

Current Activities

Growth Centre  Markets, Union Parishad Complex Bhaban, Server Station for Electoral Data base Project, Hydraulic Structures for Irrigation Purposes, Roads & Bridges etc. are implementing by different projects of LGED at Jessore district.

List of few project’s  name is given below :

1.     Construction & Rehabilitation of ImportantRuralRoads and Hatbazar (PMP-II)

2.     RuralRoad & Culvert Maintenance Program .

3.      RuralRoadMaintenance under JapanDebt for Cancellation Project. (JDCF)

4.      UpazilaRoad Improvement Project (UZR).

5.     PriorityBasis Grameen Road/Hat Bazar InfrastructureDevelopment Project (GIDP).

6.     Union Road & other InfrastructureDevelopment(Greater Jessore & Kushtia ) Project .

7.     RuralRoad & Hatbazar Infrastructure ImprovementProject on Priority basis(PRP-Infra ) .

8.     RuralEmployment and Road Maintenance program(RERMP).

9.     Rural Road , Bridge & CulvertConstruction Project (Road transfer from RHD).

10.  Constructionof Light Traffic Bridge on Rural road .

11.  Bridge/Culvert  Approach Development  Project.

12.  PrimaryEducation DevelopmentProject (PEDP)

13.  ImportantRural InfrastructureDevelopment Project on Priority basis (IRIDP).

14. Constructionof  Server Station and Electoral Database Projectunder  ElectionCommission Secretariat .

Jashore At a Glance
Area: 6674km2
Upazila Road: 1046.67 km
Union Road: 945.2Km
Village Road: 2122.62Km VA
5729.79Km VB
Population: 24,69,680 (2001)
Density: 940 Nos / sq. km.Km2
Literacy: 70 %
No. of Upazila: 8
No. of Union: 91
No. of Pourashava: 8
No. of Primary School: 1267
No. of High School: 335
No. of College: 50
Procurment, Jashore