
Construction of Large Bridges on Upazila and Union Roads Project. (LBC)

PD Field Visit

SlNo Start Date End Date Visit Place Details
1 20/01/2021 24/01/2021 Natore(20/01/21),Rajshahi & Bogra (21/01/2021), Rangpur/Lalmonirhat (22/01/2021),Nilphamari(23/01/2021), Shirajganj (24/01/2021) Details
2 10/12/2020 28/12/2020 Shirajganj(10/12/2020),Gopalganj(12/12/20 & 13/12/20), bManikganj(19/12/20),Chattagram(26/12/20),Bandarban (27/12/20), Feni(28/12/20). Details
At a Glance
Short Title: LBC
Ministry: LGRD
Executing Agency: LGED
Approval Ref: এলজি/পরি-১/এলজিইডি-০৮/০৯/২৬১ তারিখঃ ১৭/০৫/২০১০ খ্রীঃ
Project Code: 224052400
Sector: Rural
Status: Completed Investment Project
Funded By: GOB.
Budget: 228765.12 Lac
Start Date: Feb-2010
Completion Date: Jun-2023
Name of PD: Kazi Golam Mustafa