

Historical Places

Gandhi Asram

The Gandhi Ashram Trust (GAT), is a philanthropic and development organization working in Noakhali since 1946 with Gandhian philosophy of rural development.

Birsreshtho Ruhul Amin Memorial Museum

Birsreshtho Ruhul Amin Memorial Museum is located at Sonaimuri upazila of Noakhali district.

Bajra Shahi Mosque

Bajra Shahi Mosque is located in the village of Bajra under Sonaimuri upazila of Noakhali District. The mosque, according to an inscription fixed over the central doorway, was erected by one Aman Allah in 1741-42 AD during the reign of the Mughal Emperor Muhammad Shah.
Noakhali At a Glance
Area: 4203km2
Upazila Road: 501.42 km
Union Road: 767.17Km
Village Road: 3426.3Km VA
5560.14Km VB
Population: 31,08,083 (Census-2011)
Density: 802/SqkmKm2
Literacy: 69.50%
No. of Upazila: 9
No. of Union: 88
No. of Pourashava: 8
No. of Primary School: 1243
No. of High School: 287
No. of College: 35
Procurment, Noakhali