

Historical Places

Tetulia Jame Mosque


Sonabaria Mothbaria Mosque


Place of Gur Pukur Mela


Mozaffor Garden


Jora Shib Mondir


Shyam Shundor Mondir


Haricharan Ray Choudhurir Jamiderbari


Projabpur Mosque


Beauty of Sundarban

Satkhira At a Glance
Area: 3858km2
Upazila Road: 691.21 km
Union Road: 592.29Km
Village Road: 2909.25Km VA
4318.51Km VB
Population: 19,49,899 nos (2001)
Density: 505.57 Per sq KmKm2
Literacy: 53.32%
No. of Upazila: 7
No. of Union: 79
No. of Pourashava: 2
No. of Primary School: 1205 Nos
No. of High School: 296 Nos
No. of College: 63 Nos
Procurment, Satkhira