridges etc are implementing by different project of LGED at this Mymensingh District.


List of projects name are given below:


1.   Rural road & CulvertMaintenance program.

2.   Important Rural InfrastructureDevelopment Project on Priority Basis(IRIDP).

3.  Third Primary Education DevelopmentProgram (PEDP-III).

4.  Greater Mymensingh InfrastructureDevelopment Project (GMRIDP-2)

5.  Participatory Small Scale WaterResources Sector Project(PSSWRSP).

6.  Small Scale Water Resources DevelopmentProject in Greater Mymensingh,Sylhet and Faridpur area (SSWRDP-JICA).

7.  Second Rural Transport ImprovementProject (RTIP-II).

8.  Rural Infrastructure Development(Public Important Rural Communication& Hat Bazar Development &Rehabilitation) Part-II

9.  Rural Road & Hat BazarInfrastructure Development Project on Priority Basis (PRP Infra).

10.Construction of Large Bridge on Upazila &Union Road Project(LBC).

11.Development of Important Rural InfrastructureProject(DIRIP).

12.Union Connecting road & InfrastructureDevelopment project: Greater Mymensingh (UCRIDP: GMP).

13.Upazila /Union road, Bridge/Culvert Construction/Re-Construction (Transferred from RHD) Project.

14. Construction of Upazila Muktijudda complexBhaban Project.

15. Northern Bangladesh Integrated Development Project(NOBIDEP).

16. Construction of Muktijudda Smrity Stambho Project.

17. Rural Employment & Road MaintenanceProgram (RERMP-2)

18.  Construction of Three Storied Market Building for Jaeta-Haluaghat Mymensingh.

19. Development of Upazila Road Project.

20. Construction of Rubber Dam in Small and Medium Rivers forincreasing of Food Production Project.

21. Construction of Housing for Landless & Underprivileged Muktijoddhas Project.

        22.Construction of Tribal Wellfare Association

Moreover road & bridge maintenance activities are smoothly on going on different roads to keep the roads & bridges well.
Mymensingh At a Glance
Area: 4363km2
Upazila Road: 1144.94 km
Union Road: 1715.56Km
Village Road: 5750.59Km VA
4719.34Km VB
Population: 5807898
Density: 1322Km2
Literacy: 65.7%
No. of Upazila: 13
No. of Union: 146
No. of Pourashava: 11
No. of Primary School: 2142
No. of High School:
No. of College:
Procurment, Mymensingh