

LGED LAXMIPUR , District Scheme Details

Project Name

District Scheme Details

SL No. Package No. Package Name Project Name Upazila Name Road ID Length of Road (Km) Length of Bridge (M) Building Qauntity (No) Estimated Amount (Lac) Name of Contractor Contract Amount (Lac) Date of Contract Date of Commencement Date of Completion Physical Progress (%) Financial Progress (Amt) Financial Progress (%) Date of Progress Update Remarks
1 CIB-Lak-W-62 Const. of 50m long RCC Girder Bridge over Rahamatali Khal on 16 no Sakchar UP Terobeki Sakchar (Hazi Pana Mia road) at Ch. 30m under Sadar Upazila District: Lakshmipur CIBRR laxmipur-s 451432015 50.00 100 301.43 M/S.MA-Riasat(JV) 292.73 08/02/2018 15/02/2018 25/11/2019 100 292.72 100 04/09/2024 Final bill at 7/5/2020
2 CRMIDP/LKSM/W-501 Ramgonj Bazar CRMIDP ramganj 14 210.00 Ahmed Enterprise, Laksmipur 216.29 26/07/2022 17/05/2021 35 30.00 14 28/07/2022
3 CRMIDP/LKSM/W-502 Ramgati Bazar CRMIDP ramgati 60 264.00 M/S Risat & Brothers 248.50 09/06/2020 12/07/2022 80 150.00 60 28/07/2022
4 GNP-2/NOA/ COM/15-16 / Tree-04. Tree plantation and caretaking on Char Kalmi - Gangchil road at Ch.5100-6100m, Road ID. No.475214020. GNP-2 companiganj 475214020 0.00 0 0.00 LCS 0.00 01/01/1900 0 1.16 0 05/05/2019  
5 GNP-2/LAX/ KOM/14-15/W-47 Improvement of Char Basu Road at Ch. 1450-2547m at Komolnagar Upazila, Dist-Laxmipur, Road ID-451744002 GNP-2 komol nagar 451744002 1.10 0.00 100 45.00 M/S Sumon Enterprise 37.63 15/06/2015 15/06/2015 11/04/2016 100 37.63 100 05/05/2019  
6 GNP-2/LAX/ KOM/14-15/W-48 Part-B Improvement of Islamia Road at Ch. 750-1420m at Komolnagar Upazila, Dist-Laxmipur, Road ID-451744020 GNP-2 komol nagar 451744020 0.67 0.00 100 27.92 M/S Jahangir Alam. 23.44 15/06/2015 15/06/2015 18/04/2016 100 23.44 100 05/05/2019  
7 GNP-2/LAX/ KOM/16-17/ W-121 Improvement of Amania road Ch. 00-1070m under Komolnagar Upazil, District : Laxmipur, Road ID-451744001, GNP-2 komol nagar   1.07 0.00 0 45.09 M/S. Jaflong Enterprise 22.30 10/01/2017 10/01/2017 26/10/2017 60 22.30 0 05/05/2019  
8 GNP-2/LAX/ KOM/14-15/ W-122 Improvement of Char Jangalia-Mia para road Ch. 3200-3420m, Road ID-451745159, GNP-2 komol nagar   0.22 0.00 0 11.42 M/S. Hafiz Traders 0.00 10/01/2017 10/01/2017 24/10/2017 10 0.00 0 05/05/2019  
9 GNP-2/LAX/ KOM/17-18/ W-197 (i) Improvement of Char Jangalia Amjadia road Ch. 405-1405m. ID No. 451745174. (ii) Providing 59.00m Palisading work. GNP-2 komol nagar 451745174 1.00 0.00 0 48.92   0.00 01/01/1900 0 0.00 0 05/05/2019  
10 GNP-2/LAX/ KOM/14-15/ W-48 Part-A Maintenance of Islamia Road Ch. 00-750m Road ID-451744020 GNP-2 komol nagar 451744020 0.75 0.00 100 17.07 Md. Jahangir Alam 14.33 15/06/2015 15/06/2015 18/04/2016 100 14.33 100 05/05/2019  
11 GNP-2/LUX/ KOM/15-16 / Tree-01. Tree plantation and caretaking on Selim road at Ch.0-2000m, Road ID. No. 451744058. GNP-2 komol nagar 451744058 2.21 0.00 0 2.21 LCS 2.06 01/01/1900 0 2.06 0 05/05/2019  
12 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/13-14/ W-02 Improvement of Diguli Juniar High School-WPBDA Beri Road (Diguli Juniar High School-Hawladar Bari-WPBDA Beri Road) (Ch. 00-1285m) (ID No-451435299) GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435299 1.00 0.00 0 45.98 Md. Shahidul Islam 39.78 25/09/2014 25/09/2014 16/09/2015 100 39.78 0 05/05/2019  
13 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/13-14/ W-03 Improvement of Endurpur Botgach Tola-Kalekgonj Bazar Road (Ch. 00-1000m) (ID No-451435233) GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435233 1.00 0.00 0 45.36 M/S. Ma Traders 40.84 25/09/2014 25/09/2014 17/07/2015 100 40.84 0 05/05/2019  
14 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/13-14/ W-04 Improvement of Monoharpur Darjipara (Dr. Anowarul Azim) Road (Ch. 00-1250m) (ID No-451435016), GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435016 0.94 0.00 100 41.97 M/S. Sumon Enterprise 38.61 25/09/2014 25/09/2014 19/07/2015 100 38.61 100 05/05/2019  
15 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/13-14/ W-\05 Improvement of Uttar Chandropur Shahid A Motin Road (Hazipara Abdul Motin Road (St. RHD) (Ch. 00-850m) (ID No-451434270), GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451434270 0.85 0.00 0 46.34 M/A. Khondaker Brothers 40.51 25/09/2014 25/09/2014 15/07/2015 100 40.51 0 05/05/2019  
16 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/14-15/ W-11 Improvement of South Radhapur-North Radhapur road (from Ch. 00-575m) ID No-451435379 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435379 0.58 0.00 100 29.12 M/S. Mukta Enterprise 24.49 28/01/2015 28/01/2015 03/12/2016 100 24.49 100 05/05/2019  
17 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/14-15/ W-16 Improvement of Shanki Bhanga-Shakhawat Hossain tulu road Ch. 00-750m) ID No-451435029 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435029 0.75 0.00 0 31.08 M/S. Sumon Enterprise 27.17 02/04/2015 02/04/2015 08/01/2016 100 27.17 0 05/05/2019  
18 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/14-15/ W-17 Improvement of Changalchira-Rajamia road (Gourinagar high school road) Ch. 800-1800m) ID No-451435168 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435168 1.00 0.00 100 45.00 M/S. Khorshed Alam 44.83 30/03/2015 30/03/2015 18/01/2016 100 44.83 100 05/05/2019  
19 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/14-15/ W-18 Improvement of Hazi Miajan Jame Mosjid road Ch. 00-800m ID No-451434110 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451434110 0.33 0.00 0 14.66 M/S. Khorshed Alam 14.38 30/03/2015 30/03/2015 18/01/2016 100 14.38 0 05/05/2019  
20 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/14-15/ W-25 Improvement of Uttar Hamchadi Rashid Chairman road Ch. 00-1760m IDNo-451435260 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435260 1.50 0.00 0 67.03 M/S. Panjeri Enterprise 59.58 05/04/2015 05/04/2015 18/01/2016 100 59.58 0 05/05/2019  
21 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/14-15/ W-26 Improvement of Jaforpur-Rahimpur road Ch. 00-1045m IDNo-451435224 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435224 1.05 0.00 100 47.64 Md. Jahangir Alam 42.88 06/05/2015 06/05/2015 28/02/2016 100 42.88 100 05/05/2019  
22 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/14-15/ W-27 Improvement of Nurullapur WAPDA Bridge to Shanki Bhanga road via Khamar Bari road Ch. 00-1032m IDNo-451434236 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451434236 1.03 0.00 0 44.22 M/S. Razu Enterprise 42.75 05/04/2015 05/04/2015 22/01/2016 100 42.75 0 05/05/2019  
23 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/14-15/ W-33 Construction of 3x3.00mx3.00m RCC Box Culvert on Ikra Pre-Cadet School road at ch. 07m over Mandari-Bottali Canal IDNo-451435392 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435392 9.00 0 13.62 M/S. Jaflong Enterprise 10.14 02/04/2015 02/04/2015 18/01/2016 100 10.14 0 05/05/2019  
24 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/14-15/ W-34 Construction of 2x3.50mx3.50m RCC Box Culvert on Mozibur Rahman Molla Bari road at ch. 03m over Mandari-Gandabyapur Canal IDNo-451435393 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435393 7.00 100 11.88 M/S. Jaflong Enterprise 9.00 02/04/2015 02/04/2015 18/01/2016 100 9.00 100 05/05/2019  
25 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/14-15/ W-35 Construction of 3x3.00mx3.00m RCC Box Culvert on Miapur Harunur Rashid Bari road at ch. 03m over Mandari-Gondabyapur Canal IDNo-451435394 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435394 9.00 0 13.62 M/S. Jaflong Enterprise 10.27 02/04/2015 02/04/2015 26/01/2016 100 10.27 0 05/05/2019  
26 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/14-15/ W-36 Construction of 2x3.50mx3.50m RCC Box Culvert on Mukhlesur Rahman Patway Bari road at ch. 03m over Mandari-Gondabyapur Canal IDNo-451435395 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435395 7.00 0 11.88 M/S. Jaflong Enterprise 8.99 05/04/2016 05/04/2016 18/01/2016 100 8.99 0 05/05/2019  
27 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/14-15/ W-43 Improvement of Protabganj-Miah Bari-Goal Bari-Bismillah Road at Ch. 00-992m, Road ID-451435188. GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435188 0.99 0.00 0 49.72 M/S. Sumon Enterprise 39.61 07/06/2015 07/06/2015 24/06/2016 100 39.61 0 05/05/2019  
28 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/14-15/ W-44 Improvement of West Gandhabhapur Moulana Shafiullah Mosque to Bhuluar Khal Baraipur Jame Mosque Road, Road ID-451435486 . GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435486 1.00 0.00 0 45.12 M/S. Mukta Enterprise 36.74 07/06/2015 07/06/2015 24/03/2016 100 36.74 0 05/05/2019  
29 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/14-15/ W-58 Improvement of Amani Laxmipur Akmol Bhouyan Bari Onil Dr. Bari Bridge Road at ch. 00-900 Road ID-451435459 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435459 0.90 0.00 0 43.50 M/S. Sumon Enterprise 36.54 10/08/2015 10/08/2015 29/05/2016 100 36.54 0 05/05/2019  
30 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/14-15/ W-59 Improvement of Amani Laxmipur Lakshan Hazi Bari Road at ch. 00-450m Road ID-451434269 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451434269 0.45 0.00 0 21.00 M/S. Samiya Enterprise 20.97 10/08/2015 10/08/2015 29/05/2016 100 20.97 0 05/05/2019  
31 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/15-16/ W-62 Improvement of Shanki Bhanga GPS-Romapur Dasherhat RHD road at ch. 00-1110m , Road ID-451435268. GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435268 1.11 0.00 0 49.96 M/S. Sumon Enterprise 49.49 18/02/2016 18/02/2016 01/12/2016 100 49.49 0 05/05/2019  
32 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/15-16/ W-63 Improvement of Rampur-Jagannathpur road at ch. 00-925m , Road ID-451435125. GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435125 0.93 0.00 0 45.00 M/S. Khandakar Brothers 44.98 03/01/2016 03/01/2016 19/10/2016 100 44.98 0 05/05/2019  
33 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/15-16/ W-64 Improvement of Bagbari-Mollabari-Kanu Patwarybari-Enayetpur Madrasa road at ch. 00-910m , Road ID-451435458. GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435458 0.91 0.00 0 45.00 M/S. Khorshed Alam 44.95 18/02/2016 18/02/2016 01/12/2016 100 44.95 0 05/05/2019  
34 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/15-16/ W-65 Improvement of Radapur Balla Bagnti -Mizi Bari Mosque Road from Ch. 650-750m & 900-1700m. Road ID-451435455/ GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435455 0.85 0.00 0 35.97 M/S. R-TA Enterprise 34.75 28/01/2016 28/01/2016 13/11/2016 100 34.75 0 05/05/2019  
35 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/15-16/ W-66 Improvement of Durgapur Road ( Durgapur Khamar Bari Mosque road from Ch.0.00m-1000m) Road ID-451435420. GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435420 1.00 0.00 0 44.05 Md. Shahidul Islam 45.30 03/02/2016 03/02/2016 21/11/2016 100 45.30 0 05/05/2019  
36 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/15-16/ W-67 Improvement of Poschim Jamirtoli - Gopiar khil Road ( Gopair Khil - Jamirtoli Atana Sluce Gate )Road from Ch. 0.00m-500m.Road Id-451435187. GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435187 0.50 0.00 0 21.42 M/S. R-TA Enterprise 20.33 28/01/2016 28/01/2016 13/11/2016 100 20.33 0 05/05/2019  
37 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/15-16/ W-70 Improvement of Panchpara Besu Patwary Road (St.Kalu Master Bari- Kazi bari) Road from Ch. 0.00m-1255m. .Road Id-45143524. GNP-2 laxmipur-s 45143524 1.26 0.00 0 54.31 M/S. Khondaker Brothers 48.05 23/03/2016 23/03/2016 10/01/2017 100 48.05 0 05/05/2019  
38 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/15-16/ W-71 Improvement of Rampur - Bhuyan Bazar - Nozir Bari) Road from Ch. 0.00m-1048m. Road Id-451435187. GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435187 1.05 0.00 0 45.12 M/S. Sumon Enterprise 39.13 23/03/2016 23/03/2016 04/01/2017 100 39.13 0 05/05/2019  
39 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/15-16/ W-73 Constructin of 2x4.50x4.00 m Box Culvert on Durgapur Ozi Ullah Sddar Bari - Shahid Master Road at Ch. 3.00m. Road Id-451435293 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435293 9.00 0 16.58 M/S. Shajahan Monir 14.26 23/03/2016 23/03/2016 04/01/2017 100 14.26 0 05/05/2019  
40 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/15-16/ W-74 Constructin of 2x3.50x3.00 m Box Culvert on Gopiarkhil - Maizerbari - Antarpukur High School Road at Ch. 3.00m. Road Id-451434318 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451434318 7.00 0 11.23 M/S. Shajahan Monir 9.63 23/03/2016 23/03/2016 04/01/2017 100 9.63 0 05/05/2019  
41 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/15-16/ W-75 Constructin of 2x4.50x4.00 m Box Culvert on Jamirtoli-Rajapur Road at Ch. 3.00m. Over Manik Poddar Khal Road Id-451435090 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435090 9.00 0 16.75 M/S. Shajahan Monir 14.38 23/03/2016 23/03/2016 04/01/2017 100 14.38 0 05/05/2019  
42 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/15-16/ W-76 Constructin of 2x4.50x4.00 m Box Culvert on Gopiar Khil - Jamirtoli Antar Pukurpar - Sluice Gate Road (Jamirtoli Road) at Ch. 3370m. Road Id-451435187 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435187 9.00 0 18.29 M/S. Hafiz & Sons 13.14 23/03/2016 23/03/2016 12/01/2017 100 13.14 0 05/05/2019  
43 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/15-16/ W-77 Improvement of Etim Bazar - East Bijoy nagar GPS - Sonapur Bazar Road from Ch. 00m-1900m.Road Id-451435203 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435203 1.90 0.00 0 84.37 M/S. Khondaker Brothers 84.07 23/03/2016 23/03/2016 03/12/2016 100 84.07 0 05/05/2019  
44 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/15-16/ W-79 Improvement of Jamirtoli-Rajapur Rd. By BC from Ch. 1500m to 2080m, Road ID-451435090 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435090 0.58 0.00 100 27.52 M/S Salam Traders 27.17 24/04/2016 24/04/2016 12/02/2017 100 27.17 100 05/05/2019  
45 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/15-16/ W-80 (A) Improvement of Diguli Jele Bari-Hosen Member Bari-Jafarpur Road By BC from Ch. 00m to 482m, Road ID-451435236 (B) Const. of 1x3.00x3.00m size Box Culvert on the Same Road GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435236 0.30 0.00 0 23.94 M/S Salam Traders 15.98 03/05/2016 03/05/2016 22/02/2017 100 15.98 0 05/05/2019  
46 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/15-16/ W-91 Improvement of Bobanigonj Mukti Zudda K. M. Siddiq Ullah Road (St. Boiragir Dokan RHD) from Ch. 00 to 1040m, Road ID-451434327 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451434327 1.04 0.00 100 44.85 M/S Ripon Enterprise 36.07 11/05/2016 11/05/2016 19/02/2017 100 36.07 100 05/05/2019  
47 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/15-16/ W-92 Improvement of Rotna Gorba Khushid Ara Begum Road ( Bobanigonj- Rotna Gorba Khushid Ara Begum Road) from Ch.00-710 m Road ID-451435373 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435373 0.71 0.00 0 30.33 M/S Riasat & Brothers 24.85 11/05/2016 11/05/2016 28/02/2017 100 24.85 0 05/05/2019  
48 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/15-16/ W-93 Improvement of Impvr. Of Hazirpara - Chawpally Bazar to Monohorpur Cyclone Shelter Road ( Chawpally Bazar - Monohorpur Road) from Ch.1200 - 2000 m Road ID-451434032 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451434032 0.80 0.00 100 37.70 M/S samia Enterprise 38.40 11/05/2006 11/05/2006 24/02/2017 100 38.40 100 05/05/2019  
49 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/15-16/ W-112 Construction of 3x3.00x3.00 m RCC Box Culvert on Mirikpur Muktijoddha Rafique Ullah Road at Ch. 3.00m over Darbeshpur Hatibandha Khal. Road Id-451435362 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435362 9.00 0 13.52 M/S Monirul Karim 11.15 01/08/2016 01/08/2016 14/05/2017 100 11.15 0 05/05/2019  
50 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/15-16/ W-113 Constructin of 2x4.50x4.50 m Box Culvert on Diguli UP office-Ansar Companir Bari Road at Ch. 989m. over Diguli Katakhali Khal. Road Id-451435295 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435295 9.00 0 18.29 Md. Shahidul Islam 15.00 01/08/2016 01/08/2016 18/05/2017 100 15.00 0 05/05/2019  
51 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/15-16/ W-114 Impvr. Of Uttar Panchpara Talimul Quran Etimkhana Madrasa road from Ch.00-870m Road ID-45143 W-114 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 45143 0.57 0.00 0 28.67 M/S Shahjahan Monir 24.08 26/06/2016 26/06/2016 07/04/2017 100 24.08 0 05/05/2019  
52 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/15-16/ W-116 Impvr. Of Chandrgonj - Dewpara-Panchpara-Monharpur Bazar road ch.2500-3230.00m, Road ID-451434022 W-116 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451434022 0.73 0.00 0 32.60 M/S Progati Traders 27.39 26/06/2016 26/06/2016 07/04/2017 100 27.39 0 05/05/2019  
53 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/16-17/ W-118 Improvement of Punianagar Mosque Road. (Ch.00-1000m) Road Id-451435281 under Sadar Upazila, District: Laxmipur GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435281 1.00 0.00 100 46.00 M/S. Samiya Enterprise 44.61 02/10/2016 02/10/2016 19/07/2017 100 44.61 100 05/05/2019  
54 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/16-17/ W-119 Improvement of Mirikpur - Mokordhas RNGPS- Parbotinagor Botgach tola{ Mirikpur (Bolir Dokan)- Parboti nagor} Road. (Ch.00-1000m) Road Id-451435033 under Sadar Upazila,District: Laxmipur, GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435033 1.00 0.00 0 46.22 M/S. Wahidul Karim 39.70 02/10/2016 02/10/2016 22/07/2017 100 39.70 0 05/05/2019  
55 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/16-17/ W-125 Improvement of Pachim Mandari Paler Bari-Amin bazaar road Ch. 00-950m, Road ID-451435381, GNP-2 laxmipur-s   0.95 0.00 100 45.00 M/S. Sumon Enterprise 39.60 01/01/2017 01/01/2017 15/10/2017 100 39.60 100 05/05/2019  
56 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/16-17/ W-126 Improvement of Chandkhali High School-Aminbazar road Ch. 00-1025m, Road ID-451435183, GNP-2 laxmipur-s   1.03 0.00 0 44.99 M/S. Sumon Enterprise 39.59 01/01/2017 01/01/2017 15/10/2017 100 39.59 0 05/05/2019  
57 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/16-17/ W-127 Improvement of Muktizoddha Abul Hossain road Ch. 400-1337m, Road ID-451434108, GNP-2 laxmipur-s   0.94 0.00 100 45.17 M/S. Sumon Enterprise 45.14 01/01/2017 01/01/2017 21/10/2017 100 45.14 100 05/05/2019  
58 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/16-17/ W-128 Improvement of Mohajan bari bridge-Motobi Ozi Ullah Bhuiyan bari road Ch. 1000-1470m, Road ID-451435568, GNP-2 laxmipur-s   0.47 0.00 0 22.44 M/S. Sumon Enterprise 21.58 01/01/2017 01/01/2017 21/10/2017 100 21.58 0 05/05/2019  
59 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/16-17/ W-130 Improvement of Panch para Donkazi Patowary Mosque road Ch. 00-830m, Road ID-451435242, GNP-2 laxmipur-s   0.83 0.00 0 39.55 Md. Shahidul Islam 37.75 24/01/2017 24/01/2017 09/11/2017 100 37.75 0 05/05/2019  
60 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/16-17/ W-131 Improvement of Palpara Bazar-N. Joypur-Clinic-Hanif Miazir Hat road Ch. 00-1000m, Road ID-451435084, GNP-2 laxmipur-s   1.00 0.00 100 43.15 M/S. Sumon Enterprise 39.27 01/01/2017 01/01/2017 18/10/2017 100 39.27 100 05/05/2019  
61 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/16-17/ W-139 Improvement of Hasandi-Bijoynagar Road (Bijoynagar bazaar-Hasandi road) Ch. 816.00m-1700.00m, Road ID-451435487, GNP-2 laxmipur-s   0.88 0.00 0 37.76 M/S. L M Traders 34.17 10/01/2017 10/01/2017 30/10/2017 100 34.17 0 05/05/2019  
62 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/16-17/ W-140 Improvement of Kashipur Moktijoddah Abdul Latif Road (Boro aam ghach tola-Dombari road) Ch. 00m-1122.00m, Road ID-451434386, GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451434386 1.12 0.00 100 47.28 M/S. Emdad Ullah 42.66 10/01/2017 10/01/2017 21/10/2017 100 42.66 100 05/05/2019  
63 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/16-17/ W-168 (i) Imp. Of Baluabhangti-Doabari-Radapur-East radapur Forkania Madrasha-Boro Awlia Community Clinic road (Datta Para-Mirterhat RHD) Ch. 615-1540m (ii) Providing 52.00m Palisading work Road ID-451435424 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435424 0.93 0.00 0 55.35 M/S. Khorshed Alam 51.37 11/04/2017 11/04/2017 15/10/2017 100 51.37 0 05/05/2019  
64 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/16-17/ W-169 (i) Imp. Of Palpara Binodpur road Ch. 650-1650m (ii) Providing 50.00m Palisading work Road ID-451434031 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451434031 1.00 0.00 0 59.56 Md. Shahidul Islam 53.35 01/01/1900 26/01/2018 100 53.35 0 05/05/2019  
65 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/16-17/ W-170 (i) Imp. Of Hasondi-Somitirhat road (Rashid Contractor bari-Hosondi High School-Somitirhat road) Ch. 350-1230m (ii) Providing 19.00m Palisading work Road ID-451435017 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435017 0.88 0.00 0 51.30 M/S. L M Traders 47.91 11/04/2017 11/04/2017 30/01/2017 100 47.91 0 05/05/2019  
66 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/16-17/ W-171 (i) Imp. Of Mohabbat Ali Hazi Bari-Serazul Hoque President Bari (Serazul Hoque President Bari road) road Ch. 00-1082m (ii) Providing 143.00m Palisading work (iii) Const. of 7 Nos U-Drain Culvert at Ch. 86m, 204m, 261m, 704m, 751, 867m & 932m (iv) Const. o GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435342 1.08 0.00 0 80.37 M/S. Progoti Traders 72.34 11/04/2017 11/04/2017 01/02/2018 100 72.34 0 05/05/2019  
67 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/16-17/ W-172 Imp. Of Char Mandol Dash Kandi road Ch. 00-1495m Road ID-4514350143 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 4514350143 1.50 0.00 0 87.50 M/S. Jaflong Enterprise 21.64 11/04/2017 11/04/2017 01/02/2018 100 21.64 0 05/05/2019  
68 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/16-17/ W-173 (i) Imp. Of East Charuboti Baitul Mamur Islamia Madrasha road Ch. 00-752m (ii) Providing 47.00m Palisading work (iii) Const. of 1 Nos U-Drain Culvert at Ch. 193m Road ID-451435483 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435483 0.75 0.00 0 44.91 M/S. Mukta Enterprise 40.37 11/04/2017 11/04/2017 24/01/2018 100 40.37 0 05/05/2019  
69 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/16-17/ W-174 (i) Imp. Of Char Ruhita-Chowdhury Bazar -Akond Bazar road Ch. 00-1000m (ii) Providing 14.00m Palisading work (iii) Const. of 2 Nos U-Drain Culvert at Ch. 608m & 967m Road ID-451434358 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451434358 1.00 0.00 100 59.44 Md. Shahidul Islam 53.50 11/04/2017 11/04/2017 23/01/2018 100 53.50 100 05/05/2019  
70 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/16-17/ W-175 (i) Imp. Of Char Mondol Dadsha Miah GPS road Ch. 665-1025m (ii) Providing 37.00m Palisading work Road ID-451434281 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451434281 0.36 0.00 0 22.52 M/S. Kazi Construction 20.26 22/01/2018 22/01/2018 25/01/2018 100 20.26 0 05/05/2019  
71 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/16-17/ W-177 Imp. Of Pukurdia Baza-Noldogi RGPS-Ahamad miat hat road Ch. 600-1000m Road ID-451434003 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451434003 0.40 0.00 0 23.28 M/S. Khorshed Alam 11.89 27/07/2017 27/07/2017 08/12/2017 65 11.89 0 05/05/2019  
72 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/16-17/ W-178 Const. 30.00m RCC Girder Bridge on Uttar Chandrapur-Dakhin Chandrapur road at Ch. 1620m Road ID-451435049 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435049 30.00 0 137.60 Md. Eunus & Brothers 0.00 27/07/2017 27/07/2017 08/08/2018 0 0.00 0 05/05/2019  
73 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/16-17/ W-179 Const. 39.00m RCC Girder Bridge on Nurullapur-Shankibhanga (Nurullapur WAPDA Bridge-Shankibhanga-Deghuli Bazar) road at Ch. 5m Road ID-451434236 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451434236 39.00 0 167.92 Md. Eunus & Brothers 0.00 27/07/2017 27/07/2017 08/08/2018 0 0.00 0 05/05/2019  
74 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/16-17/ W-180 (i) Improvement of Tatakrkhil Ayesha High School- Nozir Master road Ch. 00-930m. ID No. 451435167 .(ii) Providing 105.00m Palisading work. GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435167 0.93 0.00 0 58.85 M/S Khandakar Brothers 52.96 04/05/2017 04/05/2017 24/01/2018 100 52.96 0 05/05/2019  
75 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/16-17/ W-190 (i) Improvement of Chandragonj - Shekhpur college road Ch. 00-1000m. ID No. 451435008 .(ii) Providing 150.00m Palisading work.(iii) Construction of 1No U-Drain Culvert at Ch.124m. GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435008 1.00 0.00 0 62.01 Md. Shahidul Islam 37.54 19/10/2017 19/10/2017 30/04/2018 100 37.54 0 05/05/2019  
76 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/16-17/ W-191 (i) Improvement of Chandragonj UP office Kuribari - Dhopaghata bridge road Ch. 53-580m. ID No. 451434089 .(ii) Providing 78.00m Palisading work. GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451434089 0.53 0.00 0 32.16 Md. Eunus & Brothers 0.00 01/01/1900 0 0.00 0 05/05/2019  
77 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/16-17/ W-192 (i) Improvement of Khaguria Haspatal road Ch. 1000-2092m. ID No. 451435243. (ii) Providing 36.00m Palisading work. GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435243 1.09 0.00 0 57.02 RAB-RC (Pvt.) Ltd. 35.10 22/10/2017 22/10/2017 05/07/2018 65 35.10 0 05/05/2019  
78 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/17-18/ W-193 (i) Improvement of Hazi Abdul Hoque road Ch. 00-989m. ID No. 451435380. (ii) Providing 130.00m Palisading work. (iii) Construction of 3Nos U-Drain Culvert at Ch.167m, 349m & 828m. (iv) Construction of 3.00mx3.00m RCC Box Culvert at Ch. 100m. GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435380 0.99 3.00 0 69.08 M/S Monirul Karim 0.00 21/01/2018 21/01/2018 30/04/2018 0 0.00 0 05/05/2019  
79 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/17-18/ W-194 (i) Improvement of Rokonpur Chowdury bari-Baitun nur Jame Mosque road Ch. 00-500m. ID No. 451434387. (ii) Providing 59.00m Palisading work. GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451434387 0.50 0.00 0 28.45 M/S. Emdad Ullah 28.42 13/01/2018 13/01/2018 20/03/2018 100 28.42 0 05/05/2019  
80 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/17-18/ W-195 (i) Improvement of Banglabazar-Daggatoli pucca road-Somitir bazar road via Ma & Shisu Hospital road Ch. 00-750m. ID No. 451434389. (ii) Construction of 2Nos U-Drain Culvert at Ch. 450m & 650m. GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451434389 0.75 0.00 0 42.10 M/S. Mukta Enterprise 0.00 06/03/2018 06/03/2018 26/09/2018 0 0.00 0 05/05/2019  
81 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/17-18/ W-196 Construction of 3x4.00mx4.00m RCC Box Culvert on Toyab Chairman bari-Dibi road (infront of Toiab Chairman bari) at Ch. 2.00m. GNP-2 laxmipur-s   12.00 0 22.35 M/S Monirul Karim 19.93 21/01/2018 21/01/2018 30/04/2018 100 19.93 0 05/05/2019  
82 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/17-18/ W-199 (i) Improvement of Dewpara Monar Dokan - Dewpara GPS - Bismilla road Ch. 00-1090m. ID No: 451434156. (ii) Providing 92m Palisading work. GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451434156 1.09 0.00 0 49.30 M/S Bonus International 29.51 29/01/2018 29/01/2018 19/06/2018 65 29.51 0 05/05/2019  
83 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/17-18/ W-200 (i) Improvement of Chandragonj-Dasherhat (RHD)-Rajapur- Rashidpur road Ch. 00-1370m. ID No: 451435165. (ii) Providing 155m Palisading work. (iii) Construction of 1No U-Drain Culvert at Ch.928m. GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435165 1.37 0.00 0 72.61 M/S. Mukta Enterprise 47.94 01/01/1900 07/07/2018 65 47.94 0 05/05/2019  
84 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/17-18/ W-203 (i) Improvement of Botgachtola - Kamarhat (Borobollobpur-Boraitola) road Ch. 500-1670m. ID No: 451435234. (ii) Providing 64m Palisading work. (iii) Construction of 2Nos U-Drain Culvert at Ch.1400m & 1643m. GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435234 1.17 0.00 0 62.38 M/S. Sumon Enterprise 59.99 29/01/2018 29/01/2018 14/07/2018 100 59.99 0 05/05/2019  
85 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/17-18/ W-204 (i) Improvement of Rampur - Jagannathpur road (Rampur-Jonota college-Jaliakandi road) Ch. 00-200m & 1100-3200m. ID No: 451435125. (ii) Providing 157m Palisading work. GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435125 2.30 0.00 0 116.23 M/S Bonus International 0.00 29/01/2018 29/01/2018 29/08/2018 30 0.00 0 05/05/2019  
86 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/17-18/ W-205 (i) Improvement of Char Ruhita Islam Market-Ichagotemuhoni-Ranirhat-Bongshi Bridge road Ch. 3082-3659m & 5659-6082m. ID No: 451434042. (ii) Providing 101m Palisading work. GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451434042 1.00 0.00 0 54.85 M/S. L M Traders 0.00 26/03/2018 26/03/2018 09/11/2018 0 0.00 0 05/05/2019  
87 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/17-18/ W-206 (i) Improvement of Poschim Jamirtoli - Gopiar khil road (Gopair Khil - Jamirtoli Antar Sluice Gate) road Ch. 1500-2325m. ID No: 451435187. (ii) Providing 24m Palisading work. (iii) Construction of 1No 900mmx900mm U-Drain Culvert at Ch. 1680m. (iv) Constr GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435187 0.83 0.00 0 42.60 M/S Riasat & Brothers 0.00 29/01/2018 29/01/2018 19/06/2018 20 0.00 0 05/05/2019  
88 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/17-18/ W-207 (i) Improvement of Diguli Jele Bari-Hosen Member bari-Jafapur road Ch. 500-1140m. ID No: 451435236. (ii) Providing 89m Palisading work. GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435236 0.64 0.00 0 32.66 Md. Shahidul Islam 32.64 30/01/2018 30/01/2018 19/06/2018 100 32.64 0 05/05/2019  
89 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/17-18/ W-208 (i) Improvement of Samsu Compani bari–Chowpally bazar road Ch.00-628m & 882-1264m. ID No: 451435227. (ii) Providing 65m Palisading work. GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435227 1.01 0.00 0 60.67 Md. Shahidul Islam 0.00 30/01/2018 30/01/2018 19/07/2018 65 0.00 0 05/05/2019  
90 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/17-18/ W-212 (i) Improvement of Muktizoddha Abul Hossain road (St. RHD) Ch. 1337-2357m. ID No: 451434108. (ii) Providing 45.00m Palisading work. GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451434108 1.02 0.00 0 51.02 M/S Riasat & Brothers 0.00 31/01/2018 31/01/2018 10/07/2018 65 0.00 0 05/05/2019  
91 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/17-18/ W-213 (i) Improvement of Yusufpur Bora-Ballabpur Mahabub Member road Ch. 1900-2500m. ID No: 451435046. (ii) Providing 50.00m Palisading work. GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435046 0.60 0.00 0 30.95 Md. Shahidul Islam 21.05 30/01/2018 30/01/2018 20/03/2018 65 21.05 0 05/05/2019  
92 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/17-18/ W-214 (i) Improvement of Donnopur RGPS -Boroballabpur GPS road Ch. 00-250m. ID No: 451435347. (ii) Providing 85.00m Palisading work. GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435347 0.25 0.00 100 15.78 M/S. Sumon Enterprise 15.73 30/01/2018 30/01/2018 14/05/2018 100 15.73 100 05/05/2019  
93 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/17-18/ W-215 (i) Improvement of Hazirpara Muktijoddha Kazi Anowarullah road Ch. 00-533m. ID No. 451435623. (ii) Construction of 2Nos U-Drain Culvert at Ch. 200m & 395m. GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435623 0.53 0.00 0 30.81 Md. Shahidul Islam 0.00 12/03/2018 12/03/2018 01/08/2018 40 0.00 0 05/05/2019  
94 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/14-15/ W-10 Improvement of Gawchia road (from Ch. 290-990m) ID No-451434076 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451434076 0.70 0.00 100 33.30 M/A. Khondaker Brothers 28.94 27/01/2015 27/01/2015 02/02/2016 100 28.94 100 05/05/2019  
95 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/14-15/ W-15 Improvement of Char Ruhita Islam Market-Ichagotemuhoni-Ranirhat-Bongshi Bridge road Ch. 3000-5800m) ID No-451434042 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451434042 1.00 0.00 0 44.04 M/S. Riasat & Brothers 37.66 02/04/2015 02/04/2015 08/01/2016 100 37.66 0 05/05/2019  
96 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/14-15/ W-22 Improvement of Jobed Ullah Patwary Jame Mosjid road (From Shadulla Miar Bridge to Bongshi road Kazi Bari) Ch. 00-1260m ID No-451435389 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435389 1.26 0.00 0 58.28 M/S. Panjeri Enterprise 50.57 30/03/2015 30/03/2015 18/01/2016 100 50.57 0 05/05/2019  
97 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/14-15/ W-23 Construction of 2x3.50mx3.50m RCC Box Culvert on Jobed Ullah Patwary Jame Mosjid road at ch. 1260m IDNo-451435389 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435389 7.00 100 11.88 M/S. Kandakar Brothers 9.86 05/04/2015 05/04/2015 21/01/2016 100 9.86 100 05/05/2019  
98 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/14-15/ W-28 Improvement of Sonapur Aziz Ullah Master road (Start from Sonapur-Rashidpur BC road) Ch. 00-635m IDNo-451434315 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451434315 0.64 0.00 0 30.40 M/S. Jaflong Enterprise 25.62 02/04/2015 02/04/2015 18/01/2016 100 25.62 0 05/05/2019  
99 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/14-15/ W-29 Improvement of Mailer Matha-Mail Gate road Ch. 600-2080m IDNo-451434132 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451434132 1.80 0.00 0 68.36 M/S. Khorshed Alam 58.66 05/04/2015 05/04/2015 18/01/2016 100 58.66 0 05/05/2019  
100 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/14-15/ W-41 Improvement of Bainna Bari-Hamchadi-Brindabon Chowdhury GPS road ch. 00-1200m IDNo-451435211 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435211 1.20 0.00 100 54.67 M/S. Ripon Enterprise 46.53 02/04/2015 02/04/2015 21/01/2016 100 46.53 100 05/05/2019  
101 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/14-15/ W-42 Improvement of Char Ruhita Monir Ahmed (from Dhongazi Bari-Anu Hawlader Jame Mosjid road. west comer) ch. 1000-1710m IDNo-451434244 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451434244 0.71 0.00 0 34.33 M/S. Mishu Enterprise 27.62 02/04/2015 02/04/2015 18/01/2016 100 27.62 0 05/05/2019  
102 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/14-15/ W-60 Improvement of Kashem Member House to Kusholnagar road at ch. 00-1300m Road ID No-451434256 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451434256 1.00 0.00 0 45.00 M/S Mukta Enterprise 36.67 04/11/2015 04/11/2015 18/08/2016 100 36.67 0 05/05/2019  
103 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/15-16/ W-89 Improvement of Bijoynagor-Sonapur Road (Asraf Uddin Jame Mosque Road) from Ch.00-570 m. Road ID-451435018 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435018 0.57 0.00 0 26.17 MS Shajahan Monir 22.11 11/05/2016 11/05/2016 28/02/2017 100 22.11 0 05/05/2019  
104 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/15-16/ W-115 Impvr. Of Boshikpur chhara GPS Road from ch.00-884m, Road ID-451435241 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451435241 0.88 0.00 0 40.40 M/S Sakil Construction 40.51 22/06/2016 22/06/2016 07/04/2017 100 40.51 0 05/05/2019  
105 GNP-2/LAXI/ SAD/13-14/ W-1 Improvement of Terobeki-Shakchar (Hazi Pana Miah Road) (Ch. 1000-1555m) (ID No-451432015) GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451432015 0.56 0.00 0 39.66 M/A. Khondaker Brothers 34.57 25/09/2014 25/09/2014 15/07/2015 100 34.57 0 05/05/2019  
106 GNP-2/LAX/ SAD/14-15/ W-30 Improvement of Mostan Mosjid-Munshirhat-Dakkhin Khidrpur-Rakhalia Bazar road Ch. 2304-4065m IDNo-451433005 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451433005 1.76 0.00 0 111.50 M/S. Riasat & Brothers 90.91 02/04/2015 02/04/2015 18/01/2016 100 90.91 0 05/05/2019  
107 GNP-2/LAX/ SAD/14-15/ W-46 Improvement of Ranirhat Bazar-Rasulganj Bazar Road at Ch. 00-1045m, Road ID-451433030. GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451433030 1.05 0.00 100 60.79 M/S. Riasat & Brothers 60.53 07/06/2015 07/06/2015 03/05/2016 100 60.53 100 05/05/2019  
108 GNP-2/LAX/ SAD/16-17/ W-141 Improvement of Hazirpara UP-Charshahi UP (Nurullapur) Road Ch. 2410-3150m, Road ID-451433002, GNP-2 laxmipur-s   0.74 0.00 0 36.46 M/S. Sumon Enterprise 31.10 24/01/2017 24/01/2017 09/11/2017 100 31.10 0 05/05/2019  
109 GNP-2/LAX/ SAD/16-17/ W-142 Improvement of Hazirpara-Dasherhat road Ch. 4538-4668m, Road ID-451433036, GNP-2 laxmipur-s   0.13 0.00 0 7.83 M/S. Raju Enterprise 7.54 24/01/2017 24/01/2017 06/11/2017 100 7.54 0 05/05/2019  
110 GNP-2/LAX/ SAD/16-17/ W-143 Improvement of Dattapara-Hanifmijir Hat-Delai Bazar road Ch. 4315-5055m, Road ID-451433006, GNP-2 laxmipur-s   0.74 0.00 0 34.66 M/S. Shahjahan Manir 30.03 24/01/2017 24/01/2017 14/11/2017 100 30.03 0 05/05/2019  
111 GNP-2/LAX/ SAD/16-17/ W-176 Imp. Of Basubazar to Noarhat road (Daggatoli bazar) road Ch. 1675-2545m Road ID-451433022 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451433022 0.87 0.00 0 52.25 M/S. L M Traders 47.25 11/04/2017 11/04/2017 31/01/2018 100 47.25 0 05/05/2019  
112 GNP-2/LAX/ SAD/14-15/ W-19 Maintenanc of Chandraganj GC to Charshahi UP road (College road) Ch. 00-3740m IDNo-451433003 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451433003 3.74 0.00 0 82.42 M/S. Khandakar Brothers 78.26 30/03/2015 30/03/2015 21/01/2016 100 78.26 0 05/05/2019  
113 GNP-2/LAX/ SAD/14-15/ W-20 Maintenance of Chandraganj UP Office to Chowpally UP via Kurirbari-Mostafar Dokan-Panchpara-Palpara road Ch. 00-1870m IDNo-451432005 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451432005 1.87 0.00 100 33.66 M/S. Kandakar Brothers 32.20 30/03/2015 30/03/2015 21/01/2016 100 32.20 100 05/05/2019  
114 GNP-2/LAX/ SAD/14-15/ W-24 Maintenance of Bangakha UP Neyamatpur TC-Mitterhat road Ch. 00-1800m IDNo-451433013 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451433013 1.80 0.00 0 49.92 M/S. Ripon Enterprise 47.70 05/04/2015 05/04/2015 21/01/2016 100 47.70 0 05/05/2019  
115 GNP-2/LAX/ SAD/16-17/ W-144 Maintenance of Bahsikpur Alia Madrasha-Mandari Bazar (Oli Ullah D.C) road Ch. 00-950m, Road ID-451433007, GNP-2 laxmipur-s   0.95 0.00 0 15.55 M/S Shajahan Monir 12.81 24/01/2017 24/01/2017 14/11/2017 100 12.81 0 05/05/2019  
116 GNP-2/LAX/ SAD/14-15/ W-21 Maintenance of Ayub Ali Bridge-Tumchar union road Ch. 00-2880m IDNo-451434070 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451434070 2.88 0.00 0 47.50 M/S. Ripon Enterprise 40.59 08/01/2015 08/01/2015 16/04/2015 100 40.59 0 05/05/2019  
117 GNP-2/LAX/ SAD/14-15/ W-57 Maintenance of Tumchar Bazar-Tumchar Madrsha Road at Ch. 00-4570m Road ID-451433012 GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451433012 4.57 0.00 0 129.59 M/S. Hydro Tech. 103.02 25/06/2005 25/06/2005 14/04/2016 100 103.02 0 05/05/2019  
118 GNP-2/LAX/ SAD/16-17/ W-181 Maintenance of Charpata UP Office to Gazi Nagar bazar road Ch. 00-1300m. ID No. 451583013. (ii) Providing 70.00m Palisading work. GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451583013 1.30 0.00 0 36.01 M/S Progoti Traders 32.38 04/05/2017 04/05/2017 24/11/2017 100 32.38 0 05/05/2019  
119 GNP-2/LAX/ SAD/16-17/ W-117 Strengthening & Widening of Bottoli-Dattapara Road. (Ch.00-1500m) Road Id-451432014 under Sadar Upazila, District: Laxmipur GNP-2 laxmipur-s 451432014 1.50 0.00 0 57.35   55.58 02/10/2016 02/10/2016 19/07/2017 100 55.58 0 05/05/2019  
120 GNP-2/LAX/ SAD/16-17/ W-123 Slope protection of Dalal Bazar-Paler Hat road, Ch.22-42 & 285-395m, Road ID-451432010, GNP-2 laxmipur-s   0.00 0 36.83 M/S. Razu Enterprise 22.16 12/01/2017 12/01/2017 24/10/2017 100 22.16 0 05/05/2019  
121 GNP-2/LAX/ SAD/16-17/ W-124 Slope protection of Uttar Chandrapur-Dakkhin Chandrapur road, Ch.1470-1540m, Road ID-451435049, GNP-2 laxmipur-s   0.00 0 19.04 Md. Shahidul Islam 15.93 10/01/2017 10/01/2017 30/10/2017 100 15.93 0 05/05/2019  
122 GNP-2/LAX/ SAD/16-17/ W-129 Slope protection of Parbati Nagar-Sonapur Bazar-Roshidpur Bazar road (Board office road), Road ID-451433008, GNP-2 laxmipur-s   0.00 100 21.18 M/S. Razu Enterprise 21.18 01/01/2017 01/01/2017 17/10/2017 100 21.18 100 05/05/2019  
123 GNP-2/LAX/ SAD/16-17/ W-145 Slope protection of Hazirpara UP-Charshahi UP (Nurullapur) road Ch.00-11, 142-164,240-330,353-437 & 508-595m, Road ID-451433002, GNP-2 laxmipur-s   0.00 0 51.18 M/S Progati Traders 28.93 24/01/2017 24/01/2017 14/11/2017 100 28.93 0 05/05/2019  
124 GNP-2/LAX/ SAD/16-17/ W-146 Slope protection of Yusufpur Bora-Ballabpur Mahabub member road, Road ID-451435046, GNP-2 laxmipur-s   0.00 0 18.05 M/S. Khondaker Brothers 15.01 24/01/2017 24/01/2017 02/11/2017 100 15.01 0 05/05/2019  
125 GNP-2/LAX/ SAD/14-15/ W-31 Re-Construction of Chandraganj Bazar (GC) internal road Ch. 00-190m . GNP-2 laxmipur-s   0.00 0 39.99 M/S. Emdad Ullah 34.38 02/04/2015 02/04/2015 18/01/2016 100 34.38 0 05/05/2019  
126 GNP-2/LAX/ SAD/14-15/ W-32 Improvement of Mandari Bazar (GC) GNP-2 laxmipur-s   0.00 0 40.00 M/S. Progati Traders 33.12 02/04/2015 02/04/2015 18/01/2016 100 33.12 0 05/05/2019  
127 GNP-2/LAX/ SAD/16-17/ W-186 Improvement of Chandraganj Bazar (GC) internal road Ch. 190-510m and link 80.00m. (2nd. Phase) GNP-2 laxmipur-s   0.00 0 72.23 M/S. Rahman Engineering 64.88 21/09/2017 21/09/2017 10/04/2018 100 64.88 0 05/05/2019  
128 GNP-2/LAXI/ RAI/13-14/ W-06 Improvement of west Haidergonj Bazar-Wapda Veribad-sarder Bari Road (Ch. 62-480m) (ID No-451585178), GNP-2 raipur 451585178 0.42 0.00 0 21.95 Md. Shahidul Islam 19.02 25/09/2014 25/09/2014 16/09/2015 100 19.02 0 05/05/2019  
129 GNP-2/LAXI/ RAI/13-14/ W-07 Construction of 4.50m x 5.00m 4 vent RCC box culvert on Haidergonj Bazar-Sarder Bari road (Via beri bundh) at Ch. 25.00m, ID No-451585178 GNP-2 raipur 451585178 18.00 0 43.91 M/S. Mizanur Rahman 30.86 09/11/2014 09/11/2014 29/11/2015 75 30.86 0 05/05/2019  
130 GNP-2/LAXI/ RAI/14-15/ W-12 Improvement of Char Bongshi Ranjon Ali road (from Ch. 3030-4070m) ID No-451585176 GNP-2 raipur 451585176 1.04 0.00 0 48.36 M/S. Riasat & Brothers 40.13 02/04/2015 02/04/2015 18/01/2016 100 40.13 0 05/05/2019  
131 GNP-2/LAXI/ RAI/14-15/ W-37 Improvement of Char Bangshi Kuchiamora Dewanji road ch. 00-2450m ID No-451585045 GNP-2 raipur 451585045 2.45 0.00 0 103.08 Mr. Ali Haider 93.71 05/04/2015 05/04/2015 21/01/2016 100 93.71 0 05/05/2019  
132 GNP-2/LAXI/ RAI/14-15/ W-38 Construction of 4x4.50mx5.00m RCC Box Culvert on Char Bongshi Ranjan Ali road at ch. 2970m IDNo-451585176 GNP-2 raipur 451585176 18.00 0 40.76 M/S. Aboni Traders 35.16 05/04/2015 05/04/2015 18/01/2016 100 35.16 0 05/05/2019  
133 GNP-2/LAXI/ RAI/14-15/ W-61 Improvement of Shafigonj Road at ch. 665-1680m Road ID-451585007 GNP-2 raipur 451585007 1.02 0.00 0 44.86 M/S. Riasat & Brothers 37.96 10/08/2015 10/08/2015 02/06/2016 100 37.96 0 05/05/2019  
134 GNP-2/LAXI/ RAI/15-16/ W-68 Construction of 2x3.00mx3.50m RCC Box Culvert Village Ludua Near H/Q A,Rahaman Khalifa Bari on Eshaylul Ulum Madrasha Road,Ch.556m Road ID-451584017 GNP-2 raipur 451584017 6.00 0 16.00 M/S. Hafiz & Sons 13.36 28/01/2016 28/01/2016 20/11/2016 100 13.36 0 05/05/2019  
135 GNP-2/LAXI/ RAI/15-16/ W-69 Construction of 2x4.00mx3.50m RCC Box Culvert Purbo Keroa Rahim Uddin Haji Bari Road Near H/Q Rahim Uddin Haji Bari Road ID-451585204. GNP-2 raipur 451585204 8.00 0 19.10 M/S. Hafiz & Sons 15.79 28/01/2016 28/01/2016 20/11/2016 100 15.79 0 05/05/2019  
136 GNP-2/LAXI/ RAI/15-16/ W-72 Improvement of Purbo Keroa - Keroa Club to Gongagali Khal Road from Ch. 00-565m under Raipur Upazila, Dist-Laxmipur, Road ID-451585212 GNP-2 raipur 451585212 0.56 0.00 0 27.24 M/S. Riasat & Brothers 28.54 10/04/2006 10/04/2006 17/02/2017 100 28.54 0 05/05/2019  
137 GNP-2/LAXI/ RAI/15-16/ W-78 Improvement of Char mohana Char Bricks Field Road Ch. 2+200 Km to 3+200 Km, under Raipur Upazila, Dist.-Laxmipur. Road ID-451585099 GNP-2 raipur 451585099 1.00 0.00 0 43.31 M/S LM traders 43.24 19/04/2016 19/04/2016 02/02/2017 100 43.24 0 05/05/2019  
138 GNP-2/LAXI/ RAI/16-17/ W-133 Improvement of Gopi Ballab road Ch. 500-1415m, Road ID-451585033, GNP-2 raipur   0.92 0.00 0 44.78 M/S. Ria Enterprise 28.27 01/01/2017 01/01/2017 12/10/2017 60 28.27 0 05/05/2019  
139 GNP-2/LAXI/ RAI/16-17/ W-134 Improvement of East Kero Shajibari road Ch. 880-1700m, Road ID-451585031, GNP-2 raipur   0.82 0.00 0 34.58 M/S. Farida Enterprise 31.13 12/01/2017 12/01/2017 01/11/2017 100 31.13 0 05/05/2019  
140 GNP-2/LAXI/ RAI/16-17/ W-135 Improvement of Hashu Bapari road Ch. 00-1000m, Road ID-451585079, GNP-2 raipur   1.00 0.00 0 44.98 M/S. Farida Enterprise 46.88 12/01/2017 12/01/2017 01/11/2017 100 46.88 0 05/05/2019  
141 GNP-2/LAXI/ RAI/16-17/ W-148 Imp. Of Ludhua Isatul Ulum Madrasha road (Ludhua Hafiji Hujur Madrasha to Mirgonj road) Ch. 00-455 & 780-1260m Road ID-451585362 GNP-2 raipur 451585362 0.94 0.00 0 57.32 M/S. Samiya Enterprise 48.12 02/03/2017 02/03/2017 20/12/2017 100 48.12 0 05/05/2019  
142 GNP-2/LAXI/ RAI/16-17/ W-149 Imp. Of Pashchim Keroa Parimary School road Ch. 00-970m Road ID-451585101 GNP-2 raipur 451585101 0.97 0.00 0 48.29 M/S LM traders 44.78 05/03/2017 05/03/2017 20/12/2017 100 44.78 0 05/05/2019  
143 GNP-2/LAXI/ RAI/16-17/ W-150 Imp. Of Enayethpur road Ch. 00-750m Road ID-451585034 GNP-2 raipur 451585034 0.75 0.00 0 46.19 M/S LM traders 43.81 05/03/2017 05/03/2017 20/12/2017 100 43.81 0 05/05/2019  
144 GNP-2/LAXI/ RAI/16-17/ W-151 Imp. Of Gazinagar road Ch. 303-580m Road ID-451585083 GNP-2 raipur 451585083 0.28 0.00 0 17.18 M/S. Mukta Enterprise 0.00 05/03/2017 05/03/2017 19/12/2017 10 0.00 0 05/05/2019  
145 GNP-2/LAXI/ RAI/16-17/ W-152 Imp. Of Kartik Dash road Ch. 00-840m Road ID-451585027 GNP-2 raipur 451585027 0.84 0.00 0 49.87 M/S. Riasat & Brothers 42.63 05/03/2017 05/03/2017 12/12/2017 100 42.63 0 05/05/2019  
146 GNP-2/LAXI/ RAI/16-17/ W-153 Imp. Of Hazir hat road Ch. 00-1110m Road ID-451585150 GNP-2 raipur 451585150 1.11 0.00 100 62.35 M/S. Riasat & Brothers 51.80 05/03/2017 05/03/2017 12/12/2017 100 51.80 100 05/05/2019  
147 GNP-2/LAXI/ RAI/16-17/ W-154 Imp. Of Mollah Bari Mosque road Ch. 00-915m Road ID-451585172 GNP-2 raipur 451585172 0.92 0.00 0 55.03 M/S. Hafiz Ullah Bhuiyan & Sons 48.08 05/03/2017 05/03/2017 22/12/2017 100 48.08 0 05/05/2019  
148 GNP-2/LAXI/ RAI/16-17/ W-155 Imp. Of Basu Patwary Bari-Mansura Girls high school (Kalupur) road Ch. 1070-1270m & 2865-3665m Road ID-451585090 GNP-2 raipur 451585090 1.00 0.00 0 50.85 M/S. Riasat & Brothers 42.17 05/03/2017 05/03/2017 12/12/2017 100 42.17 0 05/05/2019  
149 GNP-2/LAXI/ RAI/16-17/ W-156 Const. of 3x3.50mx3.50m RCC Box Culvert on Bongshal TC road to Gongajoli road at Ch. 10m Road ID-451585371 GNP-2 raipur 451585371 10.50 0 18.36 M/S. Monirul Karim 15.79 05/03/2017 05/03/2017 13/12/2017 100 15.79 0 05/05/2019  
150 GNP-2/LAXI/ RAI/16-17/ W-157 Imp. Of Baliar road Ch. 00-2000m Road ID-451585008 GNP-2 raipur 451585008 2.00 0.00 0 119.23 M/S. Farida Enterprise 55.20 19/03/2017 19/03/2017 08/01/2018 60 55.20 0 05/05/2019  
151 GNP-2/LAXI/ RAI/16-17/ W-158 Imp. Of Sonapur Pachkori Miji bari road Ch. 00-500m Road ID-451585211 GNP-2 raipur 451585211 0.50 0.00 0 30.14 M/S Khandakar Brothers 0.00 19/03/2017 19/03/2017 08/01/2018 50 0.00 0 05/05/2019  
152 GNP-2/LAXI/ RAI/16-17/ W-182 (i) Improvement of Purbo Char Ababil Monir Uddin Haji Bari road Ch. 00-550m. ID No. 451585379 .(ii) Providing 25.00m Palisading work. GNP-2 raipur 451585379 0.55 0.00 0 32.87 M/S Khandakar Brothers 18.18 04/05/2017 04/05/2017 24/11/2017 60 18.18 0 05/05/2019  
153 GNP-2/LAXI/ RAI/16-17/ W-184 (i) Improvement of TT & DC Road more-Asraf Ali bhuiyan road via Ismail bepari road Ch. 00-1350m. ID No. 451585206 .(ii) Providing 55.00m Palisading work. GNP-2 raipur 451585206 1.35 0.00 0