

Current Activities

 List of few projects name isgiven below:

  1. Barisal Division Rural Infrastructure Development Project
  2. Bariasl Jhalokathi Pirojpur Project
  3. Important Rural Infrastructure Development Project (IRIDP-2)
  4. Construction of Housing for Landless & Under privileged Muktijoddhas Project
  5. Construction of Upazila Muktijoddha Complex Project
  6. ULBC Project
  7. Establishment of Farmers service center and Piloting of expansion of technology (FACTT)
  8. Town and union land office across the country Project(TULO)


List of few important on going scheme'sname given below:

  • Rehabilitation of Road by BC Kaikhali GC-Amua GC viaGoserhat at Ch.1600.00m-5884.0m 

  • Improvement of BCroad from Kaliargop DC. Road-Asiar G.P.School road at Ch. 0.00-2000m Including 02 Nos 2.00mx2.00m RCC Box Culvert atCh. 119m & 1026m and 01 No. 1.220mx1.220m RCC Box Culvert at ch. 129m underSadar Upazila District-Jhalokati. Road ID No. 542405115.

  • Rehabilitation of Rajapur Saturia Miarhat-Pangasia-Haldarkhali R&H via LibubuniaGC from ch.18890.00m-20150.00m by BC. with 2 Nos. 1.83mX1.83m RCC Box Culvertat ch.19026.00m & 20096.00m (ID No.542842003) under Rajapur Upazila,District: Jhalakathi

  • Construction of Muktijodha Memorial at Sugandha River Side near ferry Ghat at Upazila: NalchityDistrict: Jhalokathi

  • Construction of Housing forLandless & Under privileged Muktijoddhas at Rajapur, Kathalia, Sadar and Nolcity

  • Construction of Upazila Muktijodha Complex Bhaban at Rajapur, Kathalia, Sadar andNolcity.

  • Construction of 175.20m Long Bridge of bepari bari Culvert-haldarkhali at ch. 1850mover pona River under Rajapur Upazila, and Construction. of 54.06m Long RCCGirder Bridge on Galua UP Kathakhali Bazar via Galua to D-islam Madrasha Bridgeat ch. 800m under Rajapur Upazila, District: Jhalokathi.

  • Establishment of Union Krishok Seba Kendra bavan and supplementary infrastructureand Nothullahbad Union Upazila Jhalokathi Aadar Dist: Jhalokathi under theproject Establishment of Farmers service center and Piloting of expansion oftechnology.

  • Constructio of Jhalokathi Pouro Bhumi Office atJhalokathi Sadar, Nolcity, Rajapur and Kathalia including Boundary wall and barbed Fencing


  • Moreover road &bridge maintenance activities are smoothly on going on different roads to keep the roads &bridges well.

Jhalokathi At a Glance
Area: 735km2
Upazila Road: 224.8 km
Union Road: 298.85Km
Village Road: 1703.58Km VA
2252.05Km VB
Population: 694090
Density: 1005.75Km2
Literacy: 65.74% (2001)
No. of Upazila: 4
No. of Union: 32
No. of Pourashava: 2
No. of Primary School: 526
No. of High School: 157
No. of College: 18
Procurment, Jhalokathi