

LGED JHALOKATHI , District Scheme Details

Project Name

District Scheme Details

SL No. Package No. Package Name Project Name Upazila Name Road ID Length of Road (Km) Length of Bridge (M) Building Qauntity (No) Estimated Amount (Lac) Name of Contractor Contract Amount (Lac) Date of Contract Date of Commencement Date of Completion Physical Progress (%) Financial Progress (Amt) Financial Progress (%) Date of Progress Update Remarks
1 BDIRWSP/JHA/KAT/DW-03 Widening & Strengthening of Kathalia HQ– Kaikhali GC Road Via Chander hat road at Ch. 3280-6850m including 02 Nos. 2.00mx2.00m RCC Box Culvert at Ch. 3465m & 4450m under Kathalia Upazila, District-Jhalokathi. Road ID No: 542432006. Salvage Materials Cost Tk. 1502029.00 BDIRWSP kathalia 3.57 716.71 M/s Sifat Enterprise 7/1 Amtala Road, Jhalokathi Sadar 680.16 0 08/10/2024
2 BDIRWSP/JHA/NAL/DW-09 Widening & Strengthening of Nalchity Khejurtala RHD Road (Dargabari) - Halta GC (Up to Nalchity Upazila Border) Via Simultala road at Ch. 6000-10000m including 02 Nos. 4.00mx4.00m RCC Box Culvert at 6950m& 9890m under Nalchity Upazila, District-Jhalokathi. Road ID No: 542732002. Salvage Materials Cost Tk. 1520474.00 BDIRWSP nalchity 542732002 4.00 1049.78 M/S ISLAM BROTHERS LTD, 7,Court Road,Middle chadkathi,Jhalakathi Sadar, Dist: jhalakathi-8400 1143.22 0 09/10/2024
3 BDIRWSP/JHA/NAL/DW-10 Widening & Strengthening of Nalchity Khejurtala RHD Road (Dargabari) - Halta GC (Up to Nalchity Upazila Border) Via Simultala road at Ch. 10000-12900m including 02 Nos. 1.50mx1.50m RCC Box Culvert at 12280m& 12690m under Nalchity Upazila, District-Jhalokathi. Road ID No: 542732002. Salvage Materials Cost Tk. 1097205.00 BDIRWSP nalchity 542732002 2.90 747.48 M/S ISLAM BROTHERS LTD, 7,Court Road,Middle chadkathi,Jhalakathi Sadar, Dist: jhalakathi-8400. 814.00 0 09/10/2024
4 BDIRWSP/JHA/NAL/DW-11 Construction of 14m Long RCC Girder Bridge on Nalchity Khejurtala RHD Road (Dargabari) - Halta GC (Up to Nalchity Upazila Border) Via Simultala road at Ch. 5160m under Nalchity Upazila, District-Jhalokathi. Road ID No: 542732002. and (b) Construction of 12m Long RCC Girder Bridge on Nalchity Khejurtala RHD Road (Dargabari) - Halta GC (Up to Nalchity Upazila Border) Via Simultala road at Ch. 4560m under Nalchity Upazila, District-Jhalokathi. Road ID No: 542732002 BDIRWSP nalchity 542732002 14.00 489.38 Mohammed Eunus & Brothers (Pvt.) Ltd. unus Business Centre, Equity G.F. Fortune Mall (7th Fl.), 01 No. Baizid Bostami Road, Nasirabad, Panchlaish, Chattogram 459.00 0 09/10/2024
5 BDIRWSP/JHA/NAL/DW-02 Widening & Strengthening of Fultala RHD at Manpasha GC-Taltala-Bhabanipur via Nachanmohal UP road at Ch. 0.00-4000m & 300.00m RCC (Rigid) road under Nalchity Upazila, District-Jhalokathi. Road ID No: 542732003. Salvage Materials Cost Tk. 1027496.00 BDIRWSP nalchity 542732003 4.30 857.29 M/S ISLAM BROTHERS LTD Middle chadkathi,Jhalakathi Sadar, jhalakathi 942.93 0 08/10/2024
6 BDIRWSP/JHA/NAL/DW-05 Widening & Strengthening of Sher-E-Bangla bazar to Mara Biskhali river via Roab Sikder house road at Ch. 0.00- 1800m including 03 Nos. 1.50mx1.50m RCC Box Culvert at Ch. 170m, 1000m & 1100m and 01 No. 1-vent 4.00mx4.00m RCC Box Culvert at Ch. 730m under Nalchity Upazila, District-Jhalokathi. Road ID No: 542734116. Salvage Materials Cost Tk. 387184.00 BDIRWSP nalchity 542734116 1.80 377.75 M/S M.T. Builders 201 Palbari Road, Jhalokathi 396.23 0 08/10/2024
7 BDIRWSP/JHA/NAL/DW-06 Construction of 42.06m Long RCC Girder Bridge on Fultala RHD at Manpasha GC-Taltala-Bhabanipur via Nachanmohal UP road at Ch. 2060m under Nalchity Upazila, District-Jhalokathi. Road ID No: 542732003. BDIRWSP nalchity 542732003 704.31 M/S ISLAM BROTHERS LTD 7,Court Road,Middle chadkathi,Jhalakathi Sadar, Dist: jhalakathi-8400 736.98 0 08/10/2024
8 BDIRWSP/JHA/SAD/DW-01 Widening & Strengthening of Jhalakati RHD-Bermohal via Himanandakati RHD road at Ch. 15730-20675m including 01 No. 1-vent 4.00mx4.00m RCC Box Culvert at 17080m and 06 Nos. 1.60mx1.60m RCC Box Culvert at 15900m, 17530m, 18250m, 19040m, 19155m & 19610m under Sadar Upazila, District-Jhalokathi. Road ID No: 542402001. Salvage Materials Cost Tk. 863855.00 BDIRWSP nalchity 542402001 4.95 983.71 M/S ISLAM BROTHERS LTD 7,Court Road,Middle chadkathi,Jhalakathi Sadar, Dist: jhalakathi-8400 1082.04 0 08/10/2024
9 BDIRWSP/JHA/RAJ/DW-14 Widening & Strengthening of Galua UP Office-Katakhali Bazar via Galua-D Islamic Mad road at Ch. 0.00-535m under Rajapur Upazila, District-Jhalokathi. Road ID No: 542843012. Salvage Materials Cost Tk. 89778.00 BDIRWSP rajapur 542843012 0.54 129.78 M/S. Nipa Enterprise, R.F Classic Point (1st Floor), 8, Katalgonj Road, Chawkbazar, Chittagong 116.80 0 30/01/2025
10 BDRIDP/JHL/SDR/CCA-St/04 "Construction of 36.06m RCC Girder Bridge on Kirtipasha R&H - Shahid Hat Road at Ch 2410m ID No 542404147 (a) Bridge Construction (b) Approach Road (c) Social Safe Guard (d) Site Facilities " BDRIDP jhalokathi-s 0.00 0.00 0 08/04/2019
11 BDRIDP/JHL/NAL/CCA-Rd/01 Improvement of Road from Dorgabari - Jurkati UZR South Dudharia Ponchaet khal Bridge to Kodamtala Bazar at Ch 00m-1000m including 01 No 2mX2m & 02 No 1.5mX1.5m RCC Box Culvert at Ch 220m 521m & 807m ID No 502734135 BDRIDP jhalokathi-s 0.00 0.00 0 08/04/2019
12 BDRIDP/JHL/SDR/CCA-Rd/04 Improvement of Road from Gabindodhabol R&H South Ramanathpur Govt Pry School via Azaharia Madrasha Road Ch. 00-700m including 03 Nos 2X2 m RCC Box Culvert at Ch. 351m 529m and 642m (Road ID No 542404145) [Salvage Cost-1150931 Taka] BDRIDP jhalokathi-s 0.00 0.00 0 08/04/2019
13 BDRIDP/JHL/SDR/CCA-Rd/05 Improvement of road from Kanchabalia Khalpar-Baro Mollik Bari Sayjuddin Master Bari Road at Ch 00-740 m (Road ID-542405160) including 02 Nos 1.22 X 1.22m RCC Box Culvert at Ch 150 m & Ch 450 m BDRIDP jhalokathi-s 0.00 0.00 0 08/04/2019
14 BDRIDP/JHL/SAD/CCA-Rd-01 Improvement of road by HBB from Rahmatpur Gorkhay Bridge-Khajuria via Mirakati School from ch.00-1000m under Sadar Upazila. BDRIDP jhalokathi-s 1.00 25.30 Md. Feroj Alam 19.54 24/09/2014 15/01/2015 100 Final
15 BDRIDP/JHL/SAD/CCA-St-01 Construction of 1 No. 6.00m RCC Girder Bridge on Ramanathpur Gorkhay Bridge-Khajuria via Mirakathi via Mirakathi School road at ch.574m under Sadar Upazila BDRIDP jhalokathi-s 19.99 M/s. Syed Enterprise 12.97 20/03/2015 100 Final
16 BDRIDP/JHL/SDR/UZ-Rd(R)/02 Rehabilitation of Atghar GC-Baligona R&H via Ramjankathi Krishi College road by BC at ch.00-1500m (ID542402006) Jhalakathi-S.( salvage amount=BDT1987269.00) BDRIDP jhalokathi-s 1.50 84.65 M/S Rashedul Enterprise 60.63 19/11/2015 100 Final
17 BDRIDP/JHL/SDR/UZ-St/03 Construction of 6 Nos 1.60mx1.60m RCC Box Culvert Atghor GC-Baligona R&H via Ramjankathi Krishi College road at ch.40m, 300m,505m 700m,800m 1350m (ID 542402006) Jhalakathi-S BDRIDP jhalokathi-s 51.62 M/S Shafiqul Islam 32.64 100  
18 BDRIDP/JHL/SDR/CCA-St/02 Construction of 3 Nos. 9.00m Span RCC Girder Bridge at ch.259m, 918m & 1045m; 1No. box culvert 1.60mx1.60m at ch.860m; 2Nos. 1.22mx1.22m Box Culvert at ch.590m & 820m 1No. 12.00m Span RCC Girder Birdge at ch.1700m. (ID No.542404034) under Sadar Upazila, D BDRIDP jhalokathi-s 112.18 M/S Sifat Enterprise 112.11 17/05/2015 16/05/2016 100 Final
19 BDRIDP/JHL/SDR/CCA-Rd/02 (a) Improvement of HBB road from Goalkanda Harun or Rashid Talukder Bari to Betra road HBB rom ch.00-100m. (ID No.542405313) (b) Construction of RCC Ghatla Goalkanda Harun of Rashid Talukder Bari to Betra road. (ID No.542405313) BDRIDP jhalokathi-s 0.10 4.97 M/S M.M Enterprise 4.10 100 Final
20 BDRIDP/JHL/SDR/UZ-St/02 Construction of 1Nos. 4.00mx4.00m RCC Box culvert Gabkhan-Guaton via Sekerhat UP including Amrajhuri Road at ch.750m. (ID No.542402005) BDRIDP jhalokathi-s 37.80 M/s. Prince & Co. 37.76 100 Final
21 BDRIDP/JHL/SDR/UZ-Rd(R)/01 Rehabilitation of Gabkhan-Guaton via Sekerhat UP including Amrajhuri Road BY BC at ch.400-1400m. (ID No.542402005) BDRIDP jhalokathi-s 1.00 17.45 M/s. Prince & Co. 17.44 100 Final
22 BDRIDP/JHL/SAD/CCA-Rd/03. Improvement of road from Tarpasha LGED HBB to Kubirkati via Bottala (Tarapasha R& H- Jhalakati Swarupkati R&H road via Kubirkati)road by HBB from ch:00-1370m (ID No.542404150) BDRIDP jhalokathi-s 1.37 45.65 Md. Zakir Hossain Mia 37.17 100 Final
23 BDRIDP/JHL/SAD/CCA-St/03 Construction of 04 Nos 1.22mx1.22m Drainage culvert and 2 Nos 2.5mx2.50m RCC Box Culvert & 1 No 6.00m RCC Girder Bridge on Tarapasha LGED HBB to Kubirkati via Bottala (Tarapasha R &H- Jhalokathi Swarupkathi R&H road via Kubirkati) road ch.520m 640m,885m,1 BDRIDP jhalokathi-s 49.08 M/S Sayed Enterprise 34.94 100 Final
24 BDRIDP/JHL/KTH/UZ-Rd/01 Improvement of road form citky R&H Road-Awrabunia GC road by BC from Ch.3000-4000m. (ID No.542432004) BDRIDP kathalia 1.00 58.56 M/s. Islam Brothers 58.56 13/10/2015 60 08/04/2019 1st R/A WBM running SV-1141194.00
25 BDRIDP/JHL/KTH/UZ-St/02 Construction of 3 nos 1.0mx1.0m & 2 Nos 2.00mx2.00m RCC Box Culvert on Kaikhali GC-Amua GC via Goserhat Road at ch.725m915.00m 1073m669.00m & 1345.00m BDRIDP kathalia 23.11 M/S Ziaual & Brothers 29.80 26/06/2017 25/01/2018 100 08/04/2019  
26 BDRIDP/JHL/KTH/UZ-St/03 Construction of 1 No 4.00mx4.00m 6 Nos 1.00mx1.00m & 4 Nos 2.00mx2.00m RCC Box Culvert on Kaikhali GC-Amua GC via Goserhat Road at Ch. 5042.00m 2670.00m3178.00m3305.00m3580.00m3720.00m5485.00m2340.00m4003.00m4735.00m & 5690.00m BDRIDP kathalia 68.96 M/S Ziaual & Brothers 62.06 26/06/2017 25/06/2018 100 08/04/2019  
27 BDRIDP/JHL/KTH/UN-St/03 Construction of 12.00m Long RCC Girder Bridge on Aurabunia UP office -Munshirabad-Chaighar Madrasha-Mollaharhat to Binapani Bazar at ch.2218.00mRoad ID-542433007 BDRIDP kathalia 144.85 M. M. Builders & Engineers Ltd. 130.36 50 08/04/2019  
28 BDRIDP/JHL/KTH/UN-St/02 Construction of 32.00m Long PC Girder Bridge over Binapani River on Chechrirampur UP office-Binapani Bazar at ch.3300.00m.Road ID-542433004 BDRIDP kathalia 217.70 M/S. Amir Engineering Corporation- M.M. Builders & Engineers Ltd. (JV) 195.93 60 08/04/2019  
29 BDRIDP/PRJ/KTH/Ghat/01 Construction of RCC Ghatla Kachua Bazar & Connecting road. BDRIDP kathalia 29.71 M/S Syed Enterprise 29.68 17/05/2015 16/11/2015 90 RCC Road & salasing
30 BDRIDP/JHL/KTH/UN-BH/01 Construction of 15.00m Girder Bridge over Jugirkhal under Checrirampur Union Parishad at ch.1250m on Tasserer Kheyaghat-Ghosherhat via Tarabunia Bazar road.(ID No.542433019) BDRIDP kathalia 122.22 M/s. Islam Brothers 122.17 100 Approach 3rd R/A Bill
31 BDRIDP/JHL/KTH/UZ-St/01 Construction of 1no. 2.00mx2.00m RCC Box Culvert on Citky R&H Road-Awrabunia GC road at ch.3686m. (ID No.542432004) BDRIDP kathalia 6.39 M/s. Islam Brothers 6.39 100 Final
32 BDRIDP/JHL/KTH/CCA-St/02 Construction of 4Nos. 1.50mx1.50m and 1no. 2.50mx2.50m RCC Box Culvert on Uttar Talgachia Cyclone Shelter Connecting Road at ch.175m, 260m 470m, 675m & 626m. (ID No.542435157) BDRIDP kathalia 25.43 M/s. Islam Brothers 25.42 100 Final
33 BDRIDP/JHL/KTH/CCA-Rd/01 Improvement of road from Uttar Talgachia Cyclone Shelter Connecting Road by BC from ch.00-1000m. (ID No.542435157) BDRIDP kathalia 1.00 50.00 M/s. Islam Brothers 0.00 14/10/2015 13/10/2016 50 WBM running
34 BDRIDP/JHL/KAT/UZ-Rd/ 02 Improvement of road from Aurabunia GC to Mativanga via Satany Bazar. by BC at Ch. 1400.00m-2900.00m.(ID-542432007) Salvage cost-194710.00BDT BDRIDP kathalia 1.50 72.69 M/S Salim Enterprise 72.65 100 Final SV-194710
35 BDRIDP/JHL/KTH/UZ-Rd/03 Improvement of Road from kaikhali GC-Amua GC via Gosherhat by BC at ch0-00m-1600m BDRIDP kathalia 1.60 110.50 M/S Sayed Enterprise 108.29 27/06/2017 25/06/2018 50 AS completed
36 BDRIDP/JHL/KTH/UZ-RdR/04 Rehabilitation of Road by BC Kaikhali GC-Amua GC via Goserhat at Ch.1600.00m-5884.0m BDRIDP kathalia 4.28 294.79 M/S Santo Enterprise 294.74 55 1st R/A ISG running
37 BDRIDP/JHL/NAL/UN-RD/02 Improvement of road from Kusangal UP-Seota Bazar road by BC at Ch.1508m-2910m under Nalchity Upazila Jhalokathi. 107982 BDRIDP nalchity 1.40 93.83 M/s SHAMIM ENTERPRISE (PVT) LTD 4. K.B. Ismail road, Mymensingh 84.45 50 08/04/2019  
38 BDRIDP/JHL/NAL/UN-Rd/01 Improvement of road from Simultala-Manpasa at ch. 00-2030.00m (ID No. 54233006) under Nalchity Upazila. BDRIDP nalchity 2.03 118.16 M/s. Ithuwan Builders 118.15 24/11/2016 23/11/2017 100 4th R/A
39 BDRIDP/JHL/NAL/UN-St/ 01 Construction of 2 Nos 9.15m, 1 No. 6.10m & 2 Nos 4.57m span OFC on Simultala-Manpasa road at ch. 15.00m, 2304.00m, 594.00m, 950.00m, & 1720.00m. ( ID N0. 54233006) under Nalchity Upazila BDRIDP nalchity 94.05 M/s. Ithuwan Builders 94.02 24/11/2016 23/11/2017 100 Final
40 BDRIDP/JHL/NAL/UN-St/02 Construction of 21m span RCC Girder Bridge on Nachanmohal Nachanmahal Up to Kulkathi UP road at ch.4855.00m road id BDRIDP nalchity 155.93 M/S M. M Enterprise 140.33 100 Final
41 BDRIDP/JHL/NAL/CCA-St/01 Construction of 15.00m span RCC Girder Bridge on Kumarkhali Bazar-Dapdapia UP Kumarkhali GPS cum CS Connecting Approach Road via Timirkathi H/S Road at ch.570.00 Road. BDRIDP nalchity 155.93 M/S Sifat Enterprise 140.81 22/06/2017 21/06/2017 100 Final
42 BDRIDP/JHL/NAL/UN-St/04 Construction of 23m Long RCC Girder Bridge on Simultala to Manpasa road at Ch. 3100m. under Nalchity Upazila Jhalokathi. BDRIDP nalchity 141.50 SE & BC (JV) 141.46 100 3rd R/A
43 BDRIDP/JHL/NAL/UN-St/03 Construction of 1no 1.5m RCC Culvert & 1no 9.00m span RCC Girder Bridge on Kusangal UP-Seota Bazar road at Ch.2420m & 2080m. under Nalchity Upazila Jhalokathi. 139187 BDRIDP nalchity 23.35 M/s SHAMIM ENTERPRISE (PVT) LTD 4. K.B. Ismail road, Mymensingh 21.01 100 Final
44 BDRIDP/JHL/NAL/Ghat/01 Construction of RCC Ghatla of K.M hat in Nalchity Upazila. BDRIDP nalchity 30.63 M/S Jamal & Brothers 29.10 30/05/2018 30/11/2018 100  
45 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/CCA-Rd/15 Improvement of Bishwas Bari Baily Bridge to Altef Choukider via Isahakia S.Md. Road by BC at ch.00-1140m Including 5 Nos U-Drain at ch.210m 310m 442m 850m & 1068m.ID No. 542845031. Salvage Amount-854101.00 BDT BDRIDP rajapur 1.14 0.00 M/S Arafat Traders 74.78 17/06/2018 100 08/04/2019  
46 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/CCA-Rd/13 Improvement of Samoby R&H- Akhonerhat via Mir Amzad Hossain house Road by BC at ch.00-1100m. including 1NO U-Drain at ch.423m. ID No. 542844035. Salvage Amount-409797.00BDT BDRIDP rajapur 1.10 0.00 SHAMIM ENTERPRISE (PVT) LTD 0.00 60 08/04/2019  
47 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/CCA-St/10 Construction of 20m long RCC girder bridge on Galua UP Complex-Kathakhali Bazar via Galua D. Islamic Madrasha Road at ch.1188.00m (road ID: 542844090) BDRIDP rajapur 144.38 M/S Abul Kalam Azad 129.94 50 08/04/2019  
48 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/CCA-Rd/01 Improvement of road from South side of Sultan Mia's House to Galua Pir Shaheb House via Abdul Malek Master Bari road (Ch.00-800m) by BC Including a culvert. BDRIDP rajapur 0.80 54.05 M/s. Sarna Construction 51.21 28/07/2014 21/05/2015 100 Final
49 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/CCA-Rd/02 Improvement of road from Rajapur-Bekutia R&H at H/O Mannan Master to Monoherpur H/S (Ch.00-790m). BDRIDP rajapur 0.79 40.30 M/s. Sarna Construction 45.11 27/07/2014 23/07/2015 100 Final
50 BDRIP/JHL/RJP/CCA-Rd/03 Rehabilitation by flexible pavement of Rajapur Kathalia C&B Road-Purbo Agria Ather Khan Bari via Khan Bari GPS road at ch00.00-1000.00m (ID NO:542844097) (salavage amount BDT 1065783.00) BDRIDP rajapur 1.00 46.62 M/S Syed Enterprise 33.04 28/01/2015 13/07/2015 100 Final
51 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/CCA-St/01 Construction of 3 Nos1.83mx1.83m RCC Box culvert at ch.325m, 880.00m, and 6.10m at 1000.00m on Rajapur Kathalia C&B road Purbo Angria Ather Khan Bari via Khan Bari GPS road (ID No:542844097) BDRIDP rajapur 18.97 M/S Shafiqul Islam 12.55 100 Final
52 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/CCA-Rd/06 Improvement of road from Amena Khtun GPS via Imam uddin Baitul Jame Mosque-Galua Charakhali LGED road by HBB from ch.1238-2319m (ID:542844096) BDRIDP rajapur 1.08 33.33 M/S Syed Enterprise 33.04 100 Final
53 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/CCA-Rd/07 Improvement of road from Bashtala R&H to Napiterhat via Char Indropasha Ashraon road from ch.1024-2330m by BC with & Connecting road at ch.1524m from 00-250m with Jame Mosque, Madrasha (ID No.542844077) (Salvaged Cost Tk.2604590) BDRIDP rajapur 0.25 68.35 M/S Syed Enterprise 67.72 100 Final
54 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/CCA-St/04 Construction of 3Nos 1.83mx.183m RCC Box culvert on Rampur-Bekutia R&H at H/O Mannan Master to Monoharpur H/S road at ch.370m, 570m & 676m (ID No.542845032) BDRIDP rajapur 6.45 M/S Arafat Traders 4.18 100 Final
55 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/CCA-St/05 Construction of 5Nos 1.83mx.183m RCC Box culvert on Amena Khatun GPS via Imam uddin Baitul Jame Mosque-Galua Charakhali LGED road at ch. 1294m, 1569m, 1789m, 1904m & 2115m (ID No.542844096) BDRIDP rajapur 10.75 M/S Syed Enterprise 7.26 100 Final
56 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/CCA-St/06 Construction of 5Nos 1.83mx.183m RCC Box culvert on Bashtala R&H to Napiterhat via Char Indropasha Ashraon road at ch. 1205m, 1404m, 1650m, 1863m & 2018m (ID No.542844077) BDRIDP rajapur 10.76 M/S Arafat Traders 6.97 100 Final
57 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/UZ-Rd(R)/04 Rehabilitation of road from Mirerhat GC to Lebubunia GC via Galua UP (Rajapur-Kathalia RHD-Lebubunia GC via Galua UP) road by BC from ch.5357-7357m. BDRIDP rajapur 123.92 M/S Badol Construction 123.90 17/05/2015 16/05/2016 100 Final
58 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/UZ-St/04 Construction of 2Nos. 4.00mx4.00m (2vent)/ 4Nos. 2.00mx2.00m; 2Nos. 2.60mx2.60m & 7Nos. 1.83mx1.83m RCC Box Culvert on Mirerhat GC to Lebubunia GC via Galua UP (Rajapur-Kathalia RHD-Lebubunia GC via Galua UP) road at ch.5606m, 5769m,6166m, 6288m, 6479m, 7 BDRIDP rajapur 145.80 M/S Badol Construction 145.73 14/05/2015 15/05/2016 100 Final
59 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/CCA-St/07 Construction of 1 No 6.10m;1 No 2.0mx2.0m & 3 Nos 1.83mx1.83m RCC Box Culvert on Alamgir Chowdhury Bari-South Pur at 328m,290m,26m,172m & 213m (ID NO.542844114) BDRIDP rajapur 25.46 M/S M. M Enterprise 16.20 100 Final
60 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/CCA-Rd/08 Improvement of Road from Alamgir Chowdhury Bari-South Pur road by BC from ch. 00-635m (ID NO 542844114) BDRIDP rajapur 0.64 30.74 M/S M. M Enterprise 30.86 100 Final
61 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/UZ-St/01 Construction of 2nos 1.83mx1.83m & 1no. 4.00mx4.00m RCC box culvert on Noikathi-Talukder hat (Jhalokathi part) from ch.275m, 584m & 796m (ID No.542842007) BDRIDP rajapur 25.43 M/s. Prince & Co. 25.43 100 Final
62 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/UZ-Rd/01 Improvement of Noikathi-Talukder hat (Jhalokathi part) road by BC from ch.3000-3796m (ID No.542842007) BDRIDP rajapur 0.80 35.40 M/s. Prince & Co. 35.38 100 Final
63 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/CCA-St/02 Construction of 4Nos. 1.83mx1.83m size, 1no. 9.00m RCC Girder Birdge & 2Nos. 2.00mx2.00m RCC Box culvert on Akoner hat-Hawladerhat via A. Rahim Khan house road at ch.2817m,2975m,3410m,3440m,3080m,3200m & 3330m. (ID No.542844032) BDRIDP rajapur 40.43 M/s. Islam Brothers 40.39 14/10/2015 13/10/2016 100 Final
64 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/CCA-St/03 Construction of 1no. 6.10m Span open Foundation Culvert on road Hazirhat-M. Fuluher Junior High School via Rola hat road at ch.2840m (ID No.542844033) BDRIDP rajapur 15.72 M/s. Islam Brothers 15.71 14/10/2015 13/04/2016 100 Final
65 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/CCA-Rd/04 Improvement of road from Akoner hat-Hawladerhat via A. Rahim Khan house road by BC from ch.2250-3500m (ID No.542844032). BDRIDP rajapur 57.65 M/s. Islam Brothers 0.00 14/10/2015 13/10/2016 100 Final
66 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/CCA-Rd/05 Improvement of road from Hazirhat-M.Fuluher Junior high School via Rola hat road by BC rom ch.2580-3000m. (ID No.542844033) BDRIDP rajapur 20.80 M/s. Islam Brothers 20.79 13/10/2015 14/10/2016 100 Final
67 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/UZ-St/02 Construction of 2Nos. 2.00mx2.00m RCC Box culvert on Mollar hat R&H-Sreemontokathi-N. Pingri via Balarjore hat GC from ch.206m & 328m. BDRIDP rajapur 16.13 M/s. Prince & Co. 16.11 15/10/2015 14/10/2016 100 Final
68 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/UZ-St/03 Construction of 2Nos. 1.83mx1.83m & 1no. 2.60mx2.60m RCC Box culvert on Nizamia high School to North palot LG via Baroia high School from ch.469m, 780m & 944m. BDRIDP rajapur 16.34 M/s. Prince & Co. 16.33 14/10/2015 13/10/2016 100 Final
69 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/UZ-Rd/02 Improvement of Mollar hat R&H-Sreemontokathi-N. Pingri via Balarjore hat GC road by BC from ch.4800-5862m. (ID No.542842004) BDRIDP rajapur 1.06 66.29 M/s. Prince & Co. 66.28 17/10/2015 16/10/2016 100 Final
70 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/UZ-Rd/03 Improvement of Nizamia high School to North palot LG via Baroia high School by BC from ch.5700-6700m (ID No.542842010) BDRIDP rajapur 1.00 63.50 M/s. Prince & Co. 63.49 19/10/2015 18/10/2016 100 Final
71 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/UZ-st/05 (a) Construction of 1 no 2.00m*2.00m RCC Box culvert on Mirer hat-Nizamia -Baroia-Niamoti ( included kacharibari hat connection from Jiza road ch. 6050m) road at ch. 490m (ID no. 542842009) (b) Construction of 1 no RCC Box culvert on Al-Madina Zame Mosque BDRIDP rajapur 19.19 M/s. H. R Enterprise 17.03 14/10/2015 13/04/2016 100 Final
72 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/CCA-Rd/09. Improvement of road from Naykathi Bhandaria RHD Amtola Bazar to Farazi Bari via in front side of Hamej Uddin Memorial H/S road by BC from ch 1350-2450m (ID NO 542844103) BDRIDP rajapur 1.10 47.18 M/s. Arafat Traders 37.75 13/10/2015 14/10/2016 100 Final
73 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/UZ-Rd(R0/05 (a) Rehabilitation of road from Mirerhat-Nizamia-Bproia-Niamoti (included kacharibari hat connection ) ( From Jica road ch. 6050m) road by BC from ch. 00-690m with 2.00m*2.00m Box culvert at ch. 490m (ID No. 542842009) (b) Improvement of road from Al-Madi BDRIDP rajapur 0.69 36.62 M/s. Arafat Traders 27.48 19/10/2015 18/10/2016 100 Final
74 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/CCA-St/09 Construction of 1 No 6.10m span RCC OFC; 1 No 2.50xm2.50m & 4 Nos 1.83mx1.83m RCC Box culvert on Rajapur-Vandaria Highway road side Moulana Nurul Islam Howlader bari to Moulana Sekander Ali Hawlader bari road at ch.89m, 950m,318m,523m,615m & 825m (ID No. BDRIDP rajapur 32.57 M/S Badol Construction 23.02 100 Final
75 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/CCA-Rd/10 Improvement of road at Rajapur-Vandaria Highway roadside Moulana nurul islam Howlader bari road by HBB from ch.00-1000m (ID: No:542845120) under Rajapur, District: Jhalakathi BDRIDP rajapur 1.00 26.19 M/S Badol Construction 24.11 100 Final
76 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP-UN-Rd(r)/01 Rehabilitation of Rajapur Bazar Napiter hat-Sunder-Badurtala hat. from ch.5835.00-7885.00m By BC with 2Nos. 1.83mx1.83m & 1 Nos. 2.00mx2.00m RCC Box Culvert at ch.6431.00m, 7583.00m & 6594.00m (ID No.542843003)under Rajapur Upazila, District: Jhalakathi BDRIDP rajapur 2.05 71.52 M/S Islam Brothers 71.50 28/05/2017 100 Final
77 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP-UN-Rd(R)/06 Rehabilitation of Rajapur Saturia Miarhat-Pangasia-Haldarkhali R&H via Libubunia GC from ch.18890.00m-20150.00m by BC. with 2 Nos. 1.83mX1.83m RCC Box Culvert at ch.19026.00m & 20096.00m (ID No.542842003) under Rajapur Upazila, District: Jhalakathi BDRIDP rajapur 1.26 80.52 M/S Islam Brothers 80.50 28/05/2017 92 WBM Complete
78 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP-UZ-St/06 Construction of 23.00m Long RCC Girder Bridge on Road from Mollar hat R&H-Sreemontokathi-N.Pingri via Balarjore hat GC at ch.5400.00m. (ID No.542842004) under Rajapur Upazila, District: Jhalakathi BDRIDP rajapur 348.85 M/S Islam Brothers 348.80 28/05/2017 100 4th R/A
79 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/CCA-St/08 Construction of 2 Nos 6.10m;2 Nos 2.0mx2.0m and 2 Nos 1.83mx1.83m RCC Box Culvert on Naykathi Bhandaria RHD Amtola Bazar to Farazi Bari via in front side of Hamej Uddin Memorial H/S road at ch.1368m, 1974m, 1538m, 1700m, 1494m & 1600m (ID NO:542844103) BDRIDP rajapur 42.93 M/S Sayed Enterprise 30.81 27/01/2016 27/07/2016 100 Final
80 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/CCA-Rd/14 Improvement of Jhalokathi Bhandaria R&H Road Galua Bazar khalek shop-Naikathi Bhandaria R&H Road Tarabunia Afsaruddin High School-Galua Durgapur Junior High School by BC at ch.2213m-3020m. Including 1N0 2.00m2.00m RCC Culvert & 2 Nos 0.625m0.6m U-Drain at BDRIDP rajapur 0.81 0.00 SHAMIM ENTERPRISE (PVT) LTD 53.53 28/05/2018 27/11/2018 65  
81 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/CCA-Rd/12 Improvement of road from Hazirhat-M. Fuluher-Junior high school via Roia hat at ch.1666m-2580m including 1No. 4.00mx4.00m two vent and 1no.1.50mx1.50m RCC box culvert at ch.1906 & 2538m. BDRIDP rajapur 0.91 0.00 M/S Arafat Traders 0.00 70  
82 BDRIDP/JHL/RJP/CCA-Rd/11 Improvement of road from Somobay (RHD)to natun Hat road at ch.00m-1000m including 1 No4.00mx4.00m (two vent) and 1 No2.00mx2.00m RCC box culvert at ch.555.00m and 863.00m (ID No: 542845042) BDRIDP rajapur 1.00 97.92 SHAMIM ENTERPRISE (PVT) LTD 88.13 35 Ist R/A
83 CIB-Jha-W-101 Const. of 70 m long PSC Girder Bridge over Kalijira Khal on Barisal-Jhalokathi RHD to (Mogor UP office) Amirabad GC road at Ch.0.00m under Nalchiti Upazila, District: Jhalokathi CIBRR nalchity 543732001 70.00 92 628.36 M/S Poddar EnterPrise & Kohinur EnterPrise(JV). 762.92 22/01/2019 29/01/2019 31/03/2024 100 698.66 92 05/01/2025 works on going
84 CIB-Jha-W-127 "Construction of 730 m bridge on Khairabad river at 12900 m chainage on Halta GC via Shimultala road from Nalchiti Khejurtala RHD (Dargabari) under Nalchiti Upazila, District: Jhalokathi (Road ID: 542732002) CIB-Jha-W-127" CIBRR nalchity 542732002 730.00 10 11450.91 M.M. Builders & Engineers Ltd and M/S Podder Enterprise(JV) 12309.71 09/04/2023 10/05/2023 09/04/2026 11 1315.66 10 05/01/2025 work is on going
85 CRMIDP/JHAL/W-212 Shekher Hat Bazar CRMIDP jhalokathi-s 89 246.00 "M/S M L Enterprise South Alekandha, Barisal " 229.51 21/10/2019 27/04/2021 15/08/2021 95 205.00 89 26/07/2022
86 CRMIDP/JHAL/W-213 Morichbunia Bazar CRMIDP kathalia 16 236.00 M/S MKB & MJE (JV) 249.83 11/04/2021 26/06/2022 18/01/2022 50 40.00 16 26/07/2022
87 GSIDP/JLK/DW-29 Improvement of Sekherhat Bazer Jame-E-Mosque, Union: Sekherhat.[Latitude:22.3954, Longitude: 90.73 ] GSIDP jhalokathi-s 5.27 M/S. Jalil khan Enterprise 5.00 24/01/2019 30/04/2019 100 09/04/2019
88 GSIDP/JLK/DW-33 Improvement of Digirpar Jame-E-Mosqe, Union: Kirtipasha.[Latitude:22.4017, Longitude: 90.1116 ] GSIDP jhalokathi-s 3.00 M/S.Fariha Electric 2.85 24/01/2019 30/04/2019 100 09/04/2019
89 GSIDP/JLK/DW-34 Improvement of Basonda Union Porisad Jame-E-Mosqe, Union: Basonda. [Latitude :22.3950, Longitude: 90.1234 ] GSIDP jhalokathi-s 3.00 M/S. Shara Builders 2.85 24/01/2019 30/04/2019 100 09/04/2019
90 GSIDP/JLK/DW-39 Improvement of Sekher hat Tampu Stand Jame-E-Mosque, Union: Sekher hat. [Latitude:22.4226, Longitude: 90.1047 ] GSIDP jhalokathi-s 5.00 M/S.Sifat Enterprise 4.75 24/01/2019 30/04/2019 100 09/04/2019
91 GSIDP/JLK/DW-41 Improvement of LGED Sahi Jame-E-Mosqe, Union: Pourashova.[Latitude:22.3838, Longitude: 90.1250 ] GSIDP jhalokathi-s 8.80 M/S. Jalil khan Enterprise 8.36 05/02/2019 11/05/2019 100 09/04/2019
92 GSIDP/JLK/DW-49 Improvement of Kandergati Baytul Falah Jame-E-Mosque, Union: Benoykati. [Latitude:22.4330, Longitude: 90.1319 ] GSIDP jhalokathi-s 3.00 M/S. Shara Builders 2.85 24/01/2019 30/04/2019 0 09/04/2019
93 GSIDP/JLK/DW-30 Improvement of Benoykati Bazer Jame-E-Mosque, Union: Benoykati.[ Latitude:22.4315, Longitude: 90.1444 ] GSIDP jhalokathi-s 5.00 M/S. Anu Enterprise 4.75 24/01/2019 30/04/2019 80 09/04/2019
94 GSIDP/JLK/DW-31 Improvement of Himanandokathi Bazer Jame-E-Mosque, Union: Nobogram.[ Latitude :22.4345, Longitude: 90.1113 ] GSIDP jhalokathi-s 5.00 M/S.H.N Builders 4.75 24/01/2019 30/04/2019 50 09/04/2019
95 GSIDP/JLK/DW-32 Improvement of Noikati High School Jame-E-Mosque, Union: Keora.[ Latitude:22.3836, Longitude: 90.1000 ] GSIDP jhalokathi-s 3.00 M/S. Jalil khan Enterprise 2.85 24/01/2019 30/04/2019 0 09/04/2019
96 GSIDP/JLK/DW-35 Improvement of Sotrokanda Madrasha, Govt. Pry. School inside Sotrokanda bazer Jame-E-Mosqe, Union: Gabkhan Dhansiri.[Latitude:22.3817, Longitude: 90.1114] GSIDP jhalokathi-s 4.00 M/S. Mahi Traders 3.80 24/01/2019 30/04/2019 20 09/04/2019
97 GSIDP/JLK/DW-36 Improvement of Chakler Bazer Jame-E-Mosqe, Union: Natullahbad.[ Latitude :22.4122, Longitude: 90.1523 ] GSIDP jhalokathi-s 4.01 M/S. Saju Enterorise 3.81 24/01/2019 30/03/2019 25 09/04/2019
98 GSIDP/JLK/DW-37 Improvement of Stemarghat Jame-E-Mosqe, Union: Pourashova.[Latitude:22.385, Longitude: 90.114 GSIDP jhalokathi-s 5.00 M/S. Anu Enterprise 4.75 24/01/2019 30/04/2019 20 09/04/2019
99 GSIDP/JLK/DW-38 Improvement of North side of LGED Road Near Union Porisad Jame-E-Mosque, Union: Gavaramchandropur. [Latitude:22.4446, Longitude: 90.1200 ] GSIDP jhalokathi-s 3.00 M/S. Robbani Enterprise 2.85 0 09/04/2019
100 GSIDP/JLK/DW-40 Improvement of Jogodishpur Sree Sree Durga Mondir, Union: Nobogram. [Latitude :22.3939, Longitude: 90.654 ] GSIDP jhalokathi-s 3.00 M/S. Masum Bellah Traders 2.85 24/01/2019 30/04/2019 0 09/04/2019
101 GSIDP/JLK/DW-42 Improvement of Pourashova Tablik Jame-E-Mosque, Union: Pourashova. [Latitude:22.3823, Longitude: 90.123 ] GSIDP jhalokathi-s 5.00 M/S. Raj Enterprise 4.75 24/01/2019 30/04/2019 50 09/04/2019
102 GSIDP/JLK/DW-43 Improvement of Pourashova Lanch Ghat Mohamaddia Jame-E-Mosque, Union: Pourashova.[Latitude:22.381, Longitude: 90.1135 ] 0 GSIDP jhalokathi-s 5.00 M/S. Anu Enterprise 4.75 24/01/2019 30/04/2019 25 09/04/2019
103 GSIDP/JLK/DW-44 Improvement of Pourashova Bazer khola Jame-E-Mosque (Near Mach Bazer), Union: Pourashova.[Latitude:22.3826, Longitude: 90.1147 GSIDP jhalokathi-s 5.00 M/S. Mahi Traders 4.75 24/01/2019 30/04/2019 0 09/04/2019
104 GSIDP/JLK/DW-45 Improvement of Sabangol Jame-E-Mosque at Dargabari, Union: Natullahbad. [Latitude: 22.4153, Longitude: 90.1416 ] GSIDP jhalokathi-s 4.00 M/S.Fariha Electric 3.80 24/01/2019 30/04/2019 50 09/04/2019
105 GSIDP/JLK/DW-46 Improvement of Agorbari Bazer central Jame-E-Mosque at Dargabari, Union: Basonda.[Latitude:22.3942, Longitude: 90.1310 ] GSIDP jhalokathi-s 4.00 M/S. Anu Enterprise 3.80 24/01/2019 30/04/2019 20 09/04/2019
106 GSIDP/JLK/DW-47 Improvement of Public Horishava Mondir, Union:Sadar Pourashova.[ Latitude:22.3819, Longitude: 90.1159 ] GSIDP jhalokathi-s 3.00 M/S. Anu Enterprise 2.85 04/02/2019 10/05/2019 70 09/04/2019
107 GSIDP/JLK/DW-16 Improvement of Banshbunia Taltala bazer Mandir, Union: Amua.[Latitude:22.9350, Longitude: 90.6421 ] GSIDP kathalia 3.01 M/S SUN TRADERS 2.86 15/01/2019 21/03/2019 0 09/04/2019
108 GSIDP/JLK/DW-17 Improvement of Amua Purbopar Shardar bari Jame-E-Mosqe, Union: Amua. [Latitude: 22.4256, Longitude: 90.1857 ] GSIDP kathalia 3.03 M/S. Robbani Enterprise 2.88 15/01/2019 21/04/2019 50 09/04/2019
109 GSIDP/JLK/DW-18 Improvement of Sree Sree Loknath Mandir, Union: Amua.[Latitude:22.3990, Longitude: 90.1249 ] GSIDP kathalia 3.76 M/S. Zahid Enterprise 3.58 15/01/2019 11/04/2019 0 09/04/2019
110 GSIDP/JLK/DW-19 Improvement of Amrebunia bazer Jame-E-Mosqe, Union: Kathalia.[Latitude:22.4457, Longitude: 90.6254] GSIDP kathalia 3.02 Ms. Sobir Builders 2.87 15/01/2019 21/04/2019 0 09/04/2019
111 GSIDP/JLK/DW-20 Improvement of Paschim Aura Dashpara Durga Mandir, Union: Kathalia. [Latitude:22.6405, Longitude: 90.3695 ] GSIDP kathalia 3.07 M/S. Zahid Enterprise 2.92 05/03/2019 11/06/2019 0 09/04/2019
112 GSIDP/JLK/DW-21 Improvement of Chingrakhali Shikdarbari Jame-E-Mosqe, Union: Kathalia. [Latitude:22.4886, Longitude: 90.1552 ] GSIDP kathalia 3.15 M/S. Sobir Builders 3.00 15/01/2019 21/04/2019 0 09/04/2019
113 GSIDP/JLK/DW-22 Improvement of Dakkahin Aura Jamaddarbari Jame-E-Mosque, Union: Kathalia [Latitude:22.9034, Longitude: 90.5530 ] GSIDP kathalia 3.02 M/S. Zahid Enterprise 2.87 05/03/2019 11/06/2019 0 09/04/2019
114 GSIDP/JLK/DW-23 Improvement of Mosabunia Mallikbari Jame-E-Mosque, Union: Kathalia [Latitude:22.4125, Longitude: 90.1358 ] GSIDP kathalia 3.06 Kathalia Builders 2.90 05/03/2019 11/06/2019 0 09/04/2019
115 GSIDP/JLK/DW-24 Improvement of Kathalia Lanch Ghat Jame-E-Mosque, Union: Kathalia [Latitude: 22.48040, Longitude: 90.15665 ] GSIDP kathalia 3.80 M/S. S.R.Enterprise 3.61 0 09/04/2019
116 GSIDP/JLK/DW-25 Improvement of Mosjidul Baitun Noor Eidga Field, Union: Saujalia [Latitude:22.4435, Longitude: 90.1524 GSIDP kathalia 3.50 Kathalia Builders 3.32 05/03/2019 0 09/04/2019
117 GSIDP/JLK/DW-26 Improvement of Moddo Kachua Baitun Noor Jame-E-Mosque, Union: Saujalia [Latitude:22.4325, Longitude: 90.1495 ] GSIDP kathalia 3.51 M/S.Fariha Electric 3.33 05/03/2019 11/06/2019 0 09/04/2019
118 GSIDP/JLK/DW-27 Improvement of Moshain Nokib bari Jame-E-Mosque, Union: Aurabunia.[Latitude:22.4781 , Longitude: 90.1779 ] GSIDP kathalia 4.26 M/S. Saju Enterprise 4.05 05/03/2019 11/06/2019 0 09/04/2019
119 GSIDP/JLK/DW-68 Improvement of Sree Sree Radha Gobindo Sebaasrom Mundir, Union : Aurabunia,Latitude: 22.48065,Longitude: 90.15682. GSIDP kathalia 4.10 M/S. Saju Enterprise 3.90 26/02/2019 04/06/2019 90 09/04/2019
120 GSIDP/JLK/SDW-72 Improvement of Talgachia Bapari Bari jame Mosque ,Unionn : Soulojalia ,Latitude: 22.4522,Longitude: 90.1578 GSIDP kathalia 5.45 0.00 0 09/04/2019
121 GSIDP/JLK/SDW-73 Improvement of Amua Munsi Bari Jame Mosque,Union : Amua , Latitude: 22.380271,Longitude: 90.08136. GSIDP kathalia 3.23 0.00 0 09/04/2019
122 GSIDP/JLK/DW-13 Improvement of Rohom Ali Howlader bari Jame-E-Mosque, Union: Checrirampur. [ Latitude: 22.6952, Longitude: 90.9621 ] GSIDP kathalia 5.52   0.00 0  
123 GSIDP/JLK/DW-14 Improvement of Kaikhali bazer Sarbojonin Sree Sree Durga Mandir, Union: Checrirampur. [Latitude:22.6357, Longitude: 90.1304 ] GSIDP kathalia 3.30   0.00 0  
124 GSIDP/JLK/DW-15 Improvement of Tarabunia Sarbojonin Durga Mandir, Union: Pathikhalghata. [Latitude:22.3959, Longitude: 90.0342 ] GSIDP kathalia 0.00 M/S. Sobir Builders 4.49 0  
125 GSIDP/JLK/DW-56 Improvement of Taltala Mosjid,Union : Sabitpur,Latitude: 901627.5,Longitude :223752.7. GSIDP nalchity 5.00 M/S. Sarker Enterprise 4.75 26/02/2019 04/06/2019 100 09/04/2019
126 GSIDP/JLK/SDW-74 Improvement of Baitun Nur Jam-E-Mosque, Union: Galua , Latitude: 22.5270 , Longitude: 90.1380 . GSIDP rajapur 3.00 0.00 0 09/04/2019
127 GSIDP/JLK/DW-1 Improvement of Naikati Sarif bari Jame-E-Mosque, Union: Saturia. [Latitude:22.97, Longitude: 90.1597 ] GSIDP rajapur 3.50 M/S. Zahid Enterprise 3.33 0  
128 GSIDP/JLK/DW-2 Improvement of Uttar Tarabunia Siddikia Dakhin Madrasha Field, Union: Saturia.[Latitude :22.9286, Longitude: 90.1402 ] GSIDP rajapur 3.00 M/S. Monir Enterprise 2.85 0  
129 GSIDP/JLK/DW-3 Improvement of Uttar Baro Kaiborthokhali Govt Primary School Field, Union: Rajapur.[Latitude:22.9227, Longitude: 90.2086 ] GSIDP rajapur 3.00 M/S. Robbani Enterprise 2.85 0  
130 GSIDP/JLK/DW-4 Improvement of Purbo Indropasha Arafa Jame-E-Mosque, Union: Rajapur. [Latitude:22.9686, Longitude: 90.2777 ] GSIDP rajapur 3.00 M/S. Aritro Enterprise 2.85 0  
131 GSIDP/JLK/DW-5 Improvement of Bagri bazer Jame-E-Mosque, Union: Rajapur.[Latitude:22.5785, Longitude: 90.1444 ] GSIDP rajapur 3.50 Kathalia Builders 3.32 0  
132 GSIDP/JLK/DW-6 Improvement of Bariya Degree College Field, Union: Rajapur.[Latitude:22.8491, Longitude: 90.3175 ] GSIDP rajapur 10.00 M/S. Lemon Enterprise 9.50 0  
133 GSIDP/JLK/DW-7 Improvement of Lat Abul Hassem Mirdha bari Graveyeard , Union: Rajapur. [Latitude:22.545, Longitude: 90.1523 ] GSIDP rajapur 3.00 M/S. Aritro Enterprise 2.85 0  
134 GSIDP/JLK/DW-8 Improvement of Rajapur Degree College Field, Union: Rajapur. [Latitude:22.9594, Longitude: 90.2475 ] GSIDP rajapur 4.00 M/S. Suvessa Enterprise 3.80 0  
135 GSIDP/JLK/DW-9 Improvement of Sangor High School Field, Union: Rajapur.[Latitude:22.9883, Longitude: 90.2333 ] GSIDP rajapur 3.00 M/S. Mahbubur Rahman 2.85 0  
136 GSIDP/JLK/DW-10 Improvement of Narikel bari Jaforabad Alim Madrasha Field, Union: Sukthagor. [Latitude:22.9558, Longitude: 90.1727 ] GSIDP rajapur 4.00 M/S. Zahid Enterprise 3.80 0  
137 GSIDP/JLK/DW-11 Improvement of Kanunia Baniabari Sree Sree Radha gobindo Mondir, Union: Sukthagor. [Latitude:22.6200, Longitude: 90.1280 ] GSIDP rajapur 3.00 M/S. Sadia Construction 2.85 0  
138 GSIDP/JLK/DW-12 Improvement of 41no. Kanudaskati GPS cum cyclone Shelter Field, Union: Galua.[Latitude:22.8333, Longitude: 90.1441 ] GSIDP rajapur 10.00 M/S. Tama Enterprise 9.50 0  
139 IBRP/Jha/Sad/Brg-01 Construction of 23.0m Long RCC Girder Bridge on Barishal Jhalokathi HRD Road (Protab Battala) Naiary Hat Road at ch. 20650.00m IBRP jhalokathi-s 542403010 23.00 90 237.65 M/S. MM Enterprise 237.46 04/09/2019 18/09/2019 10/03/2020 100 236.40 90 15/07/2020
140 IBRP/Jha/Sad/Brg-02 Re-Construction of 15.0m Long RCC Girder Bridge on Jhalakati RHD-Bermohal via Himanandakati RHD Road at ch.9450m IBRP jhalokathi-s 542402001 15.00 0 181.62 M/S. Hamane Enterprise 177.52 31/12/2019 14/01/2020 12/09/2020 0 0.00 0 15/07/2020
141 IBRP/Jha/Sad/Brg-03 Re-Construction of 18.0m Long RCC Girder Bridge on Shibgonj GC-Nabogram UP via Boukati Bazar Road. at ch.1663m IBRP jhalokathi-s 542403018 18.00 0 237.78 M/S. Sayed Enterprise 236.12 23/12/2019 07/01/2020 30/09/2020 0 0.00 0 15/07/2020
142 IBRP/Jha/Sad/Brg-05 Re-Construction of 18.0m Long RCC Girder Bridge on Shibgonj GC Nabogram Bazar Road at ch.6203m IBRP jhalokathi-s 542403007 18.00 0 162.79 M/S. Sayed Enterprise 162.52 23/12/2019 08/01/2020 30/09/2020 0 0.00 0 15/07/2020
143 IBRP/Jhalo/ Sadar/Brg-06 Construction of 12.00m Long Slab Bridge on Jhalokati RHD via Himanandakati GC Road at Ch.5690m. IBRP jhalokathi-s 542402001 12.00 47 171.49 M/S. Sifat Enterprise 154.60 02/12/2019 16/12/2019 05/01/2020 50 73.19 47 15/07/2020
144 IBRP/Jhalo/ Sadar/Brg-07 Construction of 13.00m Long RCC Girder Bridge on Nabogram UP-Shibganj Gc via Chamta bridge road at Ch.3+115km. IBRP jhalokathi-s 542403007 13.00 75 148.58 M/S. Sifat Enterprise 148.41 08/12/2019 19/12/2019 14/09/2020 80 110.78 75 15/07/2020
145 IBRP/Jha/Sad/Rehab/Brg-01 Rehabilitation of 01 No Single Vent 3.00m x 3.00m Size RCC Box Culvert on Nathullabad High School-Chowpala hat Road (Near Based Loxkor Bari) IBRP jhalokathi-s 542405045 6.00 100 18.85 M/S Rasia Trading 17.90 25/11/2019 09/12/2019 01/06/2020 100 17.90 100 15/07/2020
146 IRIDP-2/JLK/DW-31 (a) Improvement of Chowkighata – Shekerhat bazar road ( ch.1730m-2345m)(b) Construction of 01no 4.57m OFculvert at ch.2081m on the same road.(c) Construction of 01no 9.0m Bridge at ch.1911m on the same road. IRIDP-2 jhalokathi-s 542405141 0.62 70.63 M/S. Santo Enterprise 70.83 23/11/2016 20/06/2017 100 24/04/2019
147 IRIDP-2/JLK/DW-32 (a) Improvement of Nathullabad UP Haripasha Sikder Bari-RHD via GPS (Chachor GPS – Horipasha GPS). road (ch.00m-1010m.) (b) Construction of 01no 4.57m OFculvert at ch.842.0m on the same road.(c) Construction of 01no 1.22mx1.22m culvert at ch.200m on the same road. IRIDP-2 jhalokathi-s 542404056 1.01 68.88 M/S. Badol Constrction 68.87 23/11/2016 10/12/2017 100 24/04/2019
148 IRIDP-2/JLK/DW-33 (a) Improvement of Jalalkati Bazar - Manpasha Bazar road. ( Binoykati Parer hat – Jalalkati bazar road) (ch.00m-1065m)(b) Construction of 01no 2.0m x2.0m culvert at ch.506m on the same road.(c) Construction of 02nos 1.22mx1.22m culvert at ch.560m & 796.0 on the same road. IRIDP-2 jhalokathi-s 542405179 1.07 70.01 M/S. Islam Brothers 69.96 23/11/2016 22/10/2017 100 24/04/2019
149 IRIDP-2/JLK/DW-23 (a)Improvement of Naykati School - K.B.R School via Jugi Bari. road (ch.00m-1570m.) (b) Construction of 03no 1.22mx1.22m culvert at ch.44m,746m &1526m on the same road.(c) Construction of 02no 2.0mx2.0m culvert at ch.820m &1000m on the same road.(d) Construction of 01no 9.0m Bridge at ch.483m on the same road. IRIDP-2 jhalokathi-s 542404119 1.57 143.13 M/S. Sifat Enterprise 143.12 06/09/2016 13/09/2017 75 24/04/2019
150 IRIDP-2/JLK/DW-34 (a) Improvement of Mahadipur Kheaghat – Kistakati via Ponabalia UP & Chandpura bazar road ( Ponabalia Union Utter Kistakati – Tatultala bazar via Chandpura road) (ch.7110m – 7773m &11101m - 11711m)(b) Construction of 01no 2.00mx2.0m culvert at ch.535m on the same road. IRIDP-2 jhalokathi-s 542403001 1.27 69.19 M/S. Islam Brothers 69.14 23/11/2016 29/08/2017 70 24/04/2019
151 IRIDP-2/JLK/DW-43 (a)Improvement of Agor Bari - Less Protab.road ( ch.700m-2516m) ID NO. 542404073(b) Construction of 05no 1.50m x 1.50 culvert at ch.848m,1295m,1365m,1450m & 2250 on the same road.(c) Construction of 01no 9.0m Bridge at ch.926m on the same road.(d) Construction of 01no 2.0m x 2.0 culvert at ch.1096m on the same road. IRIDP-2 jhalokathi-s 542404073 1.82 164.53 Shamim Enterprise (PVT) LTD 148.08 11/03/2018 17/04/2019 25 24/04/2019
152 IRIDP-2/JLK/DW-44 Improvement of Haripasha Sikder Bari-RHD via Pry.School .road ( ch.1010m-3060m) ID NO. 542404056 IRIDP-2 jhalokathi-s 542404056 2.05 119.08 Shamim Enterprise (PVT) LTD 119.08 02/04/2018 08/03/2019 25 24/04/2019
153 IRIDP-2/JLK/DW-45 (a)Improvement of Jalalkati Bazar - Manpasha Bazar .road ( ch.1065m-1236m) ID NO. 542405179(b) Construction of 01no 6.0m Bridge at ch.1065m on the same road. 3,769,306.50 3,392,375.85 0% IRIDP-2 jhalokathi-s 542405179 0.17 37.69 Shamim Enterprise (PVT) LTD 33.92 0 24/04/2019
154 IRIDP-2/JLK/DW-57 (a)Improvement of Jhlakathi Kirtipasha RHD Road ( Shangramnila polish box) Serangal hat via Keora UP( Serangal hat – Pakmohar School via Keora Up, Serangal School Tamatha and Advocate Khan Sayfullah Ponirer bari).road ( ch.3246m-4279m) ID NO. 542403011(b) Construction of 02no 2.0m x 2.0 culvert at ch3240m & 3408m on the same road.(c) Construction of 01no 4.57m Bridge at ch.3522m on the same road.(d) Construction of 01no 9.0m Bridge at ch.3916m on the same road.(e) Construction of 01no 1.22m x 1.22 culvert at ch.3629m on the same road. IRIDP-2 jhalokathi-s 542403011 1.03 141.21 Orient Trading & Builders LTD. 127.08 24/06/2018 24/06/2019 50 24/04/2019
155 IRIDP-2/JLK/SDW-65 (a)Improvement of Nogram Jhalokathi RHD - Nobogram Nobogram Akon Bari Road ( ch.00m-800m) ID NO. 542405333 & link road 70.0m(b) Construction of 04no 2.00m x 2.00m culvert at ch.0118m,317m,467m, 640m on the same road. (c) Construction of 01no 4.00m x 4.00m culvert at ch.754m on the same road. IRIDP-2 jhalokathi-s 542405333 0.87 108.12 M/S. Lucky Enterprise 102.71 0 24/04/2019
156 IRIDP-2/JLK/DW-22 (a)  Improvement of Nabogram RHD - Parmahol Khalifa Bari via Boukati School Road (ch.1000m-2400m)(b) Construction of 03no 2.0mx2.0m culvert at ch.1085m,1313m &1450m on the same road.(c) Construction of 01no 6.0m Bridge at ch.2094m on the same road. IRIDP-2 jhalokathi-s 542404081 1.40 120.14 M/S. Santo Enterprise 120.13 30/05/2016 23/05/2017 100 23/04/2019
157 IRIDP-2/JLK/DW-12 (a)Improvement of Agor bari-Less Protab (Jhalokathi Chowpala Road-Less Protab Satoraj via Monirer bari) Road (ch. 00m-700m.) (b) Construction of 01no 2.5mx2.5mculvert at ch.810m on the same road. (c ) Construction of 03nos 2.0mx2.0mculvert at ch.105m ,300 IRIDP-2 jhalokathi-s 0.70 57.57 M/S. Badol Constrction 57.97 12/09/2016 11/09/2017 100  
158 IRIDP-2/JLK/DW-13 (a)Improvement of Charbhatarakanda-South Kistakati Road from (ch. 1020m-1623m) (b) Construction of 03nos 2.0mx2.0mculvert at ch.1231m,1422m & 1476m on the same road. IRIDP-2 jhalokathi-s 0.60 43.49 M/S. Auditi Enterprise 35.20 14/04/2016 13/12/2016 100  
159 IRIDP-2/JLK/DW-14 (a)Improvement of Panchagram hat - Infront of Hossainpur Govt. Pry. School via Hossainpur Sarderpara North side of College(Guboder hat-Daskawania Aziz Howlader bari via Hossainpur Govt. Pry. School) Road(ch. 00m-915m.) (b) Construction of 03nos 1.22mx1.22 IRIDP-2 jhalokathi-s 0.92