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Notification of Award (Form PW3-7)

   Memo No.: LGED/UE/GOLAP/2013/757                                                                             Date: 24/02/2013

Contract No: PEDP-III/SLT/GOL/2012-13/C11

                                    Date: 24/02/2013



M/S Johir Trading & Contracting

Gogha, Golapganj, Sylhet



This is to notify you that your Tender dated 15-11-2012 for the execution of the Works for “Construction of additional rooms for Nurjahanpur-2 & Bagla-1 GPS including Furniture Supply(PEDP-III/SLT/GOL/2011-12/W2.0186) for the Contract Price of Tk.: 1,08,59,129.61 (One Crore Eight Lakh Fifty Nine Thousand One Hundred Twenty Nine Taka & Sixty One Paisa Only), as correlated and modified in accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers, has been approved by the Additional Chief Engineer (Maintenance), LGED, Agargaon, Dhaka, Memo No. LGED/PEDP-3/D-5/2012(Part-206)/1085 & Date: 10/02/2013.


You are thus requested to take following actions:

         i.            Accept in writing the Notification of Award within seven (7) working days of its issuance pursuant to ITT Sub Clause 63.1

        ii.            Furnish a Performance Security in the form as specified and in the amount of Tk.: 5,50,000.00 (Five Lakh Fifty Thousand Taka only), within fourteen (14) days of acceptance of this Notification of Award but not later than 08/03/2013 in accordance with ITT Clause 65.

      iii.            Sign the Contract within twenty eight (28) days of issuance of this Notification of Award but not later than 22/03/2013 in accordance with ITT Sub Clause 69.2.

You may proceed with the execution of the Works only upon completion of the above tasks. You may also please note that this Notification of Award shall constitute the formation of this Contract which shall become binding upon you.


We attach the Draft Contract and all other documents for your perusal and signature.










Upazila Engineer

              Golapganj, Sylhet



Memo No.: LGED/UE/GOLAP/2013/757/1(14)                                                                      Dated: 24/02/2013

 Copy forwarded for kind information & necessary action.


1. The Chief Engineer, LGED, LGED Bhaban, Agargaon, Dhaka-1207

2. The Director General, Primary Education Department, Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

3. The Additional Chief Engineer (Maintenance), LGED, Agargaon, Dhaka-1207

4.  The Superintendent Engineer, LGED, Sylhet Region, Sylhet.

5. The Executive Engineer, LGED, Sylhet.

6. The Executive Engineer (Primary Education & Training), LGED, Sylhet Region, Sylhet.

7. The Chairman, Upazila Parishad, Golapganj, Sylhet.

8. The District Primary Education Officer, District - Sylhet.

9. The Upazila Nirbahi Officer, Golapganj, Sylhet.

10. The Upazila Education Officer, Golapganj, Sylhet.

11. The Upazila Accounts Officer, Golapganj, Sylhet.

12. Head Teacher & Chairman SMC, Nurjahanpur-2 & Bagla-1 GPS.

13. Notification of Award will be available on www.lged.gov.bd

14. Notice Board.




                                                                                                                                                                  Upazila Engineer

                                    Golapganj, Sylhet

LGED Tender Banner





Notification of Award (Form PW3-7)

   Memo No.: LGED/UE/GOLAP/2013/758                                                                            Date: 24/02/2013

Contract No: PEDP-III/SLT/GOL/2012-13/C12

                                    Date: 24/02/2013



M/S. Alam Construction

Bosundara, Hazipara




This is to notify you that your Tender dated 15-11-2012 for the execution of the Works for “Construction of additional rooms for Nurjahanpur-1 & Kurirbazar GPS including Furniture Supply(PEDP-III/SLT/GOL/2011-12/W2.1270) for the Contract Price of Tk.: 1,35,87,321.71 (One Crore Thirty Five Lakh Eighty Seven Thousand Three Hundred Twenty One Taka & Seventy One Paisa Only), as correlated and modified in accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers, has been approved by the Additional Chief Engineer (Maintenance), LGED, Agargaon, Dhaka, Memo No. LGED/PEDP-3/D-5/2012(Part-206)/1085 & Date: 10/02/2013.


You are thus requested to take following actions:

      iv.            Accept in writing the Notification of Award within seven (7) working days of its issuance pursuant to ITT Sub Clause 63.1

       v.            Furnish a Performance Security in the form as specified and in the amount of Tk.: 6,85,000.00 (Six Lakh Eighty Five Thousand Taka only), within fourteen (14) days of acceptance of this Notification of Award but not later than 08/03/2013 in accordance with ITT Clause 65.

      vi.            Sign the Contract within twenty eight (28) days of issuance of this Notification of Award but not later than 22/03/2013 in accordance with ITT Sub Clause 69.2.

You may proceed with the execution of the Works only upon completion of the above tasks. You may also please note that this Notification of Award shall constitute the formation of this Contract which shall become binding upon you.


We attach the Draft Contract and all other documents for your perusal and signature.










Upazila Engineer

              Golapganj, Sylhet



Memo No.: LGED/UE/GOLAP/2013/758/1(14)                                                                      Dated: 24/02/2013

 Copy forwarded for kind information & necessary action.


1. The Chief Engineer, LGED, LGED Bhaban, Agargaon, Dhaka-1207

2. The Director General, Primary Education Department, Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

3. The Additional Chief Engineer (Maintenance), LGED, Agargaon, Dhaka-1207

4.  The Superintendent Engineer, LGED, Sylhet Region, Sylhet.

5. The Executive Engineer, LGED, Sylhet.

6. The Executive Engineer (Primary Education & Training), LGED, Sylhet Region, Sylhet.

7. The Chairman, Upazila Parishad, Golapganj, Sylhet.

8. The District Primary Education Officer, District - Sylhet.

9. The Upazila Nirbahi Officer, Golapganj, Sylhet.

10. The Upazila Education Officer, Golapganj, Sylhet.

11. The Upazila Accounts Officer, Golapganj, Sylhet.

12. Head Teacher & Chairman SMC, Nurjahanpur-1 & Kurirbazar GPS.

13. Notification of Award will be available on www.lged.gov.bd

14. Notice Board.




                                                                                                                                                                  Upazila Engineer

                                    Golapganj, Sylhet