
Project Scheme Detail List
SL No. Package No. Name Length (Km) Allotment (Lac) Name of Contractor Contract Amount (Lac) Date of Commencement Date of Completion Physical Progress (%) Date of Progress Update Remarks
1 Sreepur
1 GSIDP/MAG/DW-5 Improvement of Tara Ujail Porchim Para Jame Mosque under Sobdalpur Union. [Latitude: 23.5932, Longitude: 89.43636] 3.000 M/S Uttaa Spool Centre 3.000 28/07/2018 100 21/03/2019
2 GSIDP/MAG/DW-4 Improvement of Kajoli Moddopara Jame Mosque under Sobdalpur Union. [Latitude: 23.56815, Longitude: 89.41583 3.980 3.980 27/07/2018 100 21/03/2019
3 GSIDP/MAG/DW-3 Improvement of Sahab Para Jame Mosque under Sreepur Union. [Latitude: 23.6268, Longitude: 89.38699] 3.000 M/S Uttaa Spool Centre 3.000 09/10/2018 100 21/03/2019
4 GSIDP/MAG/DW-2 Improvement of Choto Udash Sarbojonin Kali Mondir under Amolshar Union. [Latitude: 23.14609, Longitude: 89.40429] 3.000 M/S. Jaman Traders 3.000 10/08/2018 100 21/03/2019
5 GSIDP/MAG/DW-1 Improvement of Chaturia Jamia Mosque under Goyeshpur Union. [Latitude: 23.6376, Longitude: 89.36759] 4.000 M/S. Jaman Traders 4.000 16/09/2018 100 21/03/2019
Total : 0.0000 (Km) 16.98 (Lac) 16.98 (Lac)