
Project Scheme Detail List
SL No. Package No. Name Length (Km) Allotment (Lac) Name of Contractor Contract Amount (Lac) Date of Commencement Date of Completion Physical Progress (%) Date of Progress Update Remarks
1 Belkuchi
1 W.388 Construction of BHACHONGBARI UP Complex 83.640 83.640 28/08/2013 100 31/08/2020 FINAL
2 W.234 Construction of BELKUCHI UP Complex 94.000 94.000 14/12/2016 100 31/08/2020 FINAL
2 Kamarkhand
1 030/176 Construction of kamarkhondo UP Complex 82.640 82.640 30/11/2015 100 09/09/2020 final
2 W-530 Construction of JAOYL UP Complex 121.550 121.550 26/02/2019 100 31/08/2020 FINAL
3 Kazipur
1 W.594 Construction of TAKANI UP Complex 140.580 140.580 25/12/2019 100 31/08/2020
2 W.458 Construction of 2 NO CHALITADANG UP Complex 134.000 134.000 30/10/2017 100 31/08/2020 FINAL
4 Raiganj
1 W-18 Construction of 5 NO CHANDAIKONA UP Complex 129.110 129.110 22/06/2020 75 31/08/2020 ONGOING
2 W.272 Construction of DHANGORA UP Complex 98.790 98.790 10/10/2016 100 31/08/2020 FINAL
5 Shahzadpur
1 031/176 Construction of Porjana UP Complex 81.000 81.000 31/12/2015 100 09/09/2020 FINAL
2 W.568 Construction of KAYAMPUR UP Complex 151.250 151.250 30/06/2019 100 31/08/2020
3 W.466 Construction of KHUKNI UP Complex 95.590 95.590 15/06/2018 100 31/08/2020 FINAL
4 W.066 Construction of JALALPUR UP Complex 93.120 93.120 15/06/2018 100 31/08/2020 FINAL
6 Sirajganj-s
1 W.573 Construction of MESRA UP Complex 113.970 113.970 27/06/2019 100 31/08/2020 ONGOING
7 Tarash
1 W.516 Construction of BARUHAS UP Complex 124.000 124.000 10/11/2018 100 31/08/2020 SCR NOT COMPLETED
8 Ullapara
1 W.377 Construction of DURGANAGAR UP Complex 91.200 91.200 30/09/2014 100 31/08/2020 FINAL
Total : 0.0000 (Km) 1634.44 (Lac) 1634.44 (Lac)