


About Moulvibazar

The Location of Moulvibazar district is within 24.48093°N 91.76427°S. Sylhet District is in the North, Hobiganj district is in the West and Tripura State of India is in the South and East of Moulvibazar district. It is in the North-East Corner of Bangladesh which is adorned with the largest number of tea gardens, large wetlands Hakaluki and Hail haors mixed evergreen reserve forest. There is a unique combination of hill, plain land forest and haors. Along with that, the ... [more]
Moulvibazar At a Glance
Area: 2799km2
Upazila Road: 466.67 km
Union Road: 655.43Km
Village Road: 2348.94Km VA
1675.52Km VB
Population: 1854245
Density: 663Km2
Literacy: .
No. of Upazila: 7
No. of Union: 80
No. of Pourashava: 5
No. of Primary School: 1157
No. of High School: 1261
No. of College: 182
Procurment, Moulvibazar