
Project Scheme Detail List
SL No. Package No. Name Length (Km) Allotment (Lac) Name of Contractor Contract Amount (Lac) Date of Commencement Date of Completion Physical Progress (%) Date of Progress Update Remarks
1 Kamalganj
1 SP35261 Forkanala Sub-project :Re-excavation of Forkanala khal (Ch.5+200km to Ch.7+000km) additional 1.8000 96.880 LCS 96.880 11/03/2020 70 21/08/2020 On going
2 Moulvibazar-s
1 SP34128 Kodali-Chhara Sub-project :Re-excavation of 1.50 km Khal & Clearing Water Hyacinth (1.00km at D/S & 0.50km at U/S of WRS) 1.5000 9.990 LCS 9.990 26/05/2019 100 21/08/2020 Completed.
3 Sreemangal
1 SP33101 Jag Chhara Khal Sub-project :Re-excavation of khai chhara khal (Ch.0+000km to Ch.2+500km), Re-excavation of bhaturi chhara khal (Ch.0+000km to Ch.2+275km), Re-excavation ofHakaloki chhara khal (Ch.0+000km to Ch.1+700km) 6.8200 144.850 LCS 144.850 85 21/08/2020 On going
Total : 10.1200 (Km) 251.72 (Lac) 251.72 (Lac)