
Project Scheme Detail List
SL No. Package No. Name Length (Km) Allotment (Lac) Name of Contractor Contract Amount (Lac) Date of Commencement Date of Completion Physical Progress (%) Date of Progress Update Remarks
1 Bhola-s
1 FDR/Bho/18-19/VR/W30 Rehabilitation of Ali nogor pouro border-dofadar bari-pir saheb khanka Road from Ch. 0m to 1155. 1.1550 57.867 M/s Priyonty Construction 57.867 14/02/2019 13/02/2020 100 19/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
2 FDR/Bho/18-19/VR/W29 Rehabilitation of Sadur char Jangaliar hat-Munshir Char Kheyghat-Panna Brick Road from Ch 0m to 1000m. 1.0000 55.123 M/s Priyonty Construction 55.123 14/02/2019 13/02/2020 100 19/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
3 FDR/Bho/18-19/VR/W28 Rehabilitation of Pangashia Ghat-Bissa Road Ghat Road from Ch. 0m to 1200m. 1.2000 69.240 M/s Priyonty Construction 69.240 14/02/2019 13/02/2020 100 19/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
4 FDR/Bho/18-19/VR/W27 Rehabilitation of Rajapur up (New proposed)-janata bazer-Roder hat-RHD junction Road from Ch 2300m to 6550m 4.2500 189.818 M/s Priyonty Construction 189.818 14/02/2019 13/02/2020 100 19/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
5 FDR/Bho/18-19/VR/W21 Rehabilitation of Bhola Kheyaghat - Santirhat - Bagmara Road from Ch. 0m to 4550m. 4.5500 203.107 M/s Ma Enterprise 203.107 15/11/2018 14/05/2019 100 19/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
6 FDR/Bho/18-19/UNR/W11 Rehabilitation of Upazila H/Q-Kachia UP via Baripur, Tabgi high school Road from Ch. 0m to 233m and 1230m to 4450m. 3.4500 152.680 Md. Ruhal Amin 152.680 09/04/2018 26/08/2019 100 19/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
7 FDR/Bho/18-19/VR/W12 Rehabilitation of Bangla Bazar -Kayer Hat Road -Koralia GPS -Alom Bazar -MP Tofayel Ahammed Bari Road from Ch.0m to 2490m. 2.4900 94.945 M/s Samata Enterprise 94.945 09/04/2018 26/08/2019 100 19/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
2 Borhanuddin
1 FDR/Bho/18-19/UZR/W16 Rehabilitation of Mirzajaku GC (Near Chowdhury Bari) - Fakir Hat Dalal Bazar R&H Road from Ch 2111m to 6479m. 4.3680 146.488 M/s Howlader Construction 146.488 09/04/2018 26/02/2019 100 19/08/2020
3 Charfassion
1 FDR/Bho/19-20/UNR/W56 Rehabilitation of Nazrul Nagar UP-Baburhat via Boktirhat Road from Ch. 0m to 4350m 4.3500 133.178 Md. Eunus -Al -Mamun ,Charfession 133.178 05/06/2019 10/10/2019 100 20/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
2 FDR/Bho/19-20/VR/W55 Rehabilitation of RHD (Bangla Bazar) - Manika Notun Bazar Via Madrasha Bazar & Bozlur Bazar Road from Ch. 5650m to 8900m. 3.2500 115.406 Md. Eunus -Al -Mamun ,Charfession 115.406 05/06/2019 10/10/2019 100 20/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
3 FDR/Bho/19-20/VR/W54 Rehabilitation of Kalapania Bridge - North way of Nayebar Pool Bazar. ( Old Name : Aslampur UP Border - Osmangomj Beribadh Road. 4072)Road from Ch. 0m to 3125m 3.1250 108.164 Md. Eunus -Al -Mamun ,Charfession 108.164 05/06/2019 10/10/2019 100 20/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
4 FDR/Bho/19-20/UNR/W53 Rehabilitation of Madraz UPC (Karamatgong Bazar) - Abugonj Bazar via Khaspukur Char Afzal GPS, Batua RHD & Aslampur UP Office Road from Ch. 0m to 2450m 2.4500 74.010 Nabarun Traders LTD, Dhaka 74.010 23/04/2019 22/09/2019 100 20/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
5 FDR/Bho/19-20/VR/W52 Rehabilitation of Haju Rarir Mill - Batua RHD (Ucha Pool) via Jainpuri Khankha. (Old Name : Kasemgonj - East side of Madraj Beribadh Road. 4076)Road from Ch. 0m to 1800m 1.8000 56.801 Nabarun Traders LTD, Dhaka 56.801 23/04/2019 22/09/2019 100 20/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
6 FDR/Bho/19-20/VR/W51 Rehabilitation of Madraj UP Karamotgonj Bazar (Nuton Mosjid) - South way of Samraj Bazar Road from Ch 0m to 2480m. 2.4800 70.431 Nabarun Traders LTD, Dhaka 70.431 23/04/2019 22/09/2019 100 20/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
7 FDR/Bho/19-20/UNR/W50 Rehabilitation of Omorpur UP Office (Bhuyar hat)-RHD (Halipad) Via Kaliakandi G.P.S,(Old Name:-Aslampur UP Border - Osmangonj Berry Bandh Road. 4072)Road from Ch. 0m to 2000m. 2.0000 78.606 Nabarun Traders LTD, Dhaka 78.606 23/04/2019 22/09/2019 100 20/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
8 FDR/Bho/19-20/UNR/W49 Rehabilitation of Jahanpur UPC (Bhasir Don Bazar)-Vasanchar Closur (Bazar) via Farajir hat(Kalerhat) Road from Ch. 7256m to 12054m. 4.7980 156.726 Nabarun Traders LTD, Dhaka 156.726 23/04/2019 22/09/2019 100 20/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
9 FDR/Bho/19-20/UNR/W48 Rehabilitation of Jahanpur UPC (Bhasir Don Bazar)-Vasanchar Closur (Bazar) via Farajir hat(Kalerhat) Road from Ch. 2960m to 7256m. 4.2960 151.517 Nabarun Traders LTD, Dhaka 151.517 23/04/2019 22/09/2019 100 20/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
10 FDR/Bho/19-20/UNR/W47 Rehabilitation of Aslampur UP(Bhuiyar hat)-Sultanmiar Hat Road from Ch. 0m to 2320m 2.3200 82.816 Md. Eunus -Al -Mamun ,Charfession 82.816 24/03/2019 27/07/2019 100 20/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
11 FDR/Bho/19-20/VR/W46 Rehabilitation of Abugonj Bazar ( Sonar Bangla More) - East Side of Lalmohon Border (Torkari Road)Road from Ch. 0m to 1000m 1.0000 43.503 Md. Eunus -Al -Mamun ,Charfession 43.503 24/03/2019 27/07/2019 100 20/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
12 FDR/Bho/19-20/VR/W45 Rehabilitation of Charfassion Dularhat Road- Sultaner Kheya Ghat Road via Sibar Hat Road from Ch. 3000m to 6040m. 3.0400 120.986 Md. Eunus -Al -Mamun ,Charfession 120.986 27/02/2019 13/02/2020 100 20/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
13 FDR/Bho/19-20/UNR/W44 Rehabilitation of Charfassion Dularhat Road- Sultaner Kheya Ghat Road via Sibar Hat Road from 0m to 3000m 3.0000 115.186 Md. Eunus -Al -Mamun ,Charfession 115.186 27/02/2019 13/02/2020 100 20/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
14 FDR/Bho/19-20/VR/W43 Rehabilitation of Rafik Aslamia Chowmohani - Nijam howlader Chowmohani via Dubai Bari ( Old Name : Hazarigonj Beribadh - North Side of Aslampur Road 3057)Road from Ch. 0m to 3100m 3.1000 107.592 Md. Eunus -Al -Mamun ,Charfession 107.592 27/02/2019 13/02/2020 100 20/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
15 FDR/Bho/19-20/VR/W42 Rehabilitation of RHD (H/O Salam Chairman)-Boyatir Khal (Karnofuly Abason) Road from Ch. 0m to 1770m. 1.7700 73.849 Md. Eunus -Al -Mamun ,Charfession 73.849 27/02/2019 13/02/2020 100 20/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
16 FDR/Bho/19-20/VR/W41 Rehabilitation of Shashibusion Gazaria UZR (South Shiba Boli Bari Sultaner Dokan) - West way of Abubakorpur Shashibusion UZR Road from Ch 0m to 1820m. 1.8200 68.159 M/S Bokshi Enterprise 68.159 27/02/2019 13/02/2020 100 20/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
17 FDR/Bho/19-20/VR/W40 Gozaria - Manika UZR Road - Khasemmiar Hat via Pangashia Bazar Road from Ch. om to 4700m. 4.7000 199.873 M/S Bokshi Enterprise 199.873 27/02/2019 13/02/2020 100 20/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
18 FDR/Bho/19-20/VR/W39 Rehabilitation of Chairman Bazar(Old Embk.Maynuddin Bazar-Atkapat Sluice bazar via khajur Gasia Bazar(old Name:Char Fakira Bery bundh-Osmangonj Union Border Road 4074) Road from Ch. 8550m to 11925m. 3.3750 114.158 M/S Khan Traders 114.158 13/02/2019 02/12/2020 100 20/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
19 FDR/Bho/19-20/VR/W38 Rehabilitation of Chairman Bazar(Old Embk.Maynuddin Bazar-Atkapat Sluice bazar via khajur Gasia Bazar.(old Name:Char Fakira Bery bundh-Osmangonj Union Border Road 4074)Road from Ch. 5050m to 8550m 3.5000 118.156 M/S Khan Traders 118.156 13/02/2019 02/12/2020 100 20/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
20 FDR/Bho/19-20/UNR/W37 Rehabilitation of Awaspur UP (RHD) - West way of Fakir hat Kasmgonj BC Road (Bazar) ( Old Name:- Madraj Berry Bandh to West Side Tatulia River Road.3056) Road from Ch. 0m to 2000m 2.0000 72.414 Nabarun Traders LTD, Dhaka 72.414 20/02/2019 19/02/2020 100 20/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
21 FDR/Bho/19-20/UNR/W36 Rehabilitation of Charfession (Forest office) - Omorpur UP (Bhuierhat) -Abugonj, Katabunia GPS Road from Ch 4850m to 9450m 4.6000 173.685 Nabarun Traders LTD, Dhaka 173.685 20/02/2019 19/02/2020 100 20/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
22 FDR/Bho/19-20/UNR/W35 Rehabilitation of Osmanganj UP to Kashem miar Hat via Pangashia Bazar Road from Ch. 0m to 2014m 2.0140 81.936 Nabarun Traders LTD, Dhaka 81.936 20/02/2019 19/02/2020 100 20/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
23 FDR/Bho/19-20/UNR/W34 Rehabilitation of Hazarigonj Old Berry (Ghat) - Batua RHD (Oli Dafader Bari) via daser hat & Hindupally(Old Name:Hazarigonj Berry Bandh- N/Side of Aslampur Road 3057) from Ch0m to 4000m 4.0000 133.037 Nabarun Traders LTD, Dhaka 133.037 20/02/2019 19/02/2020 100 20/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
24 FDR/Bho/19-20/UNR/W33 rehabilitation of Dularhat Road (Nurabad UP Office)-Gachir khal bazar Road from Ch. 540m to 3530m 2.9900 105.460 Md. Eunus -Al -Mamun ,Charfession 105.460 31/01/2019 30/01/2020 100 20/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
25 FDR/Bho/19-20/UNR/W32 Rehabilitation of Abubakarpur UP (Siddique Howlader Bazar)-Ghosherhat Road from Ch. 0m to 3930m 3.9300 184.634 Md. Eunus -Al -Mamun ,Charfession 184.634 31/01/2019 30/01/2020 100 20/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
26 FDR/Bho/19-20/UNR/W31 Rehabilitation of Kashemgonj Bazar-Jahanpur U.HQ. WDB Embk. Road from Ch. 0m to 4100m 4.1000 124.547 Md. Eunus -Al -Mamun ,Charfession 124.547 31/01/2019 30/01/2020 100 20/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
27 FDR/Bho/18-19/VR/W08 Rehabilitation of Char Madraj UP-Abuganj Road (Notun Mosjid) to Kangalirhat (WDB) Via Hamidpur J/High School Road from Ch. 0m 825m. 0.8250 27.324 M/s Monir Enterprise 27.324 09/04/2018 26/08/2019 100 19/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
28 FDR/Bho/18-19/UNR/W07 Rehabilitation of Char Madras UP-Shamraj Sluice Bazar Road from Ch. 3550m to 5150m 1.6000 52.441 M/S Khan Traders 52.441 09/04/2018 26/08/2019 100 19/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
29 FDR/Bho/18-19/VR/W04 Rehabilitation of Madraj Shamrajdone Road (Boultala More)- Shamraj Sluice Bazar Embk. Road from Ch. 0m to 2700m 2.7000 86.426 M/s Monir Enterprise 86.426 09/04/2018 26/08/2019 100 19/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
30 FDR/Bho/18-19/VR/W03 Rehabilitation of Hazarigong Berry Bundh West side Tatulia Road from Ch. 0m to 4237m 4.2370 165.619 M/S Bokshi Enterprise 165.619 09/04/2018 26/08/2019 100 19/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
31 FDR/Bho/18-19/UNR/W10 Rehabilitation of Charfession GC(B.R.D.B.)-Mazirhat(WDB Embak) Road from Ch. 6130m to 81110m. (Length 8.71km) 1.9800 86.827 M/s Jashim Construction 86.827 09/04/2018 26/08/2019 100 19/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
32 FDR/Bho/18-19/UNR/W06 Rehabilitation of Char Madras UP-Shamraj Sluice Bazar from Ch. 0m to 3550m. 3.5500 76.766 M/s Monir Enterprise 76.766 09/04/2018 26/08/2019 100 19/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
33 FDR/Bho/18-19/UNR/W05 Rehabilitation of Charfession Betua Road to Madraj UP Road from Ch. 0m to 1640m. Length= 3.30km 1.6400 63.269 M/s Nuruzzaman 63.269 09/04/2018 26/05/2019 100 19/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
34 FDR/Bho/18-19/VR/W02 Kashemgonj Bazar(Ahammed Shek Bari) - Almadina Masjid (Nuton Masjid -Hazirhat BC Road) (OlKashemgonj - East Side of Madraj Berry Bandh Road from Ch. 3800m to 5800m. 2.0000 81.074 M/S Khan Traders 81.074 09/04/2018 26/08/2019 100 19/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
35 FDR/Bho/18-19/UNR/W09 Rehabilitation work of Charfession (Forest office) - Omorpur UP (Bhuierhat) -Abugonj, Katabunia GPS Road from Ch. 1200m to 4850m. 3.6500 116.561 M/S Khan Traders 116.561 09/04/2018 26/08/2019 100 19/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
36 FDR/Bho/18-19/UNR/W01 Rehabilitation of Charfassion (Kutubgonj)-Char Madras UP 3.8600 197.325 M/S Bokshi Enterprise 197.325 09/04/2018 26/08/2019 100 19/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
4 Daulatkhan
1 FDR/Bho/18-19/UZR/W14 Rehabilitation of Upazila HQ(Guptogonj GC) - Subedar more RHD via Radhaballove GC Road from Ch. 3210m to 5625m. 2.4150 164.448 Md. Fariduddin 164.448 09/04/2018 26/02/2019 100 19/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
5 Lalmohan
1 FDR/Bho/19-20/VR/W62 Rehabilitation of Abugonj Bazar R&H to Fulbagicha Bazar via Kharakandi Mizipara UZR-2002 Road from Ch. 0m to 1142m & 3375m to 4238m 2.0050 65.723 M/s Jarin & co. ,Ukilpara Bhola 65.723 08/05/2019 08/04/2020 100 20/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
2 FDR/Bho/19-20/UNR/W61 Rehabilitation of West Char Umad Simana to Kalir teak Bazar via Dewal Kandi Govt. Primary School Road from Ch. 1000m to 3.623m 2.6230 165.028 M/s Jarin & co. ,Ukilpara Bhola 165.028 08/05/2019 08/04/2020 100 20/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
3 FDR/Bho/19-20/UNR/W60 Rehabilitation of Lordharding UPC -Fatemabad Sluice gate Bazar Road from Ch. 1000m to 3040m. 2.0400 99.128 M/s Jarin & co. ,Ukilpara Bhola 99.128 08/05/2019 08/04/2020 100 20/08/2020 Tender Received
4 FDR/Bho/18-19/VR/W20 Rehabilitation of Lalmohan H/Q( RHD) -Raychand UZR Road (TT&DC Road) from Ch. 2141m to 2873m. 0.7320 45.307 M/s Nowroj Enterprise 45.307 11/11/2018 10/05/2019 100 19/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
5 FDR/Bho/18-19/VR/W19 Rehabilitation of Bhola- Char Fession RHD (alam Bazar) - Pas Pagler More Road from Ch. 0m to 870m. 0.8700 45.307 M/s Nowroj Enterprise 45.307 11/11/2018 10/05/2019 100 19/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
6 Monpura
1 FDR/Bho/19-20/UNR/W59 Rehabilitation of Hazirhat UP-Nayeberhat Road from Ch. 0m to 2450m 2.4500 52.390 Nabarun Traders LTD, Dhaka 52.390 25/04/2019 24/09/2019 100 20/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
2 FDR/Bho/19-20/UZR/W58 Rehabilitation of Hazirhat Launch Ghat- Fakir hat- Annondo Bazar-Bangla Bazar GC- Taltoli Bazar Road from Ch. 0m to 1672m 1.6720 51.097 Nabarun Traders LTD, Dhaka 51.097 25/04/2019 24/09/2019 100 20/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
3 FDR/Bho/19-20/UZR/W57 Rehabilitation of Hazirhat Launch Ghat- Fakir hat- Annondo Bazar-Bangla Bazar GC- Taltoli Bazar Road from Ch. 7807m to 8604m 0.7970 75.245 Nabarun Traders LTD, Dhaka 75.245 25/04/2019 24/09/2019 100 20/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
7 Tazumuddin
1 FDR/Bho/19-20/VR/W26 Rehabilitation of Hazir Hat to Lamsi Sumupur Road from Ch. 0m to 2133m 2.1330 89.636 Mamun Howlader 89.636 26/04/2019 27/09/2019 100 19/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
2 FDR/Bho/18-19/VR/W25 Rehabilitation of R&H UZR via Anil Shdur Ashrom Road from Ch. 0m to 1347m. 1.3470 63.913 Mamun Howlader 63.913 26/04/2019 27/09/2019 100 19/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
3 FDR/Bho/19-20/UZR/W24 Rehabilitation of Chachra UP to Ghosher Hat via Chachra Adarsha High School Road from Ch. 0m to 1526m. 1.5260 88.817 Mamun Howlader JV 88.817 26/04/2019 27/09/2019 100 19/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
4 FDR/Bho/18-19/VR/W23 Rehabilitation of Thakur Bazar to Bangla Bazar via Anil Sadhua Ashrom Road from Ch. 0m to 782m 0.7820 34.804 M/s Howlader Traders 34.804 13/02/2019 02/12/2020 100 19/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
5 FDR/Bho/19-20/UZR/W22 Rehabilitation of Shasigonj GC-Chotto Dowrir GC via Godown Road from Ch. om to 5410m 5.4100 191.291 M/s Howlader Traders 191.291 13/02/2019 02/12/2020 100 19/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
6 FDR/Bho/18-19/UZR/W18 Rehabilitation of Muchibari RHD-Mongol Sikder GC via Khasher Hat GC Road (Tazumuddin Part) from Ch. 5420m to 11300m 5.8800 278.094 M/s Jarin & Mollah 278.094 09/04/2018 09/10/2019 100 19/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
7 FDR/Bho/18-19/UZR/W17 Rehabilitation of Muchibari RHD-Mongol Sikder GC via Khasher Hat GC Road (Tazumuddin Part) 5.4200 289.732 Khan & Sikder (JV) 289.732 09/04/2018 26/08/2019 100 19/08/2020 Final Bill Paid
Total : 166.4150 (Km) 6587.69 (Lac) 6587.69 (Lac)