Major activities of LGED Road & Bridge Maintenance in brief -
- Policy formulation for rural road and bridge maintenance;
- Preparation of maintenance planning, implementation, supervision and monitoring guidelines and frame work for rural road and bridge;
- Formulation of annual maintenance program;
- Highly pro-active on on-pavement mobile maintenance and emergency maintenance;
- Initiatives to accomplish different types of survey and update road database;
- Initiatives to update different customized software such as RSDMS Software, RSEPS Software and EVCS Software;
- Data collection and organization;
- Assessment of Annual Maintenance need and resources required;
- Preparation of priority scheme list;
- Judicious allocation of district wise resources;
- Approval of annual maintenance scheme;
- Supervision, quality control, monitoring and reporting;
- Arranging In-house and On Job training, workshop and seminar for field level officials regarding maintenance management;
- Study of existing rural road safety related laws and their compilation to help the enforcement authority regarding road safety issues;
- Preparation of guidelines, standards and designs related to road safety;
- Training and capacity building of LGED staff regarding road safety;
- Coordination for inclusion of road safety component in all important road projects of LGED;
- Install road signs and markings on route;
- Preparation of road safety education materials for users;
- Addressing vulnerable road users by providing education, awareness and research in collaboration with ARI-BUET;
- Identifying the causes of accidents on rural roads;
- Black spot countermeasure design;
- Countermeasures considering the causes of road accidents;
- Updating Schedule of Rates;