
Project Scheme Detail List
SL No. Package No. Name Length (Km) Allotment (Lac) Name of Contractor Contract Amount (Lac) Date of Commencement Date of Completion Physical Progress (%) Date of Progress Update Remarks
1 Barlekha
1 122/176 Construction of talimpur UP Complex 83.370 83.370 31/01/2016 100 06/09/2020 final
2 Juri
1 w.378 Construction of sagarnal UP Complex 69.200 69.200 30/12/2014 100 24/08/2020 final
2 w.410 Construction of fultala UP Complex 76.250 76.250 25/06/2015 100 24/08/2020 final
3 w.268 Construction of 8 no goalbari UP Complex 91.940 91.940 24/12/2015 100 24/08/2020 final
3 Kamalganj
1 192/246 Construction of Madhabpur UP Complex 59.000 59.000 30/03/2013 100 26/07/2020 final
2 193/246 Construction of Alinagar Up Complex 58.980 58.980 15/06/2013 100 26/07/2020 final
4 Kulaura
1 123/176 Construction of sharifpur UP Complex 89.980 89.980 10/06/2015 100 06/09/2020 final
2 w.393 Construction ofbhukshimoil UP Complex 104.190 104.190 30/07/2015 100 24/08/2020 final
3 191/246 Construction of kulaura UP Complex 23.740 23.740 10/10/2001 100 26/07/2020 final
5 Moulvibazar-s
1 w.491 Construction of 5 no akhalikura UP Complex 126.440 126.440 31/12/2018 100 24/08/2020 final
2 w.332 Construction of kanakpur UP Complex 96.120 96.120 29/04/2016 100 24/08/2020 final
6 Rajnagar
1 125/176 Construction of Monsurnagar UP Complex 84.830 84.830 30/07/2015 100 06/09/2020 FINAL
7 Sreemangal
1 w.324 Construction of sreemongal UP Complex 58.960 58.960 20/04/2013 100 24/08/2020 final
2 188/246 Construction of rajghat UP Complex 58.960 58.960 20/04/2013 100 26/07/2020 final
3 189/246 Construction of mirjapur UP Complex 58.960 58.960 20/04/2013 100 26/07/2020 final
4 190/246 Construction of Ashidrone UP Complex 58.960 58.960 20/04/2013 100 26/07/2020 final
Total : 0.0000 (Km) 1199.88 (Lac) 1199.88 (Lac)