
Project Scheme Detail List
SL No. Package No. Name Length (Km) Allotment (Lac) Name of Contractor Contract Amount (Lac) Date of Commencement Date of Completion Physical Progress (%) Date of Progress Update Remarks
1 Bhola-s
1 CRMIDP/BHL/W-205 Dokkhin digoldi Shantir Bazar 332.000 M/S Samata Enterprise Koraliya, South Digoldi, Bhola 332.000 24/07/2022 97 26/07/2022
2 Borhanuddin
1 CRMIDP/BHL/W-206 Kunjer Hat 233.000 M/S Shahid Talukder 233.000 17/07/2022 24/04/2022 85 26/07/2022
3 Daulatkhan
1 CRMIDP/BHL/W-208 Nur miar Hat 303.000 "Mollah Kamal JV Charnowabad, Bhola Sadar, Bhola. " 303.000 13/08/2020 01/09/2022 95 26/07/2022
4 Lalmohan
1 CRMIDP/BHL/W-209 Kortar Hat 303.000 M/S Bhuya Enterprise Charfashion, Bhoal 303.000 24/08/2020 24/06/2021 95 26/07/2022
5 Tazumuddin
1 CRMIDP/BHL/W-211 Shumvupur Notun Hat 275.000 M/S Bhuya Enterprise Charfashion, Bhoal 275.000 24/08/2020 31/08/2022 90 26/07/2022
Total : 0.0000 (Km) 1446.00 (Lac) 1446.00 (Lac)