
Project Scheme Detail List
SL No. Package No. Name Length (Km) Allotment (Lac) Name of Contractor Contract Amount (Lac) Date of Commencement Date of Completion Physical Progress (%) Date of Progress Update Remarks
1 Batiaghata
1 SP61019/Jalma Drainage Subproject Re-excavation of Guptomi Khal (Ch-0+675km to 1+700km) Re-excavation of Kata Khal (Ch 0+000km to 1+280km) Re-excavation of Singh khal (Ch-0+430km to 0+810km) Re-excavation of Enader khal (Ch-0+000km to 4+000km) Re-excavation of Joypur Khal (Ch-0+000km to 1+900km) Ref. Lined Section 09 Nos. On 5 Khals, And SP Identf. Signboard (2 nos.) Construction of WMCA Office Building 134.260 OTM 134.260 10/04/2022 78 13/08/2024 Ongoing
2 SP12026/Narayankhali FCD Subproject Doania khal re-excavation(ch.80-1760m) Koria Vita khal re-excavation(ch.00-890m) Embankment re-sectioning(Ch.900m-1390m, Ch. 4075m - 4865m) Bamboo Bridge(4 Nos.) Reference Line Section (7nos.) Maintenance of Regulator & Box Sluice -. Narayankhali Embankment re-sectioning(ch:4570m - 5170m) 2023-24 Ghater Khal re-excavation (Ch:0.00 - 1600m) 2023-24 Jabbar Ali Khal re-excavation (Ch:0.00 - 1300.00m) 2023-24 Shewlabunia Khal re-excavation (Ch:0.00 - 1700.00m) 2023-24 Shewlabunia Branch Khal re-excavation (Ch:0.00 - 1300.00m) 2023-24 Const. of 08 Nos. Ref. lined Section on 4 Khals, SP Identf. sign board 2, SP Area Indication Post 2 Nos. | 2023-24 216.353 md. Badruddaza Bablu, Dumuria bazar, Khulna. 216.353 15/04/2019 30/04/2020 91 13/08/2024 Ongoing
2 Dacope
1 SP62040/Laudove Subproject Re-excavation of Laudove Khal (Ch. 0+100 to Ch. 6+053 km) Re-excavation of Khutakhali Khal (Ch. 0+200 to Ch. 5+200 km) Re-excavation of Kalikabati Khal (Ch. 0+200 to Ch. 4+000 km). Re-excavation of Ruakata Khal (Ch. 0+000 to Ch. 2+750m) Re-excavation of Ruakata Branch Khal (Ch. 0+000 to Ch. 1+400km) Re-excavation of Harintana Khal (Ch. 0+000 to Ch. 1+310 km) Const. of 20 Nos Reference lined Section on Laudove Khal (Ch.400m, 1500m, 2400 m, 3400m, 4200m & 5800m), Kalikabati Khal (Ch.500m, 1300m, 2300m & 3700m), Khutakhali Khal (Ch.500m, 1200m, 2400m, 3600m & 4200m) Ruakata Khal (Ch. 300m , 1200m & 2400m), R Construction of WMCA office. (12.00mx6.00m) 273.734 OTM 273.734 16/03/2023 30/03/2024 82 13/08/2024 Ongoing
3 Dumuria
1 SP13106/Bagchar-Badurgacha FCD Subproject Re-sectioning of Embankment (Ch 0.00 to 0.84 km.) Re-sectioning of Embankment (Ch 1.25 to 1.85 km.) Construction of Embankment slope Protection work (From ch. 1250 m to ch. 1850m) Construction of Embankment slope Protection work (From ch. 1880 m to ch. 2250m) Rehabilitation of Simanar Khal Regulator at ch. 1850m -. Rehabilitation of Bakotmari Khal Regulator at ch. 9525m -. 304.517 OTM 304.517 28/08/2022 29/08/2020 100 13/08/2024 Completed
2 SP13099/Latabunia FCD Subproject Re-excavation of Latabunia Songjog Khal (Ch: 0.00 - 230 m) Re-excavation of Latabunia Embankment (Ch: 0.00 - 7775 m) Reference Lined Section (1 nos.) and SP Identification Signboard (2 nos.) 1 Vent (1x1.5m x 1.5m) Regulator Repair -. 89.278 M/s Foisai Traders 89.278 23/02/2021 30/03/2022 100 13/08/2024 Completed
4 Rupsa
1 SP25228/Sreerampur Subproject Re-excavation of Moni Khal (Ch: 0.00 - 1100 m) Re-excavation of Branch Khal-1 (Ch: 0.00 - 600 m) Re-excavation of Branch Khal-2 (Ch: 0.00 - 350 m) Re-excavation of Sree Rampur Embankment (Ch: 0.00 - 2950 m) Reference Lined Section (6 nos.) and SP Identification Signboard (2 nos.) 53.724 LCS 53.724 04/01/2021 29/04/2021 100 13/08/2024 Completed
2 SP21011/Padma Beel Subproject Rehabilation of Eixsting Padma Beel Regulator. (4V-1.65mx1.875m) -. 16.977 M/S Nurjahan Enterprise 16.977 05/07/2022 01/04/2023 100 13/08/2024 Completed
3 SP12027/Jabusa Beel FCD Subproject Gupia khal re-excavation(ch.00-1075m) Gupia khal re-excavation(ch.3000-3840m) Saijar khal re-excavation(ch.00-560m) Fedur khal re-excavation(ch.00-430m) Embankment re-sectioning(ch.00-2808m) Bamboo bridge(4 Nos.) Referenced line section(6 Nos.) Protection Work Repair & Maintenance of Regulator (1v-1.2mx1.5m) on Harania Khal -. Repair & Maintenance of Regulator (2v-1.5mx1.8m) on Gupiar Khal -. Repair & Maintenance of Regulator (2v-1.5mx1.8m) on Shukumarir Khal -. Repair & Maintenance of Box Sluice (1v-1.2mx1.2m) on Hori Ghosh Khal -. Repair & Maintenance of PipeSluice (1v-900mm) dia on Noashia Khal -. 165.661 Sk. Idris Ali, Basabati, Bagerhat. 165.661 15/07/2019 15/05/2019 100 13/08/2024 Completed
Total : 0.0000 (Km) 1254.50 (Lac) 1254.50 (Lac)