
Project Scheme Detail List
SL No. Package No. Name Length (Km) Allotment (Lac) Name of Contractor Contract Amount (Lac) Date of Commencement Date of Completion Physical Progress (%) Date of Progress Update Remarks
1 Araihazar
1 FDR/Nar/19-20/UNR/W10 Rehabilitation of Dakkhinpara - Bogadi RHD via Fotehpur UP via Kandapara Road from Ch. 0m-2367m. 2.3670 137.099 M/S Foysal Traders 137.099 05/12/2019 04/04/2020 50 10/09/2020 Time Expired
2 Bandar
1 FDR/Nar/19-20/UZR/W09 Rehabilitation of Ispahani Bazar (Sadurghat) - Langolbandh GC Road from Ch 00-4400m. 4.4000 250.520 M/S Saleh & Brothers 250.520 08/08/2019 03/02/2021 60 10/09/2020
2 FDR/Nar/18-19/UNR/W02 &W03 a) Rehabilitation of UZ-HQ (Alinagar)-Kalagachia UP Office Road. Rehabilitation of Dhamgor UP Office (Kuripara Bazar - Haluapara Bazar via Jangal Road) from Ch 00-1.630m. (Road ID: 367063003) b) Rehabilitation of Dhamgor UP Office (Kuripara Bazar-Haluapara Bazar bia Jangal Road) from Ch. 00-4000m . (Road ID: 367063001) 5.6300 342.614 M/S Ahsan Enterprise 342.614 26/11/2018 25/05/2019 100 09/09/2020
3 Rupganj
1 FDR/Nar/18-19/UZR/W07 Rehabilitation of Murapara R&H (Isapura) - Damra GC Road via Kayetpara Road from Ch. 00-5510m & 7360-9042m. 7.1920 627.229 RE - MRC JV 627.229 18/12/2018 17/07/2019 100 10/09/2020
2 FDR/Nar/18-19/BW01 Construction of 30m Bridge on Borpa RHD-Mohajampur UP road at Ch. 0m (30m) 216.190 PPL-SE (JV) 216.190 14/11/2018 30/06/2020 62 09/09/2020
3 FDR/Nar/18-19/UZR/W05 &W-06 a)Rehabilitation of Porshi GC-Murapara GC via Rupganj Road from Ch. 00-2075m & 2830m-8820m (Road ID: 367682001); b) Rehabilitation of Borpa RHD-Mohajampur UP Road from Ch. 00-2200m (Road ID: 367682010) 10.2650 772.198 RE-MRC JV 772.198 18/11/2018 17/05/2019 100 09/09/2020
4 Sonargaon
1 FDR/Nar/18-19/UZR/W04 Rehabilitation of Panchamighat GC-Uchitpura GC via Barodi (Santirbazar) Road from Ch. 00-10210m. 10.2100 675.613 M/S M.R. Construction 675.613 24/02/2019 23/02/2020 100 10/09/2020
Total : 40.0640 (Km) 3021.46 (Lac) 3021.46 (Lac)