
Project Scheme Detail List
SL No. Package No. Name Length (Km) Allotment (Lac) Name of Contractor Contract Amount (Lac) Date of Commencement Date of Completion Physical Progress (%) Date of Progress Update Remarks
1 Anwara
1 CRMIDP/CHT/W-436 Sarkar Hat Bazar 272.000 M/S Dynamic Associate 272.000 13/07/2022 40 28/07/2022
2 Chandanish
1 CRMIDP/CHT/W-439 Khan Hat 257.000 M/S Mustafa & Sons 257.000 12/07/2022 73 28/07/2022
3 Hathazari
1 CRMIDP/CHT/W-441 Modon Hat 629.000 "M/S Quashem Constrection 52, Katalgonj, Panchlaish Chattogram. " 629.000 02/08/2022 91 28/07/2022
4 Mirsharai
1 CRMIDP/CHT/W-443 Komor Ail Bazar 566.000 "Nahean Engineers and Builders-the New Trade Lind JV Porshuram, Feni " 566.000 18/01/2022 87 28/07/2022
5 Rangunia
1 CRMIDP/CHT/W-445 Dhamir Hat 312.000 M/S Nipa Enterprise 312.000 28/07/2022 35 28/07/2022
6 Raojan
1 CRMIDP/CHT/W-446 Nowajeshpur Notun Hat 634.000 Noor Syndicate & SM Trading 634.000 02/08/2022 60 28/07/2022
7 Sandwip
1 CRMIDP/CHT/W-447 Moulovir Bazar 166.000 "M/S Rittika Traders – S.R Enterprise (JV) Sandwip, Chittagram " 166.000 01/08/2022 98 28/07/2022
Total : 0.0000 (Km) 2836.00 (Lac) 2836.00 (Lac)