
Rural Infrastructure Development Project ( Comilla,B.Baria & Chadpur District) (RIDP-CBC) (2nd Revised)( GCP-2)


a. Overall improvement of the communication network to facilitate production and marketing of agricultural and non- agricultural products and socio-economic development of the project area.

b. To remove physical bottlenecks and reduce costs of rural transportation and marketing.

c. Contribute towards poverty reduction and improve quality of life by expanding commercial activities through development of Growth Centers/ Rural markets.

d. Create both short term and long term employment opportunities.

e. To improve the environmental condition through tree plantation by the side of Roads.
At a Glance
Short Title: RIDP-CBC
Ministry: LGRD
Executing Agency: LGED
Approval Ref: 09/09/2014
Project Code: 5122/007467
Sector: Rural
Status: Ongoing Investment Project
Funded By: GOB.
Budget: Tk. 76942.00 Lakh (Revised)
Start Date: Jul-2014
Completion Date: Jun-2021
Name of PD: Md. Abdus Salam Molla