Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Local Government Engineering Department
Office of the Upazila Engineer
Upazila:Beanibazar, District: Sylhet
To: M/S. Salam Enterprise Haidrabond,Zakiganj,
This is to notify you that your Tender dated 27.11.2013 for the
execution of the Works Constn. of Additional
Class Room (I) Noirchok (Horizontal), (ii) Khosirbond Hazari Shah
(vertical)(iii) Shafa
(Horizontal) Govt. Primary School including Furniture Supply.(Package
No.PEDP-III/SLT/BEN/2013-2014/W3.3194 for the Contract Price of Tk. 1,23,78,541.17One Core Twenty three Lac
Seventy Eight Thousand Five hunded forty One & Pasisa Seventeen) only as corrected and modified in accordance with
the Instructions to Tenderers, has been approved by Upazila Engineer, LGED, Upazila: Beanibazar,
District: Sylhet.
You are thus requested to take following
in writing the Notification of Award within seven (7) working days of its
issuance pursuant to
furnish a Performance
Security in the form as specified and in
the amount of Tk.6,18,950/00 (Six Lac Eighteen thousand Nine hundred Thirty)
Only within fourteen (14) days of acceptance of this Notification of
Award but not later than 31/12/2013 in
accordance with
sign the Contract within twenty eight
(28) days of issuance of this Notification of Award but not later than
may proceed with the execution of the Works only upon completion of the
above tasks. You may also please note that this Notification of Award shall
constitute the formation of this Contract
which shall become binding upon
We attach the draft Contract and all other
documents for your perusal and signature.
(Ramendra Hoom Chawdhury) Upazila Engineer Beanibazar, Sylhet. |
Copy forwarded
for kind information and necessary action to:-
1.The Chief
Engineer, LGED, LGED Bhaban, Agargaon,
2.The Additional
Chief Engineer, LGED, LGED Bhaban, Agargaon, Dhaka-1207
Director General, Directorate of Primary Education & Program Director,
4.Superintendent Engineer, LGED, Sylhet
Zone, Sylhet.
5.The Executive
Engineer, LGED, District:Sylhet.
6.The Executive
Engineer, Superintendent Engineer’s Office, LGED, Sylhet Zone, Sylhet.
7.The District
Primary Education Officers, District: Sylhet.
8.The Upazila Nirbahi Officer, Upazila Beanibazar,
9. The Upazila Education Officer, Upazila
: Beanibazar, District:Sylhet
10. The Upazila Accounts Officer,Beanibazar,Sylhet.
11.The Head Master, Noirchok / Khosirbond Hazarishah/ Shafa GPS, Beanibazar,Sylhet.
12. Janab
, SAE, LGED, Beanibazar,Sylhet