
Project Scheme Detail List
SL No. Package No. Name Length (Km) Allotment (Lac) Name of Contractor Contract Amount (Lac) Date of Commencement Date of Completion Physical Progress (%) Date of Progress Update Remarks
1 Kachua
1 GSIDP/CDP/DW-2 Improvement of Mazigacha Jamalia Graveyard. Union: Bitara, Latitude: 23.674722, Longitude: 91.353055 7.880 M/S. Kamal Hossain 7.880 0 21/03/2019
2 GSIDP/CDP/DW-1 Improvement of Nahara Jame Mosque. Union: Kachua (Uttor), Latitude: 23.65361, Longitude: 91.50444 9.840 M/S Fahim Traders 9.840 11/02/2019 0 21/03/2019
3 GSIDP/CDP/SDW-11 Improvement of Baraiara Uttar para Molla bari Jame Mosque. Union: Pathoyr, Latitude: 23.3772, Longitude: 90.8613 10.000 M/S. Hi-Tech Enterprise 10.000 01/11/2018 100 21/03/2019
4 GSIDP/CDP/DW-7 Improvement of Taltoli Baitul Ali Central Jame Mosque. Union: Gohat (Uttor), Latitude: 23.55, Longitude: 91.82222 20.610 M/S Mia Traders 20.610 11/11/2018 100 21/03/2019
5 GSIDP/CDP/DW-3 Improvement of Pathair Madda para Jame Mosque. Union: Pathir, Latitude: 23.730, Longitude: 91.37888 5.000 M/S Patni Traders 5.000 11/01/2018 100 21/03/2019
Total : 0.0000 (Km) 53.33 (Lac) 53.33 (Lac)