
Project Scheme Detail List
SL No. Package No. Name Length (Km) Allotment (Lac) Name of Contractor Contract Amount (Lac) Date of Commencement Date of Completion Physical Progress (%) Date of Progress Update Remarks
1 Kabir hat
1 CRMIDP/NOAK/W-514 Chaprashirhat Bazar 238.000 "M/S KMC Bricks Prop: Mohammad kamal Khan Vill-South Jagdananda Post: Mukbul Chowdhury Hat, Kabirhat, Noakhali. " 238.000 28/06/2022 95 28/07/2022
2 Senbag
1 CRMIDP/NOAK/W-513 Kutuber Bazar 242.000 M/S Rony Enterprise 242.000 30/06/2022 35 28/07/2022
3 Sonaimuri
1 CRMIDP/NOAK/W-512 Islamgonj (Bozra)Bazar 371.000 M/S Sabbir Enterprise 371.000 28/07/2022 50 28/07/2022
Total : 0.0000 (Km) 851.00 (Lac) 851.00 (Lac)