LGED Tender Banner

Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

Local Government Engineering Department

Office of the Executive Engineer

District: Sylhet


Meme No: XEN/SYL/RTIP-2/8-3/2015/1789                                                            Date: 12/05/2015


Notification of Award (Form PW3-8)



            M/S. Shahan Enterprise

            Vill: Thakurermati, PO: Chiknagul,

            Upazila: Jaintapur, District: Sylhet



This is to notify you that your Tender dated 24/03/2015 for the execution of the Works for Performance Based Maintenance Contract of (a) Sylhet-Gachbari-Kanaighat (Sadar Portion) Road (Ch. 0+000-6+848 Km), Upazila: Sadar & (b) Sylhet-Gachbari-Kanaighat (Golapganj Portion) Road (Ch.0+000-11+760 Km), Upazila: Golapganj, District: Sylhet (Contract Package No. SYL/PBMC-9.1) for the Contract Price of Tk.3,54,98,620.32 (Taka: Three Crore Fifty Four Lac Ninety Eight Thousand Six Hundred Twenty Point Three Two only) as corrected and modified in accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers, has been approved by Competent Authority.


You are requested to:

i.     accept in writing the Notification of Award within seven (7) working days of its issuance pursuant to ITT Sub Clause 63.1

ii     (a) furnish a Performance Security in the form as specified and in the amount of Tk. 17,74,931.016 (Taka: Seventeen Lac Seventy Four Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty One Point Zero One Six only) valid up to 06/07/2020 within fourteen (14) days of acceptance of this Notification of Award but not later than 02/06/2015, in accordance with ITT Clause 65.

       (b). furnish a Performance Security in the form as specified and in the amount of Tk. 6,38,091.471 (Taka: Six Lac Thirty Eight Thousand Ninety One Point Four Seven One only) valid up to 06/01/2016 within fourteen (14) days of acceptance of this Notification of Award but not later than 02/06/2015 in accordance with ITT Clause 65.

iii   sign the Contract within twenty-eight (28) days of issuance of this Notification of Award but not later than 08/06/2015, in accordance with ITT Sub Clause 69.2.


We attach the draft Contract and all other documents for your perusal and signature.




(Swapan Kanti Paul)

Executive Engineer

LGED, Sylhet

Phone: 0821-716116

E-mail: xen.sylhet@lged.gov.bd

Copy to:

1.         Superintending Engineer, LGED, Sylhet Region, District: Sylhet.

2.         Project Director, RTIP-II, LGED (Level-11), Agargoan, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207.

3.         The Upazila Engineer, LGED, Upazila: Sylhet Sadar/Golapgonj, District: Sylhet.