
Haor Infrastructure and livelihood Improvement Project (HILIP) including Climate Adaptation and Livelihood Protection(CALIP) (HILIP)

Project Office LGED
Haor Infrastructure and livelihood Improvement Project (HILIP) including Climate Adaptation and Livelihood Protection(CALIP)
Level-3, RDEC Bhaban, Agargaon, Sher-E-Bangla Nagar,

Project Documents

Sl. Title Download
1 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) HILIP
2 Final Report on Examining the Ecological Dynamics of Reforestation at Landscape Level for Strengthening Resilience.
3 IFAD Mission June 2020 presentation HILIP-CALIP
4 CALIP Training Progress Report up Dec,2019
5 Fish Catch and Bio-diversity Monitoring Report (WorldFish)
6 Developing Flash Flood Early Warning System, Capacity Building and Knowledge Management for the Haor Region of Bangladesh (IWFM report)
7 Flash Flood forecast Evaluation report (BUET part)
8 Final report on Flash Flood Early Warning System for North Eastern Part of Bangladesh (BWDB part)
9 Draft Final Report on Monitoring the Performance of Village Protection, Model Village, Upazila/Union Road, Slope Protection
10 Action Research on Climate Change Forecasting & Participatory Scenario Development and Assessment of the Agriculture & Fisheries Sectors, Exposure to Climate Risk
11 Mid- term Review of Haor Infrastructure and Livelihood Improvement Project (HILIP)
12 Baseline Study of Climate Adaptation and Livelihood Protection (CALIP)
13 Result and Impact Management System (RIMS) and Baseline Survey HILIP
14 Action Research Report on Analysis of the Environmental Impacts of Large Scale Expansion of Pond Fisheries and Climate Change Effects
15 ProjectImplementationManual(PIM)
16 PencultureTrainingModule
17 OperationalmanualforLCS
18 MonosexTilapiaTrainingModule
19 GuidelinesforBUG(Beel User Group)
20 FingerlingNursingTrainingModule
21 CageCultureTrainingManual
At a Glance
Short Title: HILIP
Ministry: LGRD
Executing Agency: LGED
Approval Ref: 016.2009-(part-1)-1127
Project Code: 224045900
Sector: Water
Status: Completed Investment Project
Funded By: IFAD.
Budget: BDT101695.68 Lac (US$134.84million)
Start Date: Jan-2012
Completion Date: Jun-2023