LGED Tender Banner


Government of  the People’s  Republic of Bangladesh

Local Government Engineering Department

Office of the Upazila Engineer

Upazila: Mohanpur,Dist.:Rajshahi.


Memo.No: LGED/U:E: /Mohon/Raj/506                                                                                                  Date : 05.09.2012


Notification of Award(Form PW3-7)


Contract No.Package No.PEDP-III/Raj/Moh/2011-12/W2-1142,      Date : 01.04.2012




M/S. M.S. Mollah Traders



                                                                    Latest Date of Commencement : 19/09/2012


                                                                     Intendent date of Completion   : 18/09/2013





                This is to notify you that your Tender dated  02.08.2012 for the execution of the works for Horizontal Extension(including Furniture Supply) of Malandi & Ghashigram RNGPS under Third  primary Education Development Programme(PEDP-III),Upazila-Mohanpur,Dist.Rajshahi for the Contract  price of Taka.=1,18,99,109/03 (Taka One Crore Eighteen  Lac Ninety Nine  Thousand One hundred nine and paisa three)Only  as corrected and modified in accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers  has been approved by Upazila Engineer,LGED,Upazila-Mohanpur,District-Rajshahi.


                You are  thus requested to take following actions:



Accept in writing the Notification of Award within 7(Seven) working days of its issuance pursuant to ITT sub-clause 63.1


Furnish a performance security in the form as specified  and in the amount of Tk.5,95,000/00(Five Lac Ninety five thousand ) only,within 14(Fourteen) days of acceptance  of this Notification of Award but not later than   19/09/12 in accordance with ITT clause 65.


Sign the Contract within  Twenty Eight (28) days of issuance of  this Notification of Award  but not later than  03/10/12 in accordance with ITT clause 69.2 Contract will be signed  in a Non-Judicial Stamp value of Tk.300/00


                You may proceed with the execution of the works  only upon completion of the above tasks.You may also please note that this Notification of Award shall Constitute the formation of this contract  which shall become binding upon you.


                We attach the draft contract and all other documents for your perusal and signature.


Upazila Engineer




Memo.No: LGED/U:E: /Mohon/Raj/506/1(20)                                                                                                                  Date: 05/09/2012

Copy forwarded for kind information and necessary action to:-

1         The Additional Chief Engineer(Maintenance),LGED,LGED Bhaban (3rd floor),Agargaon,Sher-E-Banglanagor,Dhaka-1207.

2         The Additional Chief Engineer,LGED,Rajshahi Division Rajshahi.

3         The Superentending Engineer,LGED,Rajshahi Region,Rajshahi.

4         The Executive Engineer,LGED,Rajshahi.

5         The Executive Engineer(Primary Education & Training),LGED,Rajshahi.

6         The District Primary Education Officer,Rajshahi

7         The Upazila Nirbahi Officer, Mohanpur,Rajshahi.

8         The Upazila Education  Officer, Mohanpur,Rajshahi.

9         The Upazila Accounts Officer, Mohanpur,Rajshahi.

10      The Upazila………………Officer, Mohanpur,Rajshahi.

11      The Chairman,…………………,U.P., Mohanpur,Rajshahi.

12      Md.Munsur Rahman/Md.Abdul Mannan,SAE,LGED, Mohanpur,Rajshahi.

13      S.H.M.Saiful Islam/ Md. Ferdos Alam,Work Asstt.,LGED, Mohanpur,Rajshahi.

14      The Head Master,Malandi/Ghashigram Regd.Non-Govt.Primary School,Mohanpur,Rajshahi.


                Upazila Engineer



LGED Tender Banner

Government of  the People’s  Republic of Bangladesh

Local Government Engineering Department

Office of the Upazila Engineer

Upazila: Mohanpur,Dist.:Rajshahi.


Memo.No: LGED/U:E: /Mohon/Raj/507                                                                                                                  Date : 05.09.2012


Notification of Award(Form PW3-7)


Contract No.Package No.PEDP-III/Raj/Moh/2011-12/W2-1143,      Date : 01.04.2012




M/S. A.Taher Construction


Harogram purbopara,

                                                                    Latest Date of Commencement : 19/09/2012


                                                                     Intendent date of Completion   : 18/09/2013





                This is to notify you that your Tender dated  02.08.2012 for the execution of the works for Horizontal Extension(including Furniture Supply) of Sindury RNGPS under Third  primary Education Development Programme(PEDP-III),Upazila-Mohanpur, Dist.Rajshahi for the Contract  price of Taka.=59,50,717/43 (Taka Fifty Nine Lac Fifty  Thousand Seven hundred Seventeen and paisa forty three)Only  as corrected and modified in accordance with the Instruction to Tenderers  has been approved by Upazila Engineer,LGED,Upazila-Mohanpur,District-Rajshahi.


                You are thus requested to take following actions:



Accept in writing the Notification of Award within 7(Seven) working days of its issuance pursuant to ITT sub-clause 63.1


Furnish a performance security in the form as specified  and in the amount of Tk.2,98,000/00(Two Lac Ninety Eight thousand ) only,within 14(Fourteen) days of acceptance  of this Notification of Award but not later than   19/09/12 in accordance with ITT clause 65.


Sign the Contract within  Twenty Eight (28) days of issuance of  this Notification of Award  but not later than 03/10/12 in accordance with ITT clause 69.2. Contract will be signed  in a  Non-Judicial  Stamp value of  Tk.300/00


                You may proceed with the execution of the works  only upon completion of the above tasks.You may also please note that this Notification of Award shall Constitute the formation of this contract  which shall become binding upon you.


                We attach the draft contract and all other documents for your perusal and signature.


Upazila Engineer




Memo.No: LGED/U:E: /Mohon/Raj/507/1(20)                                                                                                              Date: 05/09/2012

Copy forwarded for kind information and necessary action to:-

1         The Additional Chief Engineer(Maintenance),LGED,LGED Bhaban (3rd floor),Agargaon,Sher-E-Banglanagor,Dhaka-1207.

2         The Additional Chief Engineer,LGED,Rajshahi Division Rajshahi.

3         The Supeerentending Engineer,LGED,Rajshahi Region,Rajshahi.

4         The Executive Engineer,LGED,Rajshahi.

5         The Executive Engineer(Primary Education & Training),LGED,Rajshahi.

6         The District Primary Education Officer,Rajshahi

7         The Upazila Nirbahi Officer, Mohanpur,Rajshahi.

8         The Upazila Education  Officer, Mohanpur,Rajshahi.

9         The Upazila Accounts Officer, Mohanpur,Rajshahi.

10      The Upazila………………Officer, Mohanpur,Rajshahi.

11      The Chairman,…………………,U.P., Mohanpur,Rajshahi.

12      Md.Munsur Rahman/Md.Abdul  Mannan,SAE,LGED, Mohanpur,Rajshahi.

13      Md.Aminul Islan/Md.Yousuf Ali,Work Asstt.,LGED, Mohanpur,Rajshahi.

14      The Head Master, Sindury,Regd.Non-Govt.Primary School,Mohanpur,Rajshahi.


               Upazila Engineer

