

Historical Places

Hazrat Shahrasti Mazar

This is mazar for Muslim caste which located at Shahrasti Upazila .


This place is built as a symbol of blood which located in the Molhead .


This place is beside the Hasan ali high school in Chandpur sadar .

Natun Bazar-Puran Bazar Bridge

Beautiful Place of Chandpur


West side of Chandpur Town.

Elisha Chator

Old Bus Stand
Chandpur At a Glance
Area: 1704km2
Upazila Road: 548.52 km
Union Road: 856.19Km
Village Road: 1976.18Km VA
2360.57Km VB
Population: 2271229 ( 2001)
Density: 1333Km2
Literacy: 68 %
No. of Upazila: 8
No. of Union: 88
No. of Pourashava: 7
No. of Primary School: 1088
No. of High School: 249
No. of College: 47
Procurment, Chandpur