

LGED KHULNA , District Scheme Details

Project Name

District Scheme Details

SL No. Package No. Package Name Project Name Upazila Name Road ID Length of Road (Km) Length of Bridge (M) Building Qauntity (No) Estimated Amount (Lac) Name of Contractor Contract Amount (Lac) Date of Contract Date of Commencement Date of Completion Physical Progress (%) Financial Progress (Amt) Financial Progress (%) Date of Progress Update Remarks
1 CIB-Khu-W-80 Construction of 461m Long PSC Girder Bridge on Baliakhali bazar (Tipna R&H)-Kadamtola bazar-Madartala Bazar via Sovna UP Office Road at ch.7950m Over the Gangrail River,Under Upazila: Dumuria, Dist: Khulna.[Road ID: 247303300]CIB-Khu-W-80 CIBRR dumuria 247303300 461.00 24 6052.38 RANA BUILDERS (PVT) LTD.-CONFIDENCE INFRASTRUCTURE LTD (JV) 6755.07 08/06/2022 15/06/2022 14/06/2025 33 1645.19 24 05/01/2025 Work is on going
2 CIB-Khu-W-79 "Construction of 750 m bridge over Bhadra river Baniakhali GC-Sharifpur-Kheya GC road at Ch. 2750m under Dumuria upazila of Khulna district (Road ID: 247302004) CIB-Khu-W-79" CIBRR dumuria 247302004 750.00 0 10880.14 M.M. Builders & Engineers Ltd. 11952.77 04/03/2024 02/11/2026 3 0.00 0 05/01/2025 NOA Issued
3 CIB-Khu-W-120 "Construction of 748.90m Long Bridge including 75.00m Steel Truss at Center over Kurulia River on Paikgacha GC Loshkar bazar-Baintola Bazar-Bogularchak Bazar-Sarikhalli Bazar-Bhandarpoll Bazar-Gilabari GC Road at Ch.2300m under paikgacha upazila, District-Khulna.[Road ID: 247642012] CIB-Khu-W-120" CIBRR paikgacha 247642012 748.90 25 11483.58 NationaL DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING LTD, House No.22, Road NO. 04, Block-C, Banani,Dhaka-1213. 12000.00 14/09/2023 21/09/2023 20/09/2026 28 3004.81 25 05/01/2025 Work is on going
4 CRMIDP/KHL/W-156 Hatbari Hat GC CRMIDP batiaghata 31 380.00 M/S Faisal Traders 333.70 13/12/2020 21/11/2021 35 102.21 31 26/07/2022
5 CRMIDP/KHL/W-158 Kejuria Talukder Bazar CRMIDP dacope 93 261.00 MFT & MDB JV 260.93 26/06/2022 03/07/2022 98 243.21 93 26/07/2022
6 CRMIDP/KHL/W-159 Kola Bazar CRMIDP dighalia 60 254.00 Shahid Enterprise pvt 220.21 26/06/2022 05/07/2022 85 131.60 60 26/07/2022
7 CRMIDP/KHL/W-162 Kasim nagar Hat CRMIDP paikgacha 41 325.00 Md.Abdul Hakim, Kaligonj, Satkhira 292.47 28/10/2020 04/07/2022 45 118.73 41 26/07/2022
8 CRMIDP/KHL/W-165 Schachidaho Hat CRMIDP terokhada 85 339.00 "ATANDSSJV@gmail.com Sadar Hospital Ghat, Sadar, Khulna " 311.99 04/12/2019 15/01/2022 98 263.99 85 26/07/2022
9 GSIDP/KLN/DW-1 Improvement of Parchim Hadda Basonti Mondir. Wall under Moheshwaripur Union, Koyra Upazila, Dist. Khulna [Latitude :22.710457, Longitude :88.547391] GSIDP koira 6.00 M/S Sheikh Enterprise 5.70 21/06/2018 20/12/2018 50  
10 GSIDP/KLN/DW-2 Improvement of Surikhali Ramkrisno Saba Asrom under Amadi Union, Koyra Upazila, Dist. Khulna [Latitude: 22.498496, Longitude: 89.336903] GSIDP koira 6.00 MS. Metu Enterprise 5.18 21/06/2018 20/12/2018 60  
11 GSIDP/KLN/DW-3 Improvement of Puja Mondir at Damodor Gachtala under Damodar Union, Phultola Upazila, Dist. Khulna [Latitude: 22.95148, Longitude:89.48071] GSIDP phultala 7.10 Heron Builders 6.74 21/10/2018 20/03/2018 0  
12 GSIDP/KLN/DW-4 Improvement of Moha shoshan Rest Room. Under Damodar Union, Phultola Upazila, Dist. Khulna [Latitude: 22.96593, Longitude:89.48063] GSIDP phultala 5.00 M/S. Sheik Traders 4.75 0  
13 GSIDP/KLN/DW-5 Improvement of Puja Mondir at Gilatala Palpara under Atra-Gilatala Union, Phultola Upazila, Dist. Khulna [Latitude:22.88441, Longitude:89.51341] GSIDP phultala 5.00 Jahangir Alam 4.75 24/09/2018 02/02/2019 10  
14 GSIDP/KLN/DW-6 Improvement of Internal Road & Boundary Wall at Upazila Graveyard under Damodar Union, Fhultola Upazila, Dist. Khulna [Latitude: 22.9679, Longitude:89.47697] GSIDP phultala 12.24 M/S. Tania Enterprise 11.63 14/06/2018 13/12/2018 55  
15 GSIDP/KLN/DW-7 Improvement of Central Eidgah Jame Mosque at Paygram Koshbal under Fhultola Union, Fhultola Upazila, Dist. Khulna [Latitude: 22.00344, Longitude:89.45412] GSIDP phultala 7.38 Md. Shamim Hossain 7.01 21/06/2018 01/11/2018 0  
16 GSIDP/KLN/DW-8 Improvement of Baitul Mamur Jame Mosque at Siromoni Bazar under Atra-Gilatala Union, Fhultola Upazila, Dist. Khulna Latitude:22.91399, Longitude:89.50362] GSIDP phultala 6.22 M/S. Rafi Traders 5.91 20/09/2018 19/03/2019 0  
17 GSIDP/KLN/DW-9 Improvement of Jamira Poschim para jame mosque under Damodar Union, Fhultola Upazila, Dist. Khulna [Latitude: 23.93144, Longitude:89.38892] GSIDP phultala 7.96 Md. Shamim Hossain 7.56 21/06/2018 01/11/2018 0  
18 GSIDP/KLN/DW-10 Improvement of Jamira bazaar Central Puja Mondir under Jamira Union, Fhultola Upazila, Dist. Khulna [Latitude: 23.93261, Longitude:89.46765] GSIDP phultala 5.33 Md. Shamim Hossain 5.06 21/06/2018 01/11/2018 0  
19 GSIDP/KLN/DW-11 Improvement of Terokhada Model Jame Mosque under Terokhada Sadar Union, Terokhada Upazila, Dist. Khulna [Latitude: 22.94641, Longitude:89.67352] GSIDP terokhada 5.41 M/S. Vai Vai Enterprise 5.14 0  
20 GSIDP/KLN/DW-12 Improvement of Terokhada Southpara S.M Mostafa Rashidi (Suja) Jame- Mosque under TerokhadaSadar Union, Terokhada Upazila, Dist. Khulna [Latitude: 22.93723, Longitude:89.66874] GSIDP terokhada 10.00 M/S. Syed Ziaul Hoqe 9.50 22/10/2018 03/03/2019 0  
21 GSIDP/KLN/DW-13 Improvement of Terokhada Central Puja Mondir (Nath Mondir) under Terokhada Sadar Union, Terokhada Upazila, Dist. Khulna [Latitude: 22.93781, Longitude:89.66994] GSIDP terokhada 10.00 Abul Kalam Azad 10.47 21/06/2018 20/12/2018 100  
22 GSIDP/KLN/DW-14 Improvement of Kamarol Moha shan by Boundary Wall under Sachiyadah Union, Terokhada Upazila, Dist. Khulna [Latitude: 22.959470, Longitude:89.75083] GSIDP terokhada 5.00 Md. Obydul Islam 5.25 06/06/2018 04/11/2018 100  
23 GSIDP/KLN/DW-15 Improvement of Sheakpura Kabarstan by Boundary Wall under Ajogara Union, Terokhada Upazila, Dist. Khulna [Latitude: 22.86403, Longitude:89.65787] GSIDP terokhada 5.00 M/S. Rafi Traders 4.75 0  
24 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-130 Improvement of Hetalbunia - Hatbari Road (Ch.00-1257m) IRIDP-2 batiaghata 247124004 1.26 73.03 Md. Asgar Ali Khan 72.60 03/08/2017 30/06/2019 35 16/05/2019
25 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-143 Improvement of Khalshibunia – Sholemari Kheyaghat road (Ch: 00-938m)ID No.247125007 IRIDP-2 batiaghata 247125007 0.94 61.50 M/S. The Mother & Sons 58.07 10/09/2017 10/09/2018 75 16/05/2019
26 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-177 (a)Improvement of Khoria sluice gate - Badamtala Hat road (Ch: 2570-3500m)ID No.247124033(b) Construction of 02no 0.60m x 0.60m Culvert at Ch:3063m&3093 on the same road IRIDP-2 batiaghata 247124033 0.93 72.18 M/S. A Samad Traders 68.57 25/02/2019 03/12/2019 0 16/05/2019
27 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-178 Improvement of Hatbati Moth-Sholemari Kheyaghat road (Ch: 00-725m)ID No.247125058 IRIDP-2 batiaghata 247125058 0.73 39.71 M/S. Ruma Traders 41.01 26/04/2018 02/02/2019 10 16/05/2019
28 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-179 Improvement of Rajbundh - Koiya Hat road (Ch: 3030-4100m)ID No.247124045 IRIDP-2 batiaghata 247124045 1.07 63.85 M/S. Ashraf Traders 68.98 24/05/2018 10/04/2019 35 16/05/2019
29 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-180 (a)Improvement of Shimana - Badamtala Hat road (Ch:680-3300m)ID No.247124034(b) Construction of 03no 0.60m x 0.60m Culvert at Ch:705m,1283m&1500m on the same road IRIDP-2 batiaghata 247124034 2.62 185.05 M/S. A Samad Traders 175.79 25/02/2019 03/12/2019 5 16/05/2019
30 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-22 Improvement of Kismot Fultala –Biharilal Parimary School via Badamtala Hat Road (Ch: 2757m – 3850m) IRIDP-2 batiaghata 247124047 1.09 63.04 M/S. Rainbow Enterprise 62.52 08/03/2016 12/12/2017 100 14/05/2019
31 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-21 (a) Improvement of Hatbatihat – Koyahat via Bagulardanga Road (Ch: 1994m – 3994m) (b) Construction of 5 nos 0.600m x 0.600m Culvert at Ch: 2755m, 2910m, 2965m, 3017m & 3210m on the same road road IRIDP-2 batiaghata 247122005 2.00 145.39 M/S. Tutul & Co. 134.82 29/06/2016 15/03/2018 100 14/05/2019
32 IRIDP-2/KLN/MW-26 Maintenance of Taliamara Girls High school - Sadaler Hat Road (Ch:00m – 1050m) IRIDP-2 batiaghata 247124035 1.05 34.19 M/S. Rakib Enterprise 32.99 19/04/2016 19/12/2016 100 14/05/2019
33 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-86 (a) Improvement of Sachibunia (Khulna-Dacope Road)-Nijkhamar (Khulna-Satkhira Road) road ( Ch. 2850m - 3850 m) (b) Construction of 01 nos 0.625m x 0.60m Culvert at Ch:3760m on the same road IRIDP-2 batiaghata 247122009 1.00 70.46 M/S. Ruma Traders 60.26 18/08/2016 07/05/2018 100 14/05/2019
34 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-87 (a) Improvement of Choyghoria R&H - Rupsha Bridge via Tetultala hat road (ch.00m-800m) (b) Construction of 01 nos 0.625m x 0.60m Culvert at Ch:358m on the same road IRIDP-2 batiaghata 247124041 0.80 46.52 Yakub Corporation 39.99 23/08/2016 28/11/2017 100 14/05/2019
35 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-131 Improvement of Sukdara Bazar - Surkhali UP Office Road (Ch. 00-2580m) IRIDP-2 batiaghata 247123014 2.58 145.12 M/S. The Mother & Sons 144.92 31/07/2017 15/12/2018 100 14/05/2019
36 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-132 Improvement of Amtala - Gangrampur Road (Ch.00-1000m) IRIDP-2 batiaghata 247124006 1.00 54.45 M/S. Milon Traders 56.35 30/07/2017 30/11/2018 100 14/05/2019
37 IRIDP-2/KLN/MW-144 Maintenance of Andharia - Tengramari Road (Ch: 00m-1490m)ID No.247124029 IRIDP-2 batiaghata 247124029 1.49 39.69 S.M Sala Uddin 35.72 10/09/2017 05/01/2018 100 14/05/2019
38 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-145 Improvement of Batiaghata UP at Hetalbunia - Mailmara Hat road (Ch: 4020-5520m)ID No.247123003 IRIDP-2 batiaghata 247123003 1.50 92.98 M/S. Jhorna Enterprise 96.47 13/09/2017 30/11/2018 100 14/05/2019
39 IRIDP-2/KLN/MW-146 Maintenance of Taliamara Girls High school - Sadaler Hat Road (Ch: 1050m-1470m)ID No.247124035 IRIDP-2 batiaghata 247124035 0.42 14.72 M/S. Ruma Traders 13.25 27/09/2017 20/03/2018 100 14/05/2019
40 IRIDP-2/KLN/MW-163 Maintenance of Manob Shebaloy - Choyghoria Box Culvert road (Ch: 00-790m)ID No.247124014 IRIDP-2 batiaghata 247124014 0.79 27.44 M/S. Sufia Enterprise 24.70 19/11/2017 23/03/2018 100 14/05/2019
41 IRIDP-2/KLN/MW-175 (a)Maintenance of Bagmara Harintana-Rupsha Bipas road (Ch: 00-940m)ID No.247124036(b) Construction of 01no 0.60m x 0.90m Culvert at Ch:95m on the same road IRIDP-2 batiaghata 247124036 0.94 37.23 M/S. Ashraf Traders 40.25 24/05/2018 28/02/2019 100 14/05/2019
42 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-176 Development of Batiaghata Bazar IRIDP-2 batiaghata 77.36 M/S. Mizan Enterprise 80.64 26/04/2018 28/02/2019 100 14/05/2019
43 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-128 Improvement of Bujbunia Khyaghat-Jhalbari (Ch.00-845m) IRIDP-2 batiaghata 247124043 0.85 4.52 Md. Asgar Ali Khan 45.45 03/08/2017 15/05/2019 50 14/05/2019
44 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-129 Improvement of Khoria Sluice gate - Badamtala Hat Road (Ch.1170m-2570m) IRIDP-2 batiaghata 247124033 1.40 81.50 M/S. The Mother & Sons 78.00 31/07/2017 20/09/2018 65 14/05/2019
45 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-21 (a) Improvement of Hatbatihat – Koyahat via Bagulardanga Road (Ch: 1994m – 3994m) (b) Construction of 5 nos 0.600m x 0.600m Culvert at Ch: 2755m, 2910m, 2965m, 3017m & 3210m on the same road road IRIDP-2 batiaghata 247122005 2.00 14.53 M/S. Tutul & Co. 13.48 29/06/2016 100 20/03/2019
46 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-181 (a)Improvement of Khona R&H-Garikhali GC (Paikgacha) via Batbunia G.C road (Ch:388-1288m)ID No.247172001(b) Construction of 02no 0.60m x 0.60m Culvert at Ch:1068m&1217m on the same road IRIDP-2 dacope 247172001 0.90 95.79 95.14 20/11/2018 26/06/2019 20 16/05/2019
47 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-4 Improvement of Dacope (Chunkhuri Kheya ghat)-Nalian GC via Kalinagar GC Road (Ch: 10429m – 12891m) IRIDP-2 dacope 247172002 2.46 111.08 M/S. Masum Traders 83.73 31/01/2016 10/05/2017 100 14/05/2019
48 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-19 (a) Improvement of Kalinagar GC - Garaikhali GC (Paikgacha) Road (Ch: 00m – 1374m & 2439m-3075m) (b) Construction of 07 nos 0.625mx0.90m Culvert at Ch: 30m,1465m, 2009m, 2107m,2323m,2700m & 2836m on the same road. IRIDP-2 dacope 247172009 2.01 85.66 M/S. Nasir Enterprise 72.15 29/02/2016 24/06/2017 100 14/05/2019
49 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-20 (a) Improvement of Khatail CARE Pucca road–Khatail N/H/O Kali Mohalder road (CARE Bridge & Nurur Dokan–Kachabari (Laxmikhola Madrasha Bridge – Moukhali Sluice gate via Khatail Reg. Primary School & Moukhali GPS Road)(Ch: 1300m - 1500m) (b) Construction of 2nos 0.625mx0.90m Culvert at Ch: 1448m & 1662m on the same road. IRIDP-2 dacope 247174031 0.20 8.38 M/S. Masum Traders 6.70 29/02/2016 05/01/2017 100 14/05/2019
50 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-62 (a)Improvement of Baraikhali sluicegate (South side) - Khona WDB Sluicegate via Khona Khatail H/S. road (Ch.0m-1387.50m) (b) Construction of 10 nos 0.625m x 0.60m Culvert at Ch:203m,307m, 376m, 526m, 594m, 680m, 819m, 994m, 1211m & 1367m on the same road. IRIDP-2 dacope 247175156 1.39 63.57 M/S. Masum Traders 63.34 16/06/2016 05/10/2017 100 14/05/2019
51 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-63 (a)Improvement of Batbunia GC - Mozamnagar Bazar via Tildanga UP Office road (ch.3101m-4101m) (b) Construction of 07 nos 0.625m x 0.60m Culvert at Ch:3115m,3184m, 3335m, 3604m,3836m,3924m&4151m on the same road IRIDP-2 dacope 247173003 1.00 68.49 M/S. Aki Enterprise 63.01 23/06/2016 19/03/2016 100 14/05/2019
52 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-64 Construction of 4.50mx3.0m Culvert on Tildanga Guchagram - Moshamari Club at ch. 386m near infront of Sarbajanin Kali Mondir. IRIDP-2 dacope 247174024 11.50 M/S. Aki Enterprise 9.67 22/08/2016 28/05/2017 100 14/05/2019
53 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-51 (a)Improvement of Kakrabunia N/H/O Latif Gazi - Gourkhali Polly Mongal GPS via Kakrabunia GPS Road.road (Ch:00-2488m)ID No.247174023(b) Construction of 12no 0.60m x 0.60m Culvert at Ch:150m,198m,273m,553m,744m,830m,882m,946m,1091m,1208m,1951m&2250m on the same road IRIDP-2 dacope 247174023 2.49 156.03 M/S. Jamila Traders 148.23 24/02/2019 02/01/2020 10 14/05/2019
54 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-20 (a) Improvement of Khatail CARE Pucca road–Khatail N/H/O Kali Mohalder road (CARE Bridge & Nurur Dokan–Kachabari (Laxmikhola Madrasha Bridge – Moukhali Sluice gate via Khatail Reg. Primary School & Moukhali GPS Road)(Ch: 1300m - 1500m) (b) Construction of 2nos 0.625mx0.90m Culvert at Ch: 1448m & 1662m on the same road. IRIDP-2 dacope 247174031 0.20 38.86 M/S. Masum Traders 67.09 29/02/2016 100 20/03/2019
55 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-142 Improvement of Ghshgati Primary School (Battala) - Saguria Khal Road (Ch: 00-800m)ID No.247404096 IRIDP-2 dighalia 247404096 0.80 27.12 MS. Ziaul Traders 28.40 10/09/2017 31/07/2018 100 20/05/2019
56 IRIDP-2/KLN/MW-164 Maintenance of Arua RHD Road-Kamargati road via Radhamadhappur. road (Ch: 00-1500m)ID No.247404039 IRIDP-2 dighalia 247404039 1.50 36.23 M/S. Sufia Enterprise 32.61 13/11/2017 28/01/2018 100 20/05/2019
57 IRIDP-2/KLN/MW-165 Maintenance of Chandanimahal ( Senhati)Vattacharja Bazar Ferryghat - Girls High School - Mallikpur Ferry Ghat road (Ch: 00-900m)ID No.247404132 IRIDP-2 dighalia 247404132 0.90 39.33 Md. Badruddaza Babu 36.22 19/11/2017 31/12/2018 100 20/05/2019
58 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-90 (a) Improvement of Senhati Kogoji Battala to Koler Pukur mor Via Mota Master Kobor sthan, Daroga Bari & Judge Bari road (Ch. 795m-998m)(b) Construction of 02 nos 0.625m x 0.60m Culvert at Ch:830m & 930m on the same road IRIDP-2 dighalia 247404020 0.20 12.01 M/S. Sufia Enterprise 11.16 24/12/2016 10/01/2018 100 19/05/2019
59 IRIDP-2/KLN/MW-91 (a) Maintenance of Pather Bazar GC -Bativita-Goldarpara Zame Mosque road (Ch. 1185m-1907m)(b) Construction of 04 nos 0.625m x 0.60m Culvert at Ch:1190m, 1632m,1726m & 1804m on the same road IRIDP-2 dighalia 247404045 0.72 32.36 M/S. Apu & Brothers 25.89 16/01/2017 11/06/2017 100 19/05/2019
60 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-92 Improvement of Senhati Jakaria Mosque - Senhati Rezar Mor road (Ch. 255-482m) IRIDP-2 dighalia 247404064 0.23 30.12 M/S. Apu & Brothers 23.99 16/01/2017 09/09/2017 100 19/05/2019
61 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-93 (a)Improvement of Senhati Star 1 No. Gate bazar - Vottacharja Bazar Ferry Ghat Road Via Proshanta Datta house, PDB Big Power Station, Towain Mill, Post Office road (Ch. 00-325m)(b) Construction of 01 nos 0.625m x 0.60m Culvert at Ch:131m, 01nos 0.675m x0.75m at ch.290m &05 nos 200mm dia pipe culvert at ch. 05m, 109m ,153m,235m & 280 m on the same road IRIDP-2 dighalia 247404078 0.33 56.38 M/S. Amin & Co. 44.73 16/01/2017 20/10/2017 100 19/05/2019
62 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-141 Improvement of Senhati Kundupara Road : Kagoji Battala Kundupara H/O Shamol Kundu-Putimari Ashraf Sardars via Mota Master Kobar Sthan, Munshi Wazedur Rahman road (Ch: 00-858m)ID No.247404076 IRIDP-2 dighalia 247404076 0.86 30.57 MS. Ziaul Traders 32.00 10/09/2017 20/05/2018 100 19/05/2019
63 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-24 (a) Improvement of Senhati Kagozibattala - Kalerpukur More Road via Mota Master Kaborsthan, Daroga Bari & Judge Bari Road (Ch: 00m – 0795m) (b) Construction of 4 nos 0.625m x 0.600m U-Type Drain Culvert at Ch: 58m, 156m, 296m & 445m on the same road IRIDP-2 dighalia 247404020 0.80 47.89 M/S. Rainbow Enterprise 42.68 29/02/2016 03/04/2017 100 16/05/2019
64 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-25 (a) Improvement of Gazirhat-Terokhada via Slimpur –Jangusia Road (Ch: 960m–1321m) (b) Construction of 2 nos 0.625m x 0.600m U-Type Drain Culvert at Ch: 1121m & 1170m on the same road IRIDP-2 dighalia 247403009 0.36 24.34 M/S. New Bismillah Brick Co 20.57 29/01/2016 19/06/2017 100 16/05/2019
65 IRIDP-2/KLN/MW-37 Maintenance of Pather Bazar GC-Bativita- Goldarpara Zame Mosque road (Ch: 209m - 1185m) IRIDP-2 dighalia 247404045 0.98 25.59 M/S. Sufia Enterprise 21.72 27/04/2016 09/04/2017 100 16/05/2019
66 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-39 Improvement of Digholia Shahid Mannan lane (RDN Jora culvert more – Shanaz Jute mill) Road(Ch.00m - 115m) IRIDP-2 dighalia 247405035 0.12 18.84 M/S. Amirun Enterprise 17.16 22/05/2016 07/08/2016 100 16/05/2019
67 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-40 Improvement of Senhati Biddabagish para H/O Khan Akber – H/O A Jalil (Taleb Daroga House – Aslam Biswas house) Road(Ch.00m - 100m) IRIDP-2 dighalia 247405011 0.10 9.89 M/S. Amirun Enterprise 9.50 22/05/2016 13/02/2017 100 16/05/2019
68 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-41 Improvement of Senhati Surma bazar – Chiristan para ( Senhati Jakaria Madrasa – Senhati chirisran para Rezar More) Road(Ch.00m - 254m) IRIDP-2 dighalia 247404013 0.25 25.18 M/S. Amirun Enterprise 22.60 19/05/2016 07/08/2016 100 16/05/2019
69 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-84 (a)Improvement of Banda-Dhanibunia Road(Ch. 00-1500m) (b) Construction of 01 nos 0.625m x 0.60m Culvert at Ch: 155m on the same road IRIDP-2 dumuria 247304028 1.50 95.20 Sahid Enterprise (Pvt.) Ltd. 84.48 22/08/2016 30/06/2019 75 21/05/2019
70 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-150 (a)Improvement of Sharafpur UP Office (Baniakhali GC) -Sharafpur hat via Vulbaria road (Ch: 00-927m)ID No.247303021(b) Construction of 01no 3.0m x 2.30m Culvert at Ch:800m on the same road IRIDP-2 dumuria 247303021 0.93 60.56 Md. Badruddaza Babu 56.62 27/09/2017 10/05/2019 50 21/05/2019
71 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-152 (a)Improvement of Zelerdanga RHD- Kuloty - Bakultala bazar - Lata Kharmarbari NHW road (Ch: 6000m-8000m)ID No.247304032(b) Construction of 08 no 0.625m x 0.60m Culvert at Ch:6410m,6520m, 6640m, 6775m,6834m,7005m,7305m &7940m on the same road IRIDP-2 dumuria 247304032 2.00 124.91 M/S. Tutul & Co. 130.16 25/04/2018 05/05/2019 25 21/05/2019
72 IRIDP-2/KLN/MW-190 Maintenance of Borodanga ( Zelerdanga) RHD- Kusorkhula Band oad. (Ch: 00-1430m) ID.NO.247304013 IRIDP-2 dumuria 247304013 1.43 71.09 M/S. Amanat Enterprise 67.54 27/02/2019 12/10/2019 5 21/05/2019
73 IRIDP-2/KLN/MW-191 (a)Maintenance of Modhugram-ZoardarBari Road. (Ch: 00-290m) ID.NO.247304012(b)Maintenance of Mandra-Namjad-Maynapur Road. (Ch: 00-1165m) ID.NO.247304016(c) Maintenance of Daulatpur-Sahpur UZR -Thukra Fakir Bari Road. (Ch: 00-268m) ID.NO.247305247 IRIDP-2 dumuria 247305247 1.72 40.10 Syed Ziaul Hoqus 35.10 27/02/2019 04/12/2019 35 21/05/2019
74 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-1 (a) Improvement of Dumuria –Thukra Bazar-RangpurUP Road (Ch: 9214m - 10240m). (b) Construction of 8 Nos U-Type Drain culvert at Ch: 9319m, 9343m, 9379m, 9423m, 9521m, 9759m, 9778m & 9844m on Dumuria-Thukra Bazar-Rangpur UP road. IRIDP-2 dumuria 247303014 1.03 68.44 M/S. Rainbow Enterprise 60.55 02/02/2016 26/12/2017 100 20/05/2019
75 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-3 (a) Improvement of Maguraghona UP Office (R&H) - Natun (Maguraghona & Aroshnagar) Bazar road (Ch: 1064m - 1964m) (b) Construction of 1no 0.375mx0.450m Culvert at Ch: 1522m on the same road. IRIDP-2 dumuria 247303001 0.94 51.84 M/S. Shuvo Enterprise 46.66 02/02/2016 26/03/2017 100 20/05/2019
76 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-27 (a) Improvement of Shahapur Gazi & Kundu Para road (Ch: 00m - 860m) (b) Construction of 1no 0.375mx0.450m Culvert at Ch: 1522m on the same road. IRIDP-2 dumuria 247305014 0.86 58.64 M/S. Rafique Enterprise 52.78 26/04/2016 07/08/2016 100 20/05/2019
77 IRIDP-2/KLN/MW-28 (a) Maintenance of Zelerdanga R&H-Lata Kharmarbari Road(Ch.8610m -10225m) (b) Construction of 02nos 0.625m x 0.600m Culvert at Ch:9605m & 9790m on the same road IRIDP-2 dumuria 247304032 1.62 43.82 Khan Shaheen 37.37 19/04/2016 30/12/2016 100 20/05/2019
78 IRIDP-2/KLN/MW-29 (a) Maintenace of Maltia R&H-South Maguraghona Road(Ch. 00-975m) (b) Construction of 01 no 0.625m x 0.600m Culvert at Ch: 975m on the same road IRIDP-2 dumuria 247304017 0.98 13.47 Khan Shaheen 11.49 21/04/2016 13/12/2016 100 20/05/2019
79 IRIDP-2/KLN/MW-30 (a) Maintenace of Chuknagar Petrol Pump-Baduria Bazar Road (Ch. 00-921m) (b) Construction of 01 no 0.625m x 0.600m Culvert at Ch: 694m on the same road IRIDP-2 dumuria 247304027 0.92 23.82 Khan Shaheen 20.12 19/04/2016 17/12/2016 100 20/05/2019
80 /KLN/DW-56 IRIDP-2 (a)Improvement of Kharnia UP Office (GC)-Sovna Westpara Bazar Road (Ch. 1855-2855m) (b) Construction of 03 nos 0.625m x 0.60m Culvert at Ch:1910m,2160m& 2262m on the same road. IRIDP-2 dumuria 247303015 1.00 61.50 M/S. Nasir Enterprise 55.29 18/05/2016 23/03/2017 100 20/05/2019
81 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-57 (a)Improvement of Chuknagar Eidgah(R&H)-Atlia UP-Chuknagar GC-Narnia(R&H) (Ch. 00-455m & Ch. 1900-2760m) & Link road 118.0m (b) Construction of 07 nos 0.625m x 0.60m Culvert at Ch:163m,211m, 261m, 324m,446m,2190m& 2750m on the same road IRIDP-2 dumuria 247303016 1.43 92.30 M/S. Roshni Enterprise 82.00 17/05/2016 19/04/2017 100 20/05/2019
82 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-58 Improvement of Dumuria (Chingra)-Sovna UP-Sovna westpara bazar (Telegati Ghat) Road(Ch.6560-7960m) (b) Construction of 02 nos 0.625m x 0.90m Culvert at Ch:7450m& 7815m on the same road IRIDP-2 dumuria 247303009 1.40 80.35 M/S. Apu & Brothers 69.23 18/05/2016 18/05/2017 100 20/05/2019
83 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-78 (a)Improvement of Khornia – Pachpota road (ch.1700m-3280m) (b) Construction of 02 nos 0.625m x 0.60m Culvert at Ch:2023m&3066m on the same road (c) Construction of 03 nos 0.375m x 0.45m Culvert at Ch:1845m,2133m & 2245m on the same road IRIDP-2 dumuria 247304005 1.58 97.79 M/S. Shajan Jamadar 85.47 27/08/2016 03/04/2018 100 20/05/2019
84 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-79 (a)Improvement of Dumuria Helth Complex – Bhadurpur – Gabtola Shorok Road(Ch.130m -1630m) (b) Construction of 01 nos 0.625m x 0.90m Culvert at Ch:1380m on the same road IRIDP-2 dumuria 247305150 1.50 88.77 Sahid Enterprise (Pvt.) Ltd. 78.78 17/10/2016 30/06/2018 100 20/05/2019
85 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-80 (a)Improvement of Golna-Hazidanga-Khalshi road (Ch. 00-1000m) (b) Construction of 05 nos 0.625m x 0.90m Culvert at Ch:175m,436m, 603m,720m & 998m on the same road IRIDP-2 dumuria 247304002 1.00 66.62 M/S. Shajan Jamadar 57.49 20/10/2016 28/10/2018 100 20/05/2019
86 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-81 Improvement of Hashanpur Bazar-Raghunathpur UP Office (Dakbangla) Road (Ch. 791-1591m) IRIDP-2 dumuria 247303012 0.80 47.41 M/s. Tutul & Co. 40.89 10/08/2016 13/05/2018 100 20/05/2019
87 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-82 (a)Improvement of Rajnogor – Jabra road (Ch. 00-1710m (b) Construction of 06 nos 0.625m x 0.60m Culvert at Ch:260m,457m, 673m, 850m,1048m & 1246m on the same road IRIDP-2 dumuria 247305096 1.71 102.13 Md. Matin Jamadar 88.21 31/08/2016 15/05/2018 100 20/05/2019
88 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-83 Construction of 2x 4.50mx5.00m Culvert on Gutudia UP Office-Kanchannagar bazar via Bhandarpara Road at ch.11300m) IRIDP-2 dumuria 247303008 26.96 Yakub Corporation 22.91 23/08/2016 20/07/2017 100 20/05/2019
89 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-151 (a)Improvement of Moikhali UZR(Fotik Shop) - Banda Bazar (High School,) road (Ch: 00m-719m & 726m-1600m)ID No.2473404009(b) Construction of 01no 0.625m x 0.60m Culvert at Ch:1435m on the same road IRIDP-2 dumuria 247304009 1.59 88.58 MS. Ziaul Traders 79.72 27/09/2017 08/04/2019 100 20/05/2019
90 IRIDP-2/KLN/MW-173 (a)Maintenance of Sahapur Girls pry. School road (Ch: 00-973m)ID No.247305015(b) Construction of 01no 0.375m x 0.45m Culvert at Ch:235m on the same road IRIDP-2 dumuria 247305015 0.97 19.16 Abdur Zabbar Sheikh 18.99 13/12/2017 23/10/2018 100 20/05/2019
91 IRIDP-2/KLN/MW-174 (a)Maintenance of Daulatpur-Shapur UZR Gazibari-Thukra Bazar road(Ch. 00-1200m)ID No.247304033(b) Construction of 01no 0.625m x 0.60m Culvert at Ch:463m on the same road IRIDP-2 dumuria 247304033 1.20 20.84 Abdur Zabbar Sheikh 20.80 13/12/2017 20/10/2018 100 20/05/2019
92 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-2 (a) Improvement of Gutudia UP Office-Kanchannagar bazar via Bhandarpara UP Office road (Ch: 5600m - 7900m) (b) Construction of 5 nos 0.625mx0.60m Culvert at Ch: 6492m, 6563m, 7090m, 7220m & 7448m on the same road. (c) Construction of 3 nos 0.375mx0.450m Culvert at Ch: 5730m, 6280m & 6938m on the same road. IRIDP-2 dumuria 247303008 2.30 137.84 M/S. Amanat Enterprise 116.06 10/10/2016 09/04/2019 100 20/05/2019
93 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-77 (a)Improvement of Zelerdanga R&H-Lata Kharmarbari Road(Ch.5500m -6000m) (b) Construction of 01 nos 0.625m x 0.60m Culvert at Ch:5505m on the same road (c) Construction of 02 nos 0.375m x 0.45m Culvert at Ch:5867m & 5992m on the same road IRIDP-2 dumuria 247304032 0.50 31.55 M/s. Tutul & Co. 28.71 18/08/2016 11/04/2019 100 20/05/2019
94 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-85 Construction of 02 nos 4.50mx4.50m Culvert on Zelerdanga R&H-Lata Kharmarbari Road at ch.1450m& 3806m. IRIDP-2 dumuria 247304032 32.96 M/S. M.I. Trading & Co. 26.40 31/08/2016 30/05/2018 100 20/05/2019
95 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-97 Improvement of Koyra Police station -Dewlier hat road (ch.00m – 576m) IRIDP-2 koira 247534016 0.58 26.00 M/S. Shuvo Enterprise 24.23 24/01/2017 20/11/2017 100 22/05/2019
96 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-98 Improvement of R&H Bailaharania-berer khal UZR (ch.150m – 700m) IRIDP-2 koira 247534044 0.55 15.69 M/S. Zaman Enterprise 15.22 29/01/2017 01/01/2017 100 22/05/2019
97 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-99 Improvement of Arjunpur FRB-Lalua Launch ghat raod (ch.4500m – 5185m) IRIDP-2 koira 247534045 0.69 20.06 M/S. Ashraf Traders 17.54 16/01/2017 16/05/2017 100 22/05/2019
98 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-100 Improvement of Hayatkhali GC-Motbari police camp road (ch.1950m – 2630m) IRIDP-2 koira 247534068 0.68 18.70 M/S. Zaman Enterprise 18.51 16/01/2017 28/05/2017 100 22/05/2019
99 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-101 Improvement of Kacharibari Bazar – Boro bari bazar road (ch.00m – 1200m) IRIDP-2 koira 247534072 1.20 65.61 M/S. Zaman Enterprise 63.64 16/01/2017 27/12/2018 100 22/05/2019
100 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-155 Improvement of Uttar Chowkuni-Purbo Chowkoni Regd. Pry. School road (Ch: 00m-715m)ID No.247534005 IRIDP-2 koira 247534005 0.72 22.79 M/S. Agroni Construction 21.62 19/09/2017 22/03/2018 100 22/05/2019
101 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-156 Improvement of R & H Bailaharania-Bererkhal UZR road (Ch: 00m-150m,700m-1200m & 2000m-2235m )ID No.247534044 IRIDP-2 koira 247534044 0.89 23.58 M/S. Agroni Construction 22.37 19/09/2017 22/03/2018 100 22/05/2019
102 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-157 (a)Improvement of R & H Islampur-UZR Narayanpur Launch Ghat road (Ch: 00m-500m )ID No.247534055(b) Construction of 01no 0.625m x 0.60m Culvert at Ch:18m on the same road IRIDP-2 koira 247534055 0.50 28.51 M/S. Shuvo Enterprise 27.60 28/09/2017 29/05/2018 100 22/05/2019
103 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-158 Improvement of Kapotakhi High School-Binapanighat road (Ch: 1500m-2050m )ID No.247534056 IRIDP-2 koira 247534056 0.55 15.88 M/S. Agroni Construction 15.15 19/09/2017 03/04/2018 100 22/05/2019
104 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-159 Improvement of Hayatkhali GC-Motbari Police Camp road (Ch: 2630m-3318m )ID No.247534068 IRIDP-2 koira 247534068 0.69 18.88 M/S. Agroni Construction 17.52 19/09/2017 22/03/2018 100 22/05/2019
105 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-160 Improvement of Dewliarhat CARE Bridge-Shakbaria Bridge road (Ch: 3330m-4248m )ID No.247534053 IRIDP-2 koira 247534053 0.92 29.25 M/S. Agroni Construction 27.76 19/09/2017 15/05/2018 100 22/05/2019
106 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-161 Improvement of 2 no. koyra R&H (Master sumsur rahaman road)-2 no koyra GPS road (Ch: 00m-500m )ID No.247535160 IRIDP-2 koira 247535160 0.50 16.17 Abul Kalam Azad 15.74 30/10/2017 10/08/2018 100 22/05/2019
107 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-35 (a) Improvement of Hadda kalir khal-Hogla sluice gate Road(Ch. 1020m-2520m) (b) Construction of 03 nos 0.625m x 0.600m Culvert at Ch:1470m,1650m& 2190m on the same road IRIDP-2 koira 247535020 1.50 55.76 M. M Julfiqur Ali 52.97 26/02/2019 06/10/2019 92 22/05/2019
108 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-153 Improvement of Gilabari GC (Vandarpole)-Goraikhali GC (Koyra Portion) road (Ch: 1013-1513m)ID No.247532008 IRIDP-2 koira 247532008 0.50 37.72 MS. Ziaul Traders 39.57 19/11/2017 30/05/2019 30 22/05/2019
109 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-154 Improvement of Koyra UP-4 No Koyra Bazar road (Ch:2390m-2890m)ID No.247533001 IRIDP-2 koira 247533001 0.50 30.17 MS. Ziaul Traders 31.65 19/11/2017 30/05/2019 30 22/05/2019
110 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-11 Improvement of Kopatakki High School-Binapani Gate (Kopatakhi) High School-Binapani Gate) Road (Ch: 00m – 966m) IRIDP-2 koira 247534056 0.97 27.33 M/S. Agrani Construction 23.71 31/01/2016 10/12/2016 100 21/05/2019
111 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-12 Improvement of Koyra Dakbangla R&H Road (Ch: 00m – 480m) IRIDP-2 koira 247534019 0.48 26.22 M/S. Agrani Construction 22.68 31/01/2016 30/11/2017 100 21/05/2019
112 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-13 Improvement of Hayetkhali GC - Mothbari Police Camp Road (Ch: 00m–800m) IRIDP-2 koira 247534068 0.80 24.13 M/S. Khan International 19.74 29/02/2016 10/01/2017 100 21/05/2019
113 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-14 Improvement of Hadda Primary School-Hogla Khaler Gora Road (Ch: 1800m – 2600m) IRIDP-2 koira 247535065 0.80 21.64 M/S. Ashraf Traders 18.82 29/02/2016 05/02/2017 100 21/05/2019
114 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-15 Improvement of Bamia R&H-Malikhali-Narayanpur Ghat (Bamia R&H-Baskhali-Malikhali-Boga Bazar-Narayanpur) Road (Ch: 7533m – 8243m) IRIDP-2 koira 247532011 0.71 24.12 M/S. Agrani Construction 21.49 29/02/2016 27/01/2017 100 21/05/2019
115 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-16 Improvement of Aurjun FRB-Lalua Lunch Ghat Road (Ch: 3700m – 4500m) IRIDP-2 koira 247534045 0.80 23.30 M/S. Ashraf Traders 20.11 29/02/2016 20/06/2016 100 21/05/2019
116 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-17 Improvement of R&H-Bailaharania-Berer Khal UZR Road (Ch: 1200m – 2000m) IRIDP-2 koira 247534044 0.80 21.63 M/S. Agrani Construction 19.35 28/03/2016 21/05/2017 100 21/05/2019
117 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-18 Improvement of Jaigirmohal Bazar-Gilabari GC-Baniakhali Bazar Road (Ch: 4315m – 4663m) IRIDP-2 koira 247532010 0.35 25.68 M/S. Agrani Construction 22.79 28/03/2016 23/12/2017 100 21/05/2019
118 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-36 Improvement of Hadda - Bedkashi Road (Ch. 00m -1280mm) IRIDP-2 koira 247535018 1.28 36.26 M/S. Zaman Enterprise 32.52 26/09/2016 25/05/2017 100 21/05/2019
119 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-59 Improvement of Kapatakkhi High school - Binapani gate road (Ch.966m-1500m) IRIDP-2 koira 247534056 0.53 14.45 Md. Asgar Ali Khan 13.28 19/05/2016 13/01/2017 100 21/05/2019
120 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-60 Improvement of Hayatkhali GC-Motbari police camp road (ch.800m-1950m) IRIDP-2 koira 247534068 1.15 34.56 Md. Asgar Ali Khan 30.73 22/05/2016 20/05/2017 100 21/05/2019
121 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-61 Improvement of Gilabari GC-(Vanderpol)-Garikhali GC road (koyra Part) Road(Ch.00m -1013m) IRIDP-2 koira 247532008 1.01 72.54 M/S. Nasir Enterprise 65.58 18/05/2016 22/12/2017 100 21/05/2019
122 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-94 Improvement of Jaigir mohal bazar-Gilabari GC-Baniakhali bazar road ( Ch. 1385m -2065m) IRIDP-2 koira 247532010 0.68 50.92 M/S. Ashraf Traders 44.48 16/01/2017 19/03/2019 100 21/05/2019
123 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-95 Improvement of Bamia R&H -Banshkhali-Malikhali-Boga bazar-Narayanpur ghat road (ch. 8243m – 8743m) IRIDP-2 koira 247532011 0.50 15.05 M/S. Zaman Enterprise 14.90 29/01/2017 09/04/2017 100 21/05/2019
124 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-96 Improvement of Kalikapur CARE Road - Nayani Ghat road (ch.00m – 812m) IRIDP-2 koira 247534010 0.81 23.76 Md. Foyez Shikder 23.66 16/01/2017 15/03/2018 100 21/05/2019
125 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-121 Improvement of Noai – Darunmollik road (Ch: 00-1000m)ID No.247644068 IRIDP-2 paikgacha 247644068 1.00 31.18 M/S. Zaman Enterprise 31.18 03/07/2017 15/05/2018 100 22/05/2019
126 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-122 Improvement of Charabottala R&H – Motbati towards Haria Bridge(Charabottala R&H - Rafi Gazi house) road (Ch: 00-850m) ID No.247644070 IRIDP-2 paikgacha 247644070 0.85 44.95 M/S. Zaman Enterprise 44.95 03/07/2017 15/11/2018 100 22/05/2019
127 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-123 Improvement of Deluty - jirbunia bazer (Deluty kheyaghat - Darunmollik kheyaghat via jirbunia bazer) road (Ch:00-1550m)ID No.247644075 IRIDP-2 paikgacha 247644075 1.55 48.48 MS. Ziaul Traders 50.39 03/07/2017 10/06/2018 100 22/05/2019
128 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-125 Improvement of Lata UP Office ( Katamari bazer) - Soladana bazer via Lotar hat road (Ch:00-1000m)ID No.247643009 IRIDP-2 paikgacha 247643009 1.00 30.95 M/S. Zaman Enterprise 30.95 03/07/2017 30/06/2018 100 22/05/2019
129 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-126 Improvement of Fulbari Bazar-Deluty U.P Office-Darunmallik-Soladana bazar. road (Ch:720-1445m)ID No.247643008 IRIDP-2 paikgacha 247643008 0.73 22.49 M/S. Zaman Enterprise 22.49 03/07/2017 28/02/2018 100 22/05/2019
130 IRIDP-2/KLN/MW-162 Maintenance of Paikgacha Motor cycle stand (Village paikgacha) to Paikgacha Dakhinpara Madrasha house of Bakkar Gazi road (Ch: 00-1980m)ID No.247645037 IRIDP-2 paikgacha 247645037 1.98 37.95 Abul Kalam Azad 35.73 03/10/2017 10/10/2018 100 22/05/2019
131 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-119 Improvement of Notunhat – Deluti Akbor Kheaghat (Gadaipur UP Office) Andermanik Bazar Via Rashid Mia Kheya Ghat road (Ch: 3144-5300m)ID No.247643007 IRIDP-2 paikgacha 247643007 2.16 66.05 MS. Ziaul Traders 64.71 03/07/2017 28/03/2019 100 22/05/2019
132 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-120 Improvement of Badamtola – Naba- Taltola (Ramnathpur-Taltala )Road (Ch: 2850m-3240m,3850m-3920m,5330m-5950m&6400m-6930m)ID No.247644001 IRIDP-2 paikgacha 247644001 1.61 49.97 MS. Ziaul Traders 51.95 03/07/2017 30/05/2018 100 22/05/2019
133 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-127 (a)Improvement of Nikaripara Rejakpur via sk para Kopilmuni hospital more - Nashirpur Jama Mosque. road (Ch:00-2350m)ID No.247644062(b) Construction of 02 no 0.625m x 0.60m Culvert at Ch:1815m&2165m on the same road IRIDP-2 paikgacha 247644062 2.35 125.16 MS. Ziaul Traders 122.60 03/07/2017 03/04/2019 100 22/05/2019
134 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-167 Improvement of Godaipur Bazar R&H-Tokia Golabati GPS road (Ch: 647-1047m)ID No.247645118 IRIDP-2 paikgacha 247645118 0.40 22.92 MS. Ziaul Traders 24.05 19/11/2017 02/04/2019 100 22/05/2019
135 IRIDP-2/KLN/SDW-168 (a)Improvement of R & H house of Sufia Member house - Gourango khali culvert via house of Shiraj Tawali (Godaipur more – Rajob Ali house – Tokia Hider master house) road (Ch: 00-1000m)ID No.247645028 & mosqe, Graveyeard Link road 250.00m(b) Construction of 01no 0.625m x 0.60m Culvert at Ch:360m on the same road. IRIDP-2 paikgacha 247645028 1.25 70.11 MS. Ziaul Traders 73.57 19/11/2017 02/04/2019 100 22/05/2019
136 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-124 Improvement of Puraikati Sholeman sarder house (mor) – BC road via purakati mosque (Gopalpur R&H-Puraikati Pervin Members House ) road (Ch:00-1080m)ID No.247645122 IRIDP-2 paikgacha 247645122 1.08 57.96 M/S. Zaman Enterprise 56.63 03/07/2017 14/08/2018 15 22/05/2019
137 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-169 Development of Godaipur Bazar IRIDP-2 paikgacha 48.72 M/S. Faisal Traders 43.84 19/11/2017 31/03/2019 50 22/05/2019
138 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-170 Development of New Malongi Bazar (Natun Bazar) IRIDP-2 paikgacha 63.77 M/S. Faisal Traders 57.39 19/11/2017 15/06/2019 60 22/05/2019
139 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-185 Improvement of R & H Road Maniktola bazer - R & H road via Gopalpur RNGPS road (Ch: 00m-983m&1090m-1400m)ID No.247645024 IRIDP-2 paikgacha 247645024 1.29 81.12 M/S. Tutul & Co. 84.37 19/09/2018 02/08/2019 33 22/05/2019
140 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-186 Improvement of R & H Gopalpur village - Maniktola bazer via Wazed Dafader houseroad (Ch: 00m-662m)ID No.247645025 IRIDP-2 paikgacha 247645025 0.66 39.80 M/S. Tutul & Co. 41.39 19/09/2018 26/06/2019 25 22/05/2019
141 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-187 (a)Improvement of Puraikat GPS - Wapda road (Ch:600-1800m)ID No.247645137(b) Construction of 03no 0.625m x 0.60m Culvert at ch.825m,1100m,1380m on the same road(c) Construction of 01no 1.0m x 1.00m Culvert at Ch:1780m on the same road IRIDP-2 paikgacha 247645137 1.20 76.12 M/S. Tutul & Co. 79.17 19/09/2018 02/08/2019 15 22/05/2019
142 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-5 Improvement of Mamudkhati R&H (Collage more)- Balia hat via Akamganj Bazar Road (Ch: 2530m – 3750m) IRIDP-2 paikgacha 247642010 1.22 38.78 Md. Foyez Sikder 32.57 31/01/2016 18/05/2016 100 21/05/2019
143 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-6 Improvement of Fulbari Bazar-Deluti UP Office Darunmollik –Soladana Bazar Road (Ch: 3857m – 6557m) IRIDP-2 paikgacha 247643008 2.70 84.80 Md. Asgar Ali Khan 68.11 02/02/2016 03/07/2016 100 21/05/2019
144 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-7 Improvement of Shanta Bazar-Kathaltola Bridge via Bainbaria High School & Police camp Road (Ch: 4200m – 4995m) IRIDP-2 paikgacha 247644044 0.80 24.96 Jahangir Kabir Biswas 20.97 02/02/2016 17/07/2017 100 21/05/2019
145 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-8 Improvement of Moukhali R&H-Dakkhin Gorerabad (Chowmohoni Bazar) Road (Ch: 1700m – 2814m) IRIDP-2 paikgacha 247644066 1.11 34.98 Jahangir Kabir Biswas 28.34 02/02/2016 14/04/2016 100 21/05/2019
146 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-9 Improvement of Khoria vorenga Ghat- Khoria Dr. Sukumar’s house Road (Ch: 2987m – 3987m) IRIDP-2 paikgacha 247645036 1.00 34.38 Md. Asgar Ali Khan 30.42 02/02/2016 02/07/2016 100 21/05/2019
147 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-10 Improvement of Gongrokkhi Mojumder Khal-Subroto Kr. Mondol’s house Road (Ch: 000m – 606m) IRIDP-2 paikgacha 247644045 0.61 24.99 Md. Badruddaza Babu 21.50 02/02/2016 16/02/2017 100 21/05/2019
148 IRIDP-2/KLN/MW-33 Maintenance of Paikgacha GC-Baintala Bazar-Bogularchack Bazar-Surikhali Bazar-Gilabari GC(Paikgacha portion)road (Ch: 3100m - 5600m) IRIDP-2 paikgacha 247642012 2.50 57.06 SK. Ali Asgar 48.48 30/06/2016 20/06/2018 100 21/05/2019
149 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-34 (a) Improvement of Garaikhali Kumkhali BB Road(Ch.1370m -4550m) (b) Construction of 01no 1.0m x 1.0m Culvert at Ch:2362m on the same road IRIDP-2 paikgacha 247644013 3.18 50.44 Md. Foyez Shikder 46.91 04/08/2016 15/03/2017 100 21/05/2019
150 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-88 (a) Improvement of Kopilmuni GC – Samukpota Bazar – Katamari Bazar- Jamtala baza Baroria GC road (Ch.13200m - 14200m & 14310m – 15130m) (b) Construction of 04nos 0.625m x 0.60m Culvert at Ch:13470m,13780m,14500m & 15130 on the same road IRIDP-2 paikgacha 247642006 1.82 66.74 M/s. Zaman Enterprise 63.14 22/08/2016 30/12/2017 100 21/05/2019
151 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-89 (a) Improvement of Mahmudkati College more( Goldanga)-Akamgong Bazar via Horidhali U.P Office. road (ch.1910m-2810m) (b) Construction of 02 nos 0.625m x 0.60m Culvert at Ch:2095m & 2190m on the same road. IRIDP-2 paikgacha 247643005 0.90 35.72 Md. Foyez Shikder 34.56 28/08/2016 26/12/2017 100 21/05/2019
152 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-133 (a)Improvement of Bejerdanga rail station Dhakuria primary school - Bejerdanga school road (Ch: 00-2140m)ID No.247694118(b) Construction of 02 no 0.625m x 0.60m Culvert at Ch:504m&930m on the same road IRIDP-2 phultala 247694118 2.14 120.13 M/S. The Mother & Sons 115.20 31/07/2017 31/03/2019 50 21/05/2019
153 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-134 (a)Improvement of Dhakuria Moralpara Amin Uddin house – Begunbaria Moaharraaf Gazi House road (Ch: 00-470m)ID No.247695179(b) Construction of 01no 0.625m x 0.60m Culvert at Ch:155m on the same road. IRIDP-2 phultala 247695179 0.47 25.18 M/S. The Mother & Sons 25.12 31/07/2017 30/04/2019 70 21/05/2019
154 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-136 Improvement of Daukena Gazi bari-Adirkhall Bridge road (Ch: 00-2580m)ID No.247694052 IRIDP-2 phultala 247694052 2.58 39.15 M/S. The Mother & Sons 39.10 31/07/2017 30/04/2019 70 21/05/2019
155 IRIDP-2/KLN/DW-32 Improvement of Dakhindihi Robindranath House Road Road (Ch. 00-1410m) IRIDP-2 phultala 247694017 1.41 19.93 M/S. Zaman Enterprise 18.48 26/09/2016 30/05/2017 100 20/05/2019