Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project-Rural Roads Component (CHTRDP-II)
LGED, LGED Bhaban, Level-8, Agargoan, Dhaka-1207
Project Implementation Strategy
The present Government has placed poverty reduction at the forefront of its development strategy. The poverty reduction strategy frame work of ‘Steps Towards Change : National Strategy for Accelerated Poverty Reduction II (Revised), FY. 2009-11 is based on the reality of multi dimensionality of poverty and takes into account the dynamics of the socio-economic factors that reinforce and perpetuate poverty in the country. The strategy frame work consists of five strategy blocks. The strategic bocks are: (i) Macroeconomic environment for pro-poor growth; (ii) critical areas for pro-poor growth; (iii) essential infrastructure for pro-poor growth; (iv) social protection for the vulnerable and (v) human development. Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) plays a vital role for the development of rural road communication network. As per the Policy matrix-10 of NSAPR II (Revised), the major responsibilities of LGED is: (i) developing rural road communication through ensuring transportation of agricultural products and also ensuring participation, involvement of community, Local Government Institution, NGO’s and beneficiaries group; (ii) prioritizing pro-growth infrastructure (submersible road. ghats, growth center, rural hat, women markets section and union parishad complex, cyclone shelter); (iii) ensuring women’s participation and emphasizing their needs.
The Government’s Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper(PRSP) identifies rural physical infrastructure development as a strategic priority for poverty reduction, particularly for the secondary road network,upazila roads and union roads under LGED’s management, and the tertiary road network, the village roads under local government institutions’ management with technical support from LGED.
Short Title:
Other Ministry
Executing Agency:
Approval Ref:
Project Code:
Ongoing Investment Project
Funded By:
22450 Lac
Start Date:
Completion Date:
Name of PD:
Shah Nurul Quadir