
Project Scheme Detail List
SL No. Package No. Name Length (Km) Allotment (Lac) Name of Contractor Contract Amount (Lac) Date of Commencement Date of Completion Physical Progress (%) Date of Progress Update Remarks
1 Komol nagar
1 FDR/Lax/18-19/UNR/W09 Rehabilitation of Lawrance Khasher hat Anderchar Road from Ch. 5000m - 9000m 4.0000 122.696 M/S Jaflong Enterprise 122.696 03/03/2019 03/07/2019 100 05/09/2020
2 Laxmipur-s
1 FDR/Lax/18-19/UZR/W10 Rehabilitation of Hazirpara-Chowpalli Road from Ch. 0m - 3171m. 3.1710 94.489 M/S Rob Treders 94.489 12/03/2019 12/07/2019 100 06/09/2020
2 FDR/Lax/18-19VR/W11 Rehabilitation of Kalibazar - Bijoy-Nagor Girls High School- Road from Ch. 1200m-2255m 1.0550 10.528 M/S Rob Treders 10.528 12/03/2019 12/07/2019 0 06/09/2020
3 Raipur
1 FDR/Fen/18-19/UNR/W02 Rehabilitation of Mitali Bazar - Hawladerhat - Camperhat - Haidergonj Road from Ch. 0m - 3880m. 3.8800 160.475 160.475 100 05/09/2020
2 FDR/Lax/18-19/UNR/W03 Rehabilitation of Raipur-Mirgonj Road from Ch. 0m-6765m. 6.7650 298.107 M/S. Riasat & Brothers 298.107 22/11/2018 21/06/2019 100 04/09/2020
3 FDR/Lax/18-19/UNR/W01 Rehabilitation of Haidergonj GC- Haowlader hat Road via Jaowdogi more Road from Ch. 0m-4943m. 4.9430 225.672 R-TA Enterprise & Khorshed Alam (JV) 225.672 22/11/2018 21/06/2019 100 04/09/2020
4 Ramgati
1 FDR/Lax/18-19/UNR/CW08 Construction of Ramgoti-Chewakhali Road at Ch. 7750m (7757m) 29.522 29.522 100 06/09/2020
2 FDR/Lax/18-19/UNR/BW07 Construction of 98m Bridge on Chowdhury hat-Kheya Ghat Road [Sayed Moulavir hat-chowdhurirhat] at Ch. 5940m (6038m) 57.585 M/S. Joy Enterprise 57.585 22/11/2018 21/02/2019 100 06/09/2020
3 FDR/Lax/17-18/UZR/W-06 Rehabilitation of Char Poragacha UP - Taherbazar Road from Ch. 0m - 2000m 2.0000 92.257 M/S Ahsan Enterprise 92.257 01/01/2019 01/06/2019 30 05/09/2020
4 FDR/Lax/17-18/UZR/W-05 Rehabilitation of Bibirhat-Ramdoyal Connecting Road from Ch. 0m - 6160m 6.1600 183.822 M/S Ahsan Enterprise 183.822 01/01/2019 01/06/2019 75 05/09/2020 Time Expired
5 BW07 & CW 08 Chowdhury hat-Kheya Ghat Road [Sayed Moulavir hat-chowdhurirhat ] 0.0979 5758508.000 M/S. Joy Enterprise 5758508.000 22/11/2018 21/02/2019 0 11/03/2019  
Total : 32.0719 (Km) 5759783.15 (Lac) 5759783.15 (Lac)