
Project Scheme Detail List
SL No. Package No. Name Length (Km) Allotment (Lac) Name of Contractor Contract Amount (Lac) Date of Commencement Date of Completion Physical Progress (%) Date of Progress Update Remarks
1 Dimla
1 WNOBI-NIL(DIM)-UZRR-GOB-35 Rehabilitation of Baburhat G.C-Boragari R&H (Dimla Part) Road at Ch. 0+000km to 5+000km under Dimla Upazila, District: Nilphamari. (173152007) 5.0000 612.194 Shah Md. Anwar Hossain, Office: 202/203 Zila Parishad Market(1st Floor) Chowrangi More, Nilphamari. 612.194 0 12/07/2020  
2 WNOBI-NIL-RM-148(B) Development of Shelhati, Rural Market At Upazila: Dimla, District: Nilphamari. 87.497 Multi Trade Enterprise Ltd, 21 Dilkusha Commercial Area, Motijheel Dhaka-1000. 87.497 05/03/2017 30/08/2019 100 12/07/2020  
3 WNOBI-NIL-RM-148(A) Development of Khagakhari Bari, Rural Market at Upazila: Dilma, District: Nilphamari. 85.038 Multi Trade Enterprise Ltd, 21 Dilkusha Commercial Area, Motijheel Dhaka-1000. 85.038 05/03/2017 30/08/2019 100 12/07/2020  
4 WNOBI/NIL/GC/125(B) Development of Shutibari Hat Growth Center Market at Upazila: Dimla, District: Nilphamari. 131.721 M/S Moon Construction, Paschim Khoribari, Goyabari, Dimla, Nilphamari. 131.721 02/04/2017 15/02/2019 100 12/07/2020  
5 WNOBI/NIL/GC/125(C) Development of Thakurgonj Hat Growth Center Market at Upazila: Dimla, District: Nilphamari. 101.624 Shah Md. Anwar Hossain, Babupara, Nilphamari. 101.624 04/05/2017 03/05/2018 100 12/07/2020  
6 WNOBI-NIL(DIM)-UNRU-120 Improvement of Chotopur Bazar to Naotara UP Office Road Ch. 0+000km to Ch. 06+656km [Excluded Part: Ch. 01+700km to Ch. 02+700km, (Road ID: 173123004) 5.6560 440.911 JV of SA-FE, Shahi Para, Nilphamari 440.911 08/10/2018 30/11/2019 100 12/07/2020  
7 WNOBI-NIL(DIM)-UZRU-48(A) Improvement of Baburhat GC-CARE Bazar R&H Road. Ch.00.000km-Ch. 4+189km. Under Dimla Upazila, District: Nilphamari. (ID No.173122011) 4.1890 423.958 MPT-SP JV, Begum Rokeya Sarak, Kilphamari. 423.958 15/11/2016 30/11/2018 100 12/07/2020  
2 Domar
1 WNOBI-NIL(DOM)-UZRR-GOB-11 Rehabilitation of Shahid Zia Sarak at Motukpur RHD to Gomnati bazar R&H road at Ch. 0+000 to 12+400km. ID No. 173152007. 12.4000 1158.396 M/S Islam Brothers Ltd-M/S Keya Bakery & Confectionary JOINT Venture, Munshi Para, Nilphamari. 1158.396 12/09/2019 04/12/2020 30 12/07/2020  
2 WNOBI-NIL(DOM)-UZRU-74 Improvement of Bashunia Hat GC to Nilphamari Romgonj Hat GC via Dugdugirhat Road (Domar Portion). Ch. 4+835km to 6+610km under Domar Upazila, District: Nilphamari. (ID No. 173152005) 1.7750 165.699 Md. Alamgir Hossain, Debigonj Bazar, Debigonj, Panchagarh. 165.699 17/10/2017 30/09/2018 100 12/07/2020  
3 WNOBI-NIL(DOM)-UZRU-48(B) Improvement of Sonarai Hat RHD Road - Basunia Hat GC via Sonarai UP Office Road at Ch. 0+000km.- 6+200km. under Domar Upazila, District: Nilphamari. (ID No. 173152013) 6.2000 552.172 MPT-SP JV, Begum Rokeya Sarak, Nilphamari 552.172 17/12/2015 16/12/2016 100 12/07/2020  
4 WNOBI-NIL(DOM)-UZRR-63 Rehabilitation of Domar GC - Chilahati GC via Muktirhat Bazar Road at Ch. 0+00 UM 15+000 km under Domar Upazila, District: Nilphamari (Road ID NO. 173152002) 15.0000 837.122 Md. Atiar Rahaman Anannaya Apartment, Flat: 1/A, 2/1, Iqbal Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka 837.122 22/02/2016 31/01/2018 100 12/07/2020  
5 WNOBI-NIL(DOM)-UZRR-64 Rehabilitation of Domar GC - Chilahati GC via Muktirhat Bazar Road at Ch. 15+000 -24+604km under Domar Upazila, District: Nilphamari (Road ID NO. 173152002) 9.6040 563.374 IB-MR JVCA, Old Hospital Road, Nilphamari 563.374 27/01/2016 30/12/2017 100 12/07/2020  
3 Jaldhaka
1 WNOBI-JALD(NILP)-P/III(1) a)Improvement of BC road Dundibari Bamon mour to Maijlijpara Jame Mosque via Khejur Tola of Daliya mour (Urban Rural link road). Ch. 0+000 to 2+055km. ID. No. LR-173368058 b)Improvement of road Razzak’s mour to vote center. Ch. 0+000 to 1+245km. ID. No. L 3.3000 283.257 S.M Shafiqul Alam, Shahid Ali Hossain Sarak, Town Mour, Jummapara, Sadar, Nilphamari. 283.257 31/07/2019 26/05/2020 75 12/07/2020 Pourashava Infrastructure
2 WNOBI-JALD(NILP)-P/III(2) a) Improvement of road from Zeropoint mour to Upazila circle road Ch. 0+000 to 0+980 km. ID. No. SR-173368031. b) Construction of drain from Zeropoint to Aowliakhaner dola through Upazila complex. Ch. 0+000 to 0+879km & 0+000 to 0+375km (link drain) ID. N 2.2340 438.896 Md. Khairul Kabir Rana, SMC road, Guptapara, Rangpur. 438.896 09/06/2019 04/04/2020 40 12/07/2020 Pourashava Infrastructure
3 WNOBI-JALD(NILP)-P/II(1) a) Improvement of Road From Bus Stand to Jugi Para Side Canal, (Ch. 0+116 km to Ch. 0+688km),b) Improvement of Road From Kodomotoli Nuton Mosque to Kaimari Road via Uttar Kajirhat Bahadur House, (Ch. 0+488km to Ch. 1+075km),c) Improvement of Road From Dim 7.4730 493.494 Ataur Rahman Khan Ltd, House-307, Road-21, New DOHS, Mohakhali, Dhaka-1206 493.494 07/12/2016 30/06/2019 100 12/07/2020 Pourashava Infrastructure
4 WNOBI-JALD(NILP)-P/1(1) (A) Improvement of Mathabanga meheruler shop to Rashidul Bari More Road via Chowdhury para road(Ch. 0+000-0+680 km). ID-LR 173368072 & ID-LR- 173368082 (B) Improvement of Kaimari road Guderbazar clinic to end Boundary of Pourashava Kanchia Bawrir Bridge 3.7510 217.952 M/S Taz Monzil Prop. Yeamin Rasul Chowdhury GL Roy Road, Kamal Kachna, Rangpur. 217.952 19/05/2015 31/12/2016 100 12/07/2020 Pourashava Infrastructure
5 WNOBI-JALD(NILP)-P/III(3) a)Rehabilitation of road Kodomtoli Nuton mosque to Kaimari road via Uttar Kajirhat Bahadur house. (Ch. 0+925 to 1+075 km) except (2V-2.5x2.5x5.5)m box culvert. ID. No: LR-173368085. b)Construction of 1 No. RCC box culvert (2V-2.5x2.5x5.5)m on road f 0.1500 23.945 Asian Builders, 78 Motijheel C/A(8th floor), Dhaka-1000 23.945 05/02/2019 18/03/2020 100 12/07/2020 Pourashava Infrastructure
6 WNOBI-NIL-RM-148(D) Development of Boroghat Rural Market At Upazila: Jaldhaka, District: Nilphamari 95.200 Shah Md. Anwar Hossain, Zilla Porishad Market, Chourangi mor, Nilphamari. 95.200 16/01/2017 21/02/2018 100 12/07/2020  
7 WNOBI-NIL-RM-148(C) Development of Rother Bazar, Rural Market At Upazila: Jaldhaka, District: Nilphamari. 94.679 Md. Golam Rabbani Prodhan, Rasulganj, Patgram-5540, Lalmonirhat 94.679 16/10/2017 09/12/2018 100 12/07/2020  
8 WNOBI-NIL(JAL)-UZRU-65 Improvement of Kaimarihat GC to Jaldhaka-Rangpur RHD (at Mazar) Road. Ch. 7+505km to Ch. 8+985km under Jaldhaka Upazila, District: Nilphamari. (ID No. 173362004) 1.4800 147.818 Shah Md. Anwar Hossain, Babupara, Nilphamari. 147.818 16/08/2017 15/08/2018 100 12/07/2020  
4 Kishoreganj
1 WNOBI-NIL(KIS)-UZRR-GOB-12 Rehabilitation of Kishoreganj UPZ H/Q- babrijhar GC (Kishoreganj Part) road at Ch. 0+000 to 3+785km. ID No. 173452003. 3.7850 185.360 Md. Delwar Hossain, Nilprovitapara, Sadar, Nilphamari. 185.360 31/08/2019 30/08/2020 100 12/07/2020  
2 WNOBI-NIL-RM-149(A) Development of Bangla Bazar, Rural Market At Upazila: Kishoreganj, District: Nilphamari 87.083 Shah Md. Anwar Hossain, Zilla Porishad Market, Chourangi Mor, Nilphamari. 87.083 06/11/2016 20/02/2018 100 12/07/2020  
3 WNOBI-NIL(KIS)-UNRU-99 Improvement of Chandkhana UP to Kellabarihat Road via Darjibari, Burirhat and Chandkhana Ghat Ch. 0+000km to 8+865km Under Kishoreganj Upazila, District: Nilphamari (ID No. 173453023) 8.8650 503.529 Sl. Jesmin joint venture, Muktir More, Naogaon. 503.529 04/12/2016 30/06/2018 100 12/07/2020  
5 Nilphamari-s
1 WNOBI-NIL(SAD)-UZRR-GOB-10 Rehabilitation of NilPhamari R&H road at Pachmatha-Panchapukur GC road at Ch. 0+000 to 6+860km. ID No. 173642004. 6.8600 705.304 M/S Islam Brothers Ltd-M/S Keya Bakery & Confectionary (JV), Munshi para, Nilphamari. 705.304 11/09/2019 10/09/2020 95 12/07/2020  
2 WNOBI-NIL-RM-149(C) Development of Jadur Hat, Rural Market At Upazila: Nilphamari-S, District: Nilphamari. 100.668 M/S Sohel Parvez, Ukilpara, Nilphamari 100.668 16/10/2017 14/10/2018 100 12/07/2020  
3 WNOBI-NIL-RM-149(B) Development of Dhelapir Hat, Rural Market At Upazila: Sadar, District: Nilphamari. 94.575 Shah Md. Anwar Hossain, Babupara, Nilphamari 94.575 17/09/2017 16/09/2018 100 12/07/2020  
4 WNOBI-NIL(SAD)-UNRU-119 Improvement of Khokshabari UP Office-Bhabaniganj GC via Monaganj hat Road Ch. 0+000km to Ch. 7+629km [Excluded part-ch. 0+000km to ch. 1+017km (ID: 173643007)] Under Sadar Upazila, District: Nilphamari. 6.6120 647.569 JV of Shah Md. Anwar Hossain & G.M Enterprise, Babupara, Nilphamari 647.569 29/04/2019 90 12/07/2020  
5 WNOBI-NIL(SAD)-UZRU-50-B-1 Construction of 20m Long RCC Girder Bridge on Nilphamari-Jaldhaka R&H at Kachukata Bondor to Nilphamari-Domar R&H Road via Ramganj at Ch.0+411Km under Sadar Upazila, District : Nilphamari. (ID No. 173642018) 185.091 JV of M/S. Saiky Builders & Md. Mofakkarul Hossain, Food office road, Nilphamari 185.091 18/11/2015 18/11/2016 100 12/07/2020  
6 WNOBI-NIL(SAD)-UZRU-50 Improvement of Nilphamari - Jaldhaka R&H road at Kachukata Bondor to Nilphamari - Domar R&H road via Ramganj Bondar at Ch. 0+000km- 14+770 km.Under Sadar Upazila, District: Nilphamari. (ID No. 173642018) 14.7700 1313.798 JV of KE_SA-SB, Shohid Ali Hossain Road, Nilphamari. 1313.798 13/09/2015 25/11/2016 100 12/07/2020  
7 WNOBI-NIL(SAD)-UZRU-50 Improvement of Nilphamari - Jaldhaka R&H road at Kachukata Bondor to Nilphamari - Domar R&H road via Ramganj Bondar at Ch. 0+000km- 14+770 km.Under Sadar Upazila, District: Nilphamari. (ID No. 173642018) 14.7700 1313.798 JV of KE_SA-SB, Shohid Ali Hossain Road, Nilphamari. 1313.798 13/09/2015 25/11/2016 100 12/07/2020  
8 WNOBI-NIL(SAD)-UZRU-50 Improvement of Nilphamari - Jaldhaka R&H road at Kachukata Bondor to Nilphamari - Domar R&H road via Ramganj Bondar at Ch. 0+000km- 14+770 km.Under Sadar Upazila, District: Nilphamari. (ID No. 173642018) 14.7700 1313.798 JV of KE_SA-SB, Shohid Ali Hossain Road, Nilphamari. 1313.798 13/09/2015 25/11/2016 100 12/07/2020  
9 WNOBI-NIL(SAD)-UZRU-50 Improvement of Nilphamari - Jaldhaka R&H road at Kachukata Bondor to Nilphamari - Domar R&H road via Ramganj Bondar at Ch. 0+000km- 14+770 km.Under Sadar Upazila, District: Nilphamari. (ID No. 173642018) 14.7700 1313.798 JV of KE_SA-SB, Shohid Ali Hossain Road, Nilphamari. 1313.798 13/09/2015 25/11/2016 100 12/07/2020  
10 WNOBI-NIL(SAD)-UZRU-50 Improvement of Nilphamari - Jaldhaka R&H road at Kachukata Bondor to Nilphamari - Domar R&H road via Ramganj Bondar at Ch. 0+000km- 14+770 km.Under Sadar Upazila, District: Nilphamari. (ID No. 173642018) 14.7700 1313.798 JV of KE_SA-SB, Shohid Ali Hossain Road, Nilphamari. 1313.798 13/09/2015 25/11/2016 100 12/07/2020  
11 WNOBI-NIL(SAD)-UZRU-50 Improvement of Nilphamari - Jaldhaka R&H road at Kachukata Bondor to Nilphamari - Domar R&H road via Ramganj Bondar at Ch. 0+000km- 14+770 km.Under Sadar Upazila, District: Nilphamari. (ID No. 173642018) 14.7700 1313.798 JV of KE_SA-SB, Shohid Ali Hossain Road, Nilphamari. 1313.798 13/09/2015 25/11/2016 100 12/07/2020  
12 WNOBI-NIL(SAD)-UZRR-65/5 Nilphamari to Bhabinigonj G.C(Ch. 0+000-11+680) 11.6800 862.214 M/S Turna Enterprise, Prop.Azadur Rahman 862.214 02/04/2014 01/04/2015 100 12/07/2020  
6 Sayedpur
1 WNOBI-NIL(SAYD)-UZRR-GOB-13 Rehabilitation of NHW near Majhapara-Hazarihat GC road at Ch. 0+000 to 2+340km. ID No. 173852005. 2.3400 52.179 Mogni Md. Mashudul Alam, Kanialkhata, Nilphamari Sadar, Nilphamari. 52.179 14/01/2020 12/07/2020 0 12/07/2020  
2 WNOBI-NIL(SAY)-UNRU-100 Improvement of Banirhat to shiberhat Road at Ch. 0+000 Km - 5+090 Km. Under Sayedpur Upazila District: Nilphamari. (ID- 173853009). 5.0900 390.282 Jv of KE-SA-SB shahid Ali hossain road, Nilphamari 390.282 10/04/2016 30/06/2018 100 12/07/2020  
Total : 212.0640 (Km) 18651.59 (Lac) 18651.59 (Lac)