
Improvement of Ghagot Lake of Gaibandha Pourashava

Serial District Name District Code/ID Upazila Name Upazila Code/ID Project ID Package No Scheme Name Road ID Length of Scheme(Km) - Road Length of Scheme(m) - Bridge/Culverts Building Quantity Estimated Amount(LAC) Contractor Name Contract Amount(LAC) Date of Contract (DD/MM/YYYY) Date of commencement (DD/MM/YYYY) Date of Completion (DD/MM/YYYY) Physical Progress(%) Financial Progress (Amount) (LAC) Financial Progress(%) Date of Progress Update (DD/MM/YYYY) Remarks
1 Gaibandha 60 gaibandha-s 442 903 Ghagot/Bridge-02/17-18 Construction of 45.00m R.C.C Long Girder Bridge over Ghagot River at Shashanghat Ghagot Lake Ch. 1800m 390.88 Niaz traders-nnbl-JV 351.79 18/01/2018 19/01/2019 35 10/03/2019  
2 Gaibandha 60 gaibandha-s 442 903 Ghagot/Bridge-01/17-18 Construction of 54.00m R.C.C Long Girder Bridge over Ghagot River at Devid Company Para Ghagot Lake Ch. 1000m 390.69 Niaz traders-nnbl-JV 351.62 18/01/2018 19/01/2019 40 10/03/2019
3 Gaibandha 60 gaibandha-s 442 903 Ghagot/Ghat-01/17-18 Construction of 4.00 Nos Ghat on Ghagot Lake. 138.80 Md. Saidur rahman 124.92 10/02/2018 24/04/2018 100 10/03/2019  
4 Gaibandha 60 gaibandha-s 442 903 Ghagot/Sadar-01/17-18 Re-Excabation of Ghagot Lake 64.57 Md. Abdul Halim Mondal 58.11 18/04/2017 24/04/2018 80 10/03/2019  
5 Gaibandha 60 gaibandha-s 442 903 Ghagot/Protection Work-02/17-18 Construction of Slop Protection Work on Ghagot Lake under Gaibandha Pourashava. 734.96 Md. Mathubour Rahman 734.94 25/04/2018 14/05/2019 22 10/03/2019