
Project Scheme Detail List
SL No. Package No. Name Length (Km) Allotment (Lac) Name of Contractor Contract Amount (Lac) Date of Commencement Date of Completion Physical Progress (%) Date of Progress Update Remarks
1 Fulchari
1 WNOBI-GAI(FUL)-UNRU-92(A) Improvement of Udakhali U.P HQ - Udakhali Bazar Road Ch:0+000km-4+050km under Fulchari Upazila, District: Gaibandha (Road ID No: 132213004). 4.0500 395.767 MAE & DCL (JV). Dhaka. 395.767 21/02/2018 100 12/07/2020  
2 Gaibandha-s
1 WNOBI-GAI(SAD)-UZRU-38 Improvement of Tulsighat Hat - Ramchandrapur Palli Health Center Road at Ch. 3+400 km - 6+625 Km. under Sadar Upazila, District: Gaibandha. (ID No. 132242009) 3.2250 378.341 Md. Matlubour Rahman, College para, Gaibandha, Mobile: 01712505743 378.341 18/10/2015 15/02/2017 100 12/07/2020  
3 Gobindaganj
1 WNOBI-GAI(GOBIN)-UZRR-GOB-24 Rehabilitation of Mohimaganj GC-Sonatala GC road Ch.00-8000m. Road ID No. 132302008. 8.0000 957.216 M/S Khohinoor Enterprise & Monjurul Alam Mohon(JV), Kawnia, 1st Lane, Barisal. 957.216 24/09/2019 23/09/2020 75 12/07/2020  
2 WNOBI-GAI(GOB)-UNRU-93 Improvement of Shakahar UP-Bager hat GC(Ghoraghat Mazar) via Deghir Hat Road Ch:0+000km-8+713.5km under Gobindhoganj Upazila, District: Gaibandha(Road ID No: 132303003). (Excluded Part- Ch:5+282-5+337km). 8.6580 660.800 MMR-AH(JV), Gabindaganj, Gaibandha. Mob: 01736503488 660.800 16/09/2018 100 12/07/2020  
4 Palashbari
1 WNOBI-GAI(PALASH)-UZRR-GOB-22 Rehabilitation of Mohadipur UP Office-Futani bazar road Ch.00-3100m. Road ID No. 132673012 3.1000 277.396 Mony Enterprise, Palashbari, Gaibandha. 277.396 24/09/2019 24/03/2020 70 12/07/2020  
2 WNOBI-GAI-(PAL)-UZRU-61 Improvement of Thitapukur RHW-Komurpur GC Road via Samader Bazar Road Ch. 0+000km to Ch. 8+313km Under Palashbari Upazila, District: Gaibandha (ID No. 132672008). 8.3130 499.071 M/S. Basundhara & Mony Enterprise, Palashbari, Gaibandha. 499.071 29/01/2019 100 12/07/2020  
5 Sadullapur
1 WNOBI/GAI/GC/123(A) Development of Growtg Center Market(GCM) at Sadullapur bazar Upazila: Sadullapur, District: Gaibandha 91.408 Md. Saidur Rahman, Giodown, Gaibandha. Mob: 01710970306 91.408 16/07/2017 100 12/07/2020  
2 WNOBI-GAI-(SDL)-UZRU-40 Improvement of Madarganj GC-Pachar Bazar GC Road at Ch.0+000km to Ch. 11+503.67km[Excluded Ch. 0+000-1+910km, Ch. 5+900km-5+984kmand Ch. 7+220-7+556.67km] Under Sadullapur Upazila, District: Gaibandha.(ID No. 132822009) 9.2090 963.851 MAE & DCL (JV), Dhaka 963.851 31/03/2019 100 12/07/2020  
3 WNOBI-GAI(SDL)-UZRU-63 Improvement of Sadullapur-Pachar Bazar GC Road Ch. 00+000km to Ch. 4+570km (ID No. 132822010) 4.5700 401.598 MAE & DCL (J.V), Dhaka 401.598 30/06/2020 92 12/07/2020  
6 Saghata
1 WNOBI-GAI(SAG)-UNRU-92(B) Improvement of Saghata GC-Kachua UP Office via Ullah Sonatala Bazar Road at Ch. 0+000km to Ch. 7+288Km [Excluded Part- Ch. 0+000km to 4+838 km] under Saghata Upazila, District: Gaibandha. (ID No. 132883001) 2.4500 302.159 SR Traders, Thana para, Gaibandha 302.159 30/06/2020 97 12/07/2020  
2 WNOBI-GAI(SAG)-UZRR-80 Rehabilitation of Bonapara GC (Bonapara College) to Bharatkhali Hat GC Road. at Ch. 0+000 to 6+000Km Under Saghata Upazila, District: Gaibandha.(ID NO. 132882002) 6.0000 188.791 M/S. Sukra Enterprise, Chalksutrapur, Bogra. 188.791 30/09/2018 100 12/07/2020  
7 Sundarganj
1 WNOBI-GAI(SUNDAR)-UZRR-GOB-23 Rehabilitation of Shovaganj GC (Majhipara)-Laxmipur GC road Ch.4095-5568m. Road ID No. 132912004. 1.4730 112.398 Sinthia & Jewel (JV), Sundarganj, Gaibandha. 112.398 04/08/2019 10/06/2020 100 12/07/2020  
2 WNOBI-SUNDAR(GAI)-P/III-DR&PR(1) a) Construction of RCC Drain from Amtoli to River via Fish Market Ch. 0+000 to 0+270 km. ID (DS-132919027). b) Construction of RCC Master Drain from East bypass to Mirganj Bridge. Ch. 0+000 to 1+060 km. ID (DP-132919014). c) Improvement of Road from Aziz 0.7430 329.508 Md. Matlubour Rahman, Collegepara,Gaibandha. 329.508 30/06/2020 64 12/07/2020 Pourashava Infrastructure
3 WNOBI-SUNDAR(GAI)-P/III(2)-DR a)Constructin of RCC drain from Bahirgola mour to Upazila office via College mour, Ch. 0+00 to 0+975km (975m), ID. No. DP- 132919018, 19 b)Constructin of RCC drain from Mojid Mondol school to end of Mirganj Hat drain via Janata Bank, Ch. 0+00 to 0+680km ( 1655.0000 365.835 Abdul Latif Hakkani, Bridge road, Gaibandha sadar, Gaibandha. 365.835 17/03/2020 74 12/07/2020 Pourashava Infrastructure
4 WNOBI-SUNDAR(GAI)-P/1(1) (A) Improvement of Mohin Bapari Bari to Mini Biswas road (Ch. 0+00 - 1+211 Km) ID-SR 132917016 (B) Improvement of Polli Biddut Office to Dakbanglow road via Vendor bari road (Ch. 0+00 - 0+780Km) ID-LR-132918124 (C) Rehabilitation of Collage more to end 3.4790 215.517 Rafiq Construction Co. (Pvt) Lt. 18/1, Naya Polton (2nd Floor) , Dhaka-1000 215.517 08/06/2015 31/12/2016 100 12/07/2020 Pourashava Infrastructure
5 WNOBI-SUNDAR(GAI)-P/II(1) A) Rehabilitation of Road from Bahir Gola Morr to Belka bia middle of Bazar & infront of Upazilla at Ch.0+000-Ch.1+574 km. (LR-132916007) B) Rehabilitation of Road around the Mirganj Hat & Road inside the Market at (Ch.0+000-Ch.0+538 km) (SR-132917011) 3.4920 220.156 Ziten & Joba, Sundargonj, Gaibandha 220.156 29/12/2016 30/09/2018 100 12/07/2020 Pourashava Infrastructure
6 WNOBI-SUNDAR(GAI)-P/III(3) a)Construction of drain from college mour to habibur mour, Ch. 0+000 to 0+336km (336m) ID No. DP-132919004 b)Improvement of Pourashava road Brac mour to Delwar Master house. Ch. (0+000 km to 0+325km, ID No. LR-132918090 c)Improvement of road from Tista ba 0.7150 137.975 Md. Saidur Rahman, Godown road, Gaibandha, 137.975 12/07/2018 02/07/2019 90 12/07/2020 Pourashava Infrastructure
7 WNOBI/GAI/GC/123(B) Development of Growtg Center Market(GCM) at Sovaganj. Upazila: Sundarganj, District: Gaibandha 85.971 M/S SR Traders, Thanapara,Gaibandha, Mobile:01718825964 85.971 11/01/2017 100 12/07/2020  
8 WNOBI-GAI(SUN)-UZRU-41 Improvement of Sundarganj to Matherhat GC Road Ch. 00+000km to Ch. 10+120km [Excluded Ch. 0+000 to 7+176km] under Sundarganj Upazila, District: Gaibandha. (ID No. 132912005) 2.9440 261.122 Md. Khademul Islam Jewel, Gaibandha. 261.122 30/04/2019 100 12/07/2020  
Total : 1725.4210 (Km) 6844.88 (Lac) 6844.88 (Lac)