
Multipurpose Disaster Shelter Project (MDSP) (MDSP)


1.Reduce the vulnerability of the coastal population across selected coastal districts of Bangladesh to natural disasters.
2.Provide safe shelter to human being and their resources including domestic animals during natural calamities like cyclone and tidal surge.
3.Create facilities for primary education and there by facilitate education for all.
4.Create direct short term employment opportunities through project construction works and a few regular employments through other use of the shelters.
5.Create facilities to community purpose such as various social and Govt. program like EPI, NGO training etc.
At a Glance
Short Title: MDSP
Ministry: LGRD
Executing Agency: LGED
Approval Ref: (part-01) 1488 Date: 12/03/2015
Project Code: 5-3731-5131
Sector: Rural
Status: Ongoing Investment Project
Funded By: GOB, WB.
Budget: 308876 Lakh
Start Date: Jan-2015
Completion Date: Jun-2025
Name of PD: Javed Karim