
Multipurpose Disaster Shelter Project (MDSP) (MDSP)


MDSP consists of the following Component-A:

Sub Component A1: Construction of new disaster shelters (173519 Lakh ): The project has been financing the construction of  556 nos  new disaster shelters in 9 (Nine) project districts which would be  increased protection for the vulnerable populations and livestock’s in the cyclone prone areas during future disasters.  Each shelter can accommodate 1300 to 1500 people, 200 to 300 cattle and included separate rooms for men, women and pregnant women, as well as separate toilet facilities for women and men, rainwater harvesting system and solar panel system presence here.


Sub Component A2: Improvement/Rehabilitation of existing disaster shelters: (31590 Lakh) The project has been financing improvement/rehabilitation of 450 nos existing disaster shelters in 9 (Nine) districts. MDSP is to support Government of Bangladesh efforts to facilitate recovery from the damage to livelihoods and infrastructure cased by disaster and other natural calamities and to build long-term preparedness through strengthened disaster risk management.

 Sub Component A3: Construction/Re-construction of road, bridge and culverts (55770 Lakh): The project has been financing construction/ re-construction of 550 km road and 500m bridge and culverts rehabilitation and periodic maintenance in 9 (Nine) districts. Better road will help in rapid movement of the people to reach nearest shelter during disaster.

At a Glance
Short Title: MDSP
Ministry: LGRD
Executing Agency: LGED
Approval Ref: (part-01) 1488 Date: 12/03/2015
Project Code: 5-3731-5131
Sector: Rural
Status: Ongoing Investment Project
Funded By: GOB, WB.
Budget: 308876 Lakh
Start Date: Jan-2015
Completion Date: Jun-2025
Name of PD: Javed Karim