LGED Tender Banner

                                         Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

Local Government Engineering Department

Office of the Upazila Engineer

Zakigonj, Sylhet.

Memo No: LGED/UE/ZAK/2013/327                                                                                        Date: 09/05/2013



M/S M.E & S.E (JV)                                         

Kaligonj, Zakigonj, Sylhet.


Subject:- Notice to Proceed for Construction of Additional room for Hail Islampur & Uttar Ziapur  GPS in/c

                  Furniture Supply


          This is to inform him that his Tender Dated 28/03/2013 for the following works has been accepted by the authority for execution as per specification of the tender schedule and as per terms & condition of the contract only.


01. Name of Project                             : Third Primary Education Development Program (PEDP-III)

02. Name of work                               : for Construction of Additional room for Hail Islampur & Utta Ziapur 

                                                                          GPS in/c Furniture Supply


03. Package/Group No                         : PEDP-III/SLT/ZAK/ 2011-12/W2.1272

04. Tender Notice No                          : 08/2012-13

05. Estimated Cost                               : 1,03,72,000.00

06. Contract value                               : 1,08,33,697.01

07. Latest date of Commencement       : 17/06/2013

08. Date of Completion                                   : 16/06/2014

You are therefore requested

To Submit formal agreement and item wise work plan within 7(Seven) days.

To start collection/mobilization of required materials/labour etc within 7(Seven) days.

To start physical execution of the work under direct supervision of the Sub-Asstt. Engineer within 10(Ten) days from the date of receiving of this work order.

To ensure proportionate progress for completion of the total work within the specified time. Failing which, as per terms & conditions of the tender notice/contract, this work order will be treated as cancelled along with forfeiture of deposited performance security without further communication or notice.




                 Md. Badsha Alamgir

     Upazila Engineer

      Zakigonj, Sylhet.


Memo No: LGED/UE/ZAK/2013/327/1(13)                                                                 Date: 09/05/2013

Copy forwarded for kind information, publication & necessary action to:

1. The Director General, Directorate of Primary Education, Mirpur-2, Dhaka-1216. 

2. The Additional Chief Engineer (Maintenance), LGED bhaban, Agergoan, Dhaka-1207.

3. The Chairman, Upazila Parishad, Zakigonj, Sylhet.

4. The Executive Engineer, LGED, Sylhet.

5. The Executive Engineer (Primary Education & Training), LGED, Sylhet.

6. The Upazila Nirbahi Officer, Zakigonj, Sylhet.

7. The District Primary Education Officer, Sylhet.

8. The Upazila Education Officer, Zakigonj, Sylhet.

9. The Upazila Accounts Officer, Zakigonj, Sylhet.

10. Md. Saifur Rahman, Sub-Assistant Engineer, Zakigonj, Sylhet.

11. -------------------------------,Work Assistant, Zakigonj, Sylhet.

12. The Head Master, Hail Islampur & Uttar Ziapur GPS, Zakigonj, Sylhet.

13. Office file.


               Md. Badsha Alamgir

   Upazila Engineer

                                                                                                                                                   Zakigonj, Sylhet

LGED Tender Banner

Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

Local Government Engineering Department

Office of the Upazila Engineer

Zakigonj, Sylhet.

Memo No: LGED/UE/ZAK/2013/405                                                                                        Date: 11/06/2013



M/S Puspa Construction

Raynagar, Sylhet.


Subject:- Notice to Proceed for Construction of Additional room for Nilamborpur & Alongjuri GPS in/c

                  Furniture Supply


          This is to inform him that his Tender Dated 28/03/2013 for the following works has been accepted by the authority for execution as per specification of the tender schedule and as per terms & condition of the contract only.


01. Name of Project                             : Third Primary Education Development Program (PEDP-III)

02. Name of work                               : for Construction of Additional room for Nilamborpur & Alongjuri                                    

                                                                          GPS in/c Furniture Supply


03. Package/Group No                         : PEDP-III/SLT/ZAK/ 2011-12/W2.1271

04. Tender Notice No                          : 08/2012-13

05. Estimated Cost                               : 1,03,72,000.00

06. Contract value                               : 1,22,18,031.73

07. Latest date of Commencement       : 26/06/2013

08. Date of Completion                                   : 25/06/2014

You are therefore requested

To Submit formal agreement and item wise work plan within 7(Seven) days.

To start collection/mobilization of required materials/labour etc within 7(Seven) days.

To start physical execution of the work under direct supervision of the Sub-Asstt. Engineer within 10(Ten) days from the date of receiving of this work order.

To ensure proportionate progress for completion of the total work within the specified time. Failing which, as per terms & conditions of the tender notice/contract, this work order will be treated as cancelled along with forfeiture of deposited performance security without further communication or notice.




                 Md. Badsha Alamgir

     Upazila Engineer

      Zakigonj, Sylhet.


Memo No: LGED/UE/ZAK/2013/405/1(13)                                                                 Date: 11/06/2013

Copy forwarded for kind information, publication & necessary action to:

1. The Director General, Directorate of Primary Education, Mirpur-2, Dhaka-1216. 

2. The Additional Chief Engineer (Maintenance), LGED bhaban, Agergoan, Dhaka-1207.

3. The Chairman, Upazila Parishad, Zakigonj, Sylhet.

4. The Executive Engineer, LGED, Sylhet.

5. The Executive Engineer (Primary Education & Training), LGED, Sylhet.

6. The Upazila Nirbahi Officer, Zakigonj, Sylhet.

7. The District Primary Education Officer, Sylhet.

8. The Upazila Education Officer, Zakigonj, Sylhet.

9. The Upazila Accounts Officer, Zakigonj, Sylhet.

10. Md. Abu Hasan Shahreor, Sub-Assistant Engineer, Zakigonj, Sylhet.

11. -------------------------------,Work Assistant, Zakigonj, Sylhet.

12. The Head Master, Nilamborpur & Alongjuri GPS, Zakigonj, Sylhet.

13. Office file.


               Md. Badsha Alamgir

   Upazila Engineer

                                                                                                                                                   Zakigonj, Sylhet