
Khulna Division Rural Infrastructure Development Project (KDRIDP)

Project Annual Work Plan

Target of 2018-19
  1. Improvement of  Upazila Road (UZR) by BC-48 km,3800.00Lakh
  2. Improvement of Union Road by BC-80 km,5014.75 Lakh
  3. Improvement of Village Road by BC-100 km,6000.00 Lakh
  4. Improvement of Village Road by HBB-10.00km,400.00 Lakh
  5. Constructionof Bridge UZR -30.00m,180.00 lakh
  6. Constructionof Bridge UNR&VR -35.00m,200.00 lakh
  7. Functional Building of Khulna Division Office-1 nos,100.00 lakh
  8. Rehabilitation (Maintenance of backlog scheme)-130.00km,3200.00lakh
  9. Tree Plantation-0.00 km,
  10. Construction of GC/market-5 nos,100.00 Lakh
  11. Construction of River Ghat-3 nos,68.00 Lakh